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Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.


What do we think about pre-recorded stuff, or I guess video dump kind of things.

I recorded something like half a year ago just for fun and I kind of want to post it but it's completely done and basically just needs to be put on YouTube. I know the sub-forum doesn't like dumps but what about here.

What I'd say is if you just dump an entire LP in here at once it's really unlikely that anyone's going to watch any of it. If you mean posting videos a day or so apart though then I can't see anyone having a problem, a lot of people record day 1 LPs around the subforum as a whole then post them when the 3 month rule expires.


Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

I've wanted to do something for this thread for a while so let's get tactical.

01 - The Happiest War

njsykora fucked around with this message at 02:13 on Jun 18, 2014

Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

Hammurabi posted:

The bank level is in Switzerland, not Hungary. They said so in the cutscene before the level. The game is total garbage in every way but that is no excuse to ignore cutscenes and then complain about issues that were addressed in them :colbert:

The game is dumb and deserves none of the attention its getting.

Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

Neruz posted:

Persona is an odd series, Persona 4 is a bit odd even by the standards of the Persona series. There's an anime of it going on atm that doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind if it wants to be a murder mystery, a supernatural action thriller or a slice of life romance story so its decided to do all three at the same time.

There are 2 Persona 4 animes, one from last year doing the major story stuff and the P4 Golden series which is basically supplementary to cover the additional content in the Vita version of the game.

Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

Slipslide Ride is such a bullshit boring level. The rest of that world isn't too bad though.

Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

gregory posted:

I don't think this string of LPs would be nearly as entertaining if they were anything but a train wreck of screwups, technical difficulties and gameplay mishaps alike. (I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not)

Its the authentic Donkey Kong Country experience. Failure and regret.


Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

With regards to why isn't King K.Rool still a thing, I'm pretty sure he's a Rare owned character and therefore owned by Microsoft now.

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