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Jun 4, 2012

anilEhilated posted:

That... kind of reinforces the question by looking so goddamn painful and will-draining. What's the loving point?

The original Kaizo was pretty novel and fairly creative. It just happened to spawn a legion of bad copies and sequels that were garbage. There are some inspired by it that are at least decent; the Vip series comes to mind, though they're considerably less bullshit usually.

Genocyber fucked around with this message at 23:17 on Apr 14, 2014


Jun 4, 2012

Artix posted:

And yes, it has always been a glorified time waster since you can re-roll by just going in and out of the menu, I don't know why they didn't bother just letting you do it earlier.

Given many other of the design decisions in the series, it's pretty clearly because Atlus hates you.

Jun 4, 2012

gregory posted:

I just noticed something about Sonic 06--the game tries to go for these more realistic settings and does away with a lot of the vibrant colors of the old games, but (especially noticeable in Crisis City) they kept the same big bright red buttons with yellow stars just sitting around in this otherwise burned and charred out city, and it really doesn't work.

It's kind of a crapshoot anyway since you're always going to be playing as brightly colored manimals.

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