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Jun 5, 2012

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I got drunk enough to think that an LP of Jungle Strike was a good idea, and I got Grace to watch and tell me how terrible I'm doing at it.

Let's Play Jungle Strike 1 - Washingman GC

Grace is a bit loud this episode, I fixed it for the next few episodes we recorded.


Jun 5, 2012

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FinalGamer posted:

HOLY gently caress YES I LOVE THIS GAME :woop: :mensch:

AND IT'S THE SNES VERSION!!! :bubblewoop: :bubblewoop:

:hfive: The Strike series is the poo poo, and Jungle is my personal favourite. On that note:

Let's Play Jungle Strike 2 - Nuclear Tedium

Jun 5, 2012

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azren posted:

At least on the Genesis version, you could blow up a section of bridge and gently scoot between the pillars, so you could use the chopper for the whole level.

I totally looked up to make sure you couldn't do it in the SNES because that would kick rear end, and while looking I found this:

"Do not run over any sharks in the hovercraft, because you take 255 damage from the exploding shark."

In case anyone thought this wasn't the best game ever made :c00lbert:

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 3 - Endless Parade of Success

:siren:Bonus Time! Bonus Time! Bonus Time! :siren:

Jungle Strike has a pretty drat impressive intro given that it's a SNES game. This goes to explain Kilbaba and Ortega's intentions and what they have planned, as well as setting up the first level of the game. I didn't include it in my first video since frankly I was itching to play, and also I totally forgot.

Now Jungle Strike has a little known PC port. It's little known because it's absolute garbage, but this was right around the time when FMV games were all the rage. Naturally they decided gently caress YEAH LET'S GET IN ON THE FMV GRAVY TRAIN BABY!

Obviously it was a complete success.

Now FMV games are rarely considered the height of film effort, but holy poo poo, how do you go from

"A Drug Lord and a Vengeful Tyrant teaming up against the forces of good"


"Bill and Ted's Bogus Terror Plot"

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 4 - Sheridan poo poo-Pit

This is the last episode for a bit, we recorded all the episodes one after another a few nights ago. We'll record more next time I get some time off work.

Jun 5, 2012

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FinalGamer posted:

I can't wait to see more of these, though Grace befuddles me in the most oddest of ways. Not as a bad thing but I definitely enjoy the camaraderie of sass between the two of you...especially that anti-tank talk, I was cracking up.

Grace slings sass like it's an olympic sport. Grace also loves playing the "ignorant american" stereotype (like jokingly referring to the vaguely-south-american people we're fighting as "Mexicans") knowing that it irritates me. Our lives are built mostly on constant and escalating attempts to annoy and sass the other person. Case in point, now Grace is all worried about what befuddled you, I said it was the blatant and offensive tank disrespect :colbert: You should have seen what that jerk would say to me when I was still playing World of Tanks

Also holy crap there's been a ton of updates over the last few days, I'm going to have a major backlog of videos to watch once my work week is done :stare:

Jun 5, 2012

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Hey everyone. This weekend I'm going to be doing a stream of Jurassic Park for SNES, and I'm looking for co-commentators. A number of them. I want to see what kind of train wreck I can create by just dumping a ton of people into a skype call while watching me drunk off my rear end bumbling around trying to solve puzzles with dinosaurs. We're going to see how far we can stretch the :justpost: rule.

If you think you might want in on this, send me a contact request on Skype (Skype name is also Danaru) and I'll add you to the group chat once I create it. Game time will likely be Saturday at 10:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-3), but we might start earlier depending on the general sentiment of the group.

As long as your microphone setup doesn't echo, you're welcome to join. Let's run this poo poo into the ground :v:

Danaru fucked around with this message at 10:48 on May 1, 2014

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 5 - K-Pop Chat

Alternate Title: GRACE NEVER STOPS loving SINGING

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 6 - POW Delivery Service

Also HOLY SWEET MERCIFUL gently caress do we have something in the works. It's uploading now but I'll post it in the morning.

Jun 5, 2012

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"Author's note: This story takes place between 'Other M' and Metroid Fusion."

Jurassic Park was a movie released in 1993 where a man named Alan Grant obsessively collected high explosives and ran around murdering dinosaurs while everyone else constantly blocks his vision by informing him of threats he's getting killed by. It was also made into a snes game for some reason.

Joining me on this Two and a Half Hour Adventure are Iron Chitlin, Hiipfire, Gulping, Final Gamer, BrokenOgre, Heavy Sigh, and inthesto who was smart enough to duck out after an hour.

Join us for naval adventures, egg searching, myopia, excessive force, and confusing geography!

Part 1
Part 2

Metroid Prime: Extinction
Gamingo is awesome
My Little Raptor: Rockets are Magic
Sonic fanfiction, what the gently caress Heavy Sigh where did you even find this
How everyone felt after hour 2

Danaru fucked around with this message at 14:26 on May 4, 2014

Jun 5, 2012

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inthesto posted:

Sadly, the reason why I had to drop was because I was too drunk to figure out how to turn my microphone back on.


Considering you dropped out right around the first time we got to the ship, you should probably thank the microphone for turning off

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 7 - Grace Gets Personal

Fortunately Grace decides not to read out my credit card and social insurance numbers.

Also guest commentary by my severely broken chair held together by a very stripped screw and by me trying not to move.

EDIT: The gif Grace mentions at 6:24

Danaru fucked around with this message at 00:38 on May 7, 2014

Jun 5, 2012

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FinalGamer posted:

Concerning that gif, I can attest through personal experience and a great love of that movie that this is exactly the case. I don't suppose you plan to do any of the other Strike games at all Danaru, cuz holy gently caress Urban Strike was amazing. I mean I'd do it myself but I'm godawful at it.

You actually managed to finish missions in this game and my emulator just loving shits itself graphically when I try to play Jungle.

I eventually want to do both Desert and Urban, I really liked Urban although I've only played the first few missions. Grace is up for it too, so it'll likely depend on when we finish Jungle.

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 8 - A Lesson in Hubri--

Jun 5, 2012

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azren posted:

I like Jungle Strike... :smith:

e: ...and the commentary.

Despite how I rag on it, I genuinely do really enjoy Jungle Strike as a game, and it would look a lot better if someone decently competent was at the helm. The commentary would be better too, doubtlessly

Jun 5, 2012

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Mario's Time Machine 1 - Parade of Ignorance

I wanted to play Megaman X, but I made the mistake of letting Grace decide what to play. Lesson learned.


Danaru fucked around with this message at 22:32 on May 12, 2014

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Farming Simulator 2013

Protip: Don't watch this

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario's Time Machine 2 - Screw You, Tom

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Pepsiman

We played a couple different games the other night after finishing with Mario's Time Machine, you'll notice me getting significantly more drunk during each video.

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario's Time Machine 3 - RIP Grace's 3DS

Fun Fact: After this episode, Grace opened the 3DS to find the top screen completely destroyed after it fell off the desk. Heh heh

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Uniracers

I've just started realizing how loving wierd my SNES days were :psyduck:

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario's Time Machine 4 - Finale

Jun 5, 2012

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Mr DJB posted:

Even if you're not a fan of Billy Shakesman, he did contribute to a lot of your everyday language:

Honestly I don't even dislike the dude, I just pretend to because it riles up Grace :v: I stand by what I said about Romeo and Juliet though :colbert:

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario Paint

I don't remember recording this :shepface:

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Starfox 2 Episode 1 - Solo Flight

Blame Grace for this one

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Starfox 2 Episode 2 - Dan's Wrong About Everything



The last episode is significantly shorter than the last two, so I'm probably going to throw it up later on today

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Starfox 2 Episode 3 - Finale

It's Fox and Fay's final showdown with Andross! and honestly it's kind of awesome. This game kicks rear end

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Clock Tower

A short game, but a really good one.

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario is Missing Episode 1 - Grace Gets Groggy

Danaru fucked around with this message at 13:31 on May 22, 2014

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Jungle Strike 9 - River Rage

Alternate Title: Prior Planning Precedes Piss-Poor Performance

Jun 5, 2012

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Panboy posted:

Oh no that ending is this the end of our Jungle Dance adventure?! How Will our intrepid heroes deal with this new threat, Tune in next time too find out?! Maybe?!

Don't worry, we found a password pushed on in order to help our buddy Bill and capture the two jerks.

Let's Play Jungle Strike 10 - Carlos and Ibn's Bogus Journey

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Rescue: The Embassy Mission

Officer Ron will NOT stand for the stereotype of the French being cowards :black101:

Jun 5, 2012

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Prenton posted:

Hey, this is weird-rear end powerfully French proto-FPS Hostages! Never knew it had a NES version.

Hell yes, I'm glad someone recognized it :v: They apparently ported it to like a dozen different platforms. My favourite was the NES just because of nostalgia, and how funny the snipers looked when they dove behind fences.

:siren:Speaking of wholesale terrorist shooting:siren:

Let's Play Jungle Strike 11 - Finale

So something that happens in this game is when you blow the mission, by destroying an objective or if a friendly is killed, you'll get a message to return to base. Once you do, your CO will yell at you for a bit, then you'll start the mission over.

This Does Not Refill Your Lives.

We tried a single recording of this where I accidentally fail the level during Mission 3 ten minutes in, so we scrapped the footage. As it turns out, my one death carried over, so we get to do the entire thing with only two tries.

Also there's only two armour repairs on the whole map.

Also there's only four or five ammo crates.


Jungle Strike rarely hosed around, but during this mission, the game decides it no longer wants you to win.

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario is Missing Episode 2 - Don't Google "Mario is Missing"

Every time I watch one of my own videos, I start wondering if I'm the DSP of 2007 :froggonk:

Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Mario is Missing Episode 3 - Finale

In this episode, Grace sings a lot and Dan mumbles with dull confusion, also we beat this stupid god drat game

Jun 5, 2012

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Nidoking posted:

That said, I mainly let your videos run in the background so I can hear the slices of life in the audio rather than because I want to see the gameplay, so I hope that's what you're going for.

inthesto posted:

This is exactly what I enjoy about the videos too.

This is pretty much exactly what we're going for, so it's good to hear that that's how it's being received. No one is watching for the stellar pro gameplay :v:

Speaking of pro gameplay and stellar skills:

Let's Play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Episode 1 - Resource Management

Also featured in this episode: Grace handling a fruity, frilly, pink drink by constantly belching and gagging for 22 minutes. Grace couldn't handle an apple juice without getting tipsy.

Jun 5, 2012

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inthesto posted:

Is that the pink limoncello she nearly choked on? While it is somewhat fruity, it's still usually 35% ABV and definitely not anything you can snort down like a lovely wine cooler.

:shepface: poo poo, I thought Grace just misread the label. I guess I could apologize for the relentless ribbing, but I'm probably not gonna.

:siren: Bonus Time! Bonus Time! Bonus Time! :siren:

so Azren raised a pretty good point on the episode:

I was thinking this myself, since the dude in the car on the left is clearly Wild Bill with a beard after being a POW (The Commander is a babyface I guess, I'm not one to judge on lack of beard-ability), so I dug out a password, and redid the mission with SCOTT MOTHERFUCKING ANTONIO

While I did this, I decided to check out a couple other things, Namely some of the automatic mission failures.

I refused to let Bill get shot down, so I won't be showing that message :patriot:

If you let Carlos Ortega or Ibn Kilbaba escape, you get one of these:

"You just wasted ten episodes worth of bullshit! Hand in your badge and Comanche :argh:"

This isn't a game over, but I just want to point out how loving hilarious this is. I like to imagine in his head he's thinking "AMERICANS LOVE OIL, SO I'LL STEAL THE OIL! HAHAHAHA THE AMERICANS SHALL TREMBLE IN FEAR OF IBN KILBABA! HOW WILL YOU FUEL YOUR CARS NOW?!" Seriously Ibn, your dad had a flying nuclear fortress, and you didn't even notice a helicopter shooting up the 18 wheeler you tried to escape in.

Speaking of nukes, what happens if we let one of the nuclear trucks get to the white house?!

:flaccid: Just to point out, the helicopter crashing had nothing to do with the nuke, some rear end in a top hat stole all the fuel so I ran out and crashed :argh:

The Chief also has the exact same yelling cutscene as if you purposely blew up the white house in the first mission. :effort: Also this is supposed to take place inside the white house, so uh

But despite it all, we make it through, and you can clearly see the password is different. Are we going to finally see SCOTT MOTHERFUCKING ANTONIO get some credit for all his hard work? Did the devs really have the foresight to add that wonderful little touch at the end? :allears:


Jun 5, 2012

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Let's Play Megaman X Episode 1 - Speedran Skils

This is about the closest to being good at a video game as I'll ever get, enjoy :v:

Jun 5, 2012

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So just to be clear:

Empty Crate: Dropped because inventory was full.

Empty Sack: Dropped instantly after filling our inventory with it's contents.

Shaman Staff: Get that poo poo out of my face, don't even bring it with us.

A half dozen notes from Toorum that we've already read: GUARD THESE IF IT MEANS LOSING JERRY'S LIFE

Also oh my god that accordion bit in level 8 :allears:


Jun 5, 2012

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Tin Tim posted:

Chitlin's inventory skills are the worst I've ever seen. Seriously. I'm sure he does it to troll people like me who care about it though.

Also, at least the notes came in handy again. But god damit use a loving sack for all that worthless food :argh:

Don't worry, he found another crate so he nope wait he threw it at the wall and ran away. I'm starting to understand people felt while I was on that boat.

EDIT: Don't want to double post, but I forgot I already uploaded this:

Let's Play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Episode 2 - Grace Starts Gouging

This is the start of the real run, as of right now, this is still the map we're on :v:

Danaru fucked around with this message at 15:30 on May 27, 2014

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