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Jul 3, 2012

UZworm posted:

:siren: Let's Play Dragon Warrior Monsters! :siren:

I did a screenshot LP of this one time, but never finished it. gently caress it, what's more 2007 than a VLP of an RPG? Part 1 features KillerEmcee, JebWrench and Iron Chitlin, along with some smooth jazz and FutureFriend the Anteater. I'll probably just keep naming my monsters after Let's Players so it should be fun when we get to the breeding. (LP matchmaking service UZworm!)

Yo, so a totally pro tip:

If you deal enough damage to a monster that you bring it down to exactly 0 HP with no overkill and you do not already possess that monster, it will join you. The Anteater just punches the poo poo out of the bats too hard to make them join you.

This was my main strategy for getting dudes to join me when I was young since gently caress buying meat. Unsurprisingly, my pool of dudes was rather small as a result.


Jul 3, 2012

You know, this game isn't the greatest, but I still think of it favorably when compared to Star Fox 64. The missions are fast paced and have a decent amount of variety, it kept the general tone right, even with the darker stuff, and all flowed pretty well.

Heck, my brother and I had a lot of fun playing the multiplayer of this with all the characters not named Wolf.

Jul 3, 2012

Geez, that was thoroughly loving awful as a game.

Jul 3, 2012

Wow, that ending is amazing.

"Making too much progress are you? Allow me to rain on your parade. And then some."

Jul 3, 2012

Mr DJB posted:

Anyway, I just beat Rock Tunnel and I've caught more than half of them!


I managed to get through that cave in the dark too. Of course, I was also way too young to realize that that probably wasn't the way to do it and wandered for at least a couple of weeks inside of it before popping out with way over leveled, half dead Pokemon.

Ramos fucked around with this message at 02:39 on May 19, 2014

Jul 3, 2012

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Starfox 2 Episode 3 - Finale

It's Fox and Fay's final showdown with Andross! and honestly it's kind of awesome. This game kicks rear end

All I could think about while watching this with your solo commentary comments was that is would be the sort of game me and my brother would just play constantly again and again in co-op. Sadly, it looks to be single player only.

Jul 3, 2012

Steelpudding posted:

Is he even worse than Richardgamingo?

Yes. Richardgamingo was just obnoxious and a troll. DSP is just straight up going to carve your brain out of your skull given enough listening.

Jul 3, 2012

So there's going to be more Dragon Quest Monsters? Fantastic.

Still, I definitely enjoyed Chitlin's LP. Particularly the end where you guys were just in disbelief about the final boss being a literal cube.

Jul 3, 2012

I never realized how much I wanted this game. :allears:

In all seriousness, this looks like a lot of fun if you're in a mood for just mindless shooting.

Jul 3, 2012

Shoeless posted:

Apropos of a fishman baby waiting for its dad to come back and them not being necessarily evil, we did see that. Waite's wife was a fishwoman, and well. She killed her daughter and let Tom Waite get arrested.

What I'm saying is that fishpeople are dicks and it is good that you killed them all.

Hey man, I'll have you know fishpeople have a very deep and beautiful culture. You just don't understand it because you're racist!

Jul 3, 2012

Fiendly posted:

Stage 1: Abdomainland

Make every holiday Halloween! (Note: Flickering sprites don't show up in the video. Oh well, it's 2007!)

You have to wonder where people get their ideas for these games when reskinning them. Just little boy with magical throwing friend buddy to headless mummy is just a bit odd.

MassRafTer posted:

M&M's Shell Shocked is a platformer in the vein of Crash Bandicoot that puts you in command of Yellow(tm) guide Yellow(r) on his journey to stop the M&M's Minis(tm) that are destroying the M&M's factory(c). I've never done this before, let's have some candy.

Part 1:

Ehhhhhh, the movies are well done for the time at least. Honestly, it's looking to be a lot higher quality than most advertisement games of the time.

Jul 3, 2012

Shady Amish Terror posted:

Enforcer was programmed with insufficient snark processors, and so doesn't live up to its full potential for spitting one-liners while mowing through the aliens.

On the other hand, listen to all of that positive reinforcement from the doctor. :3:

Jul 3, 2012

That boss rush at the end just felt so very out of place. I wonder if you were supposed to just last as long as possible and then get credits when you inevitably died.

Jul 3, 2012

Iron Chitlin posted:

I have no words, here's Rogue Ops...

Mission 1: La Casa Negra

This is going to be good, I can already tell. :allears:

MassRafTer posted:

Let's enter the paint factory!

Level 4:

I wonder how many people are on the credits for this game, it seems like an intern job or something someone did on some off time.

Jul 3, 2012

Man, even Yellow's starting to feel the part. :(

Jul 3, 2012

At least one instance of the hard air was the fact that the one of the rolling boxes wasn't done rolling, it seems. Their hitboxes might be a bit wonky while rolling.

Jul 3, 2012

That ending was positively Shakespearean. Thanks for the LP, it was a lot of fun to watch.

Jul 3, 2012

Doctor Goat posted:

I hit 240 on my quest to hit 255 and ran out of actual interesting things to throw in.

Aside from utility mods and quests of varying quality, what is there to grab anyway?

Jul 3, 2012

Kaboom Dragoon posted:

Check the terrible mods thread in Games for suggestions. There's some wonderful examples in there.

I check out that topic all the time. I have come very close to installing some of stupider stuff for shits and giggles, but then I realize how bad of an idea that is.

Forgall posted:

It's important for immersion.

I haven't gotten realistic horse vaginas since I don't bother riding them all that much, but Skyrim wouldn't be half the game it is today for me if I didn't see a dragon vagina every time I looked up in the sky.

Jul 3, 2012

While the others are definitely quieter than you, I just had to turn up the volume a bit. It's not like your voice ever gets overbearing.

Jul 3, 2012

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic Adventure 2 Episode 1 - Grace is Helpful

Before we decided to do this, I explained to Grace I had never played a 3d sonic game, and I've only ever played Sonic and Knuckles for like twenty minutes. I also explained that Grace, who's played almost all of them, needed to give me some instruction while we play so I didn't look like the biggest bag of poo poo to ever upload a garbage video onto youtube.

Please enjoy while Grace completely leaves me to the wolves.

Well at least she left you to one of the best Sonic games. (I'm totally not biased with this being my first one.)

Jul 3, 2012

Awesome, it's great to see this series back.

Jul 3, 2012

Samizdata posted:

I'm sorry, but the vibe those two give off say they are exes, at the very least.

Come on guys, it's really obvious they enjoy poking fun at each other.

Jul 3, 2012

Croccers posted:

How can it be worse than Sonic 06?

It can just be uninteresting as opposed to wacky levels of bad. And it's the former, trust me.

Ramos fucked around with this message at 19:52 on Oct 1, 2014

Jul 3, 2012

Samizdata posted:

Well, if I was a professional comedy writer....

Goons would still call you terrible.

Danaru posted:

Part of me is hoping Grace forgets we have an LP of Fable 3 still running.

I think of a large part of us would like to forget about Fable 3 the game. Still, Kirby is very enjoyable to watch so far.

Ramos fucked around with this message at 14:22 on Oct 3, 2014

Jul 3, 2012

Garrand posted:

I don't know which is worse. The comment or the 167 replies.

At least a good chunk of those have to involve, "No, they didn't have good stories."

Jul 3, 2012

Iron Chitlin posted:

Who the hell doesn't love The Great Cave Offensive? Also watching Grace maneuver through the lava makes me wonder just how bad the input lag actually is. I'm certainly no stranger to being bad at video games but I do wonder just how much of that is good ol' fashioned being terrible and how much is fighting against input lag.

They could always switch hosts somewhere down the line for another game and see how badly it goes for Dan.

Jul 3, 2012

You managed to link Dan and Grace's Kirby LP, just for the record.

Jul 3, 2012

This game is way past Shadow the Hedgehog levels of teenage and edgy, holy crap.

Jul 3, 2012

That was actually fairly impressive, Tac cheesing or no. Good job!

Jul 3, 2012

One thing I do like about this thread is that I can hop into it and know that all of the videos will be of a certain carefree attitude. It's kind of hard to find LPs like that among all of the other threads in the Let's Play forum.

That said though, a lot of these LPs are pretty much good enough to warrant their own topic.

Jul 3, 2012

That's incredible. I got to look up now what the judging algorithm is.

Jul 3, 2012

Cheez posted:

"Are all the letters in the correct order? Ok then. Let's ignore all the rest of these."

There's a few cases where it considers similar words and has compensations for one letter being off. So sock equals sucks among other things.

edit: Alternatively, it just looks for a certain set of letters to each appear a certain number of times and then gently caress everything else, order included.

Ramos fucked around with this message at 02:21 on Nov 30, 2014

Jul 3, 2012

Started with 108 lives? That's pretty important poo poo, man. You might just be destined for something now.

Jul 3, 2012

Samizdata posted:

What? JRPGs being grindy and tough? Nooooooooo...

There's regular JRPG grindy and tough and then there's SMT grindy and tough, though even grinding won't help you past a certain point.

Ramos fucked around with this message at 21:41 on Dec 26, 2014

Jul 3, 2012

UZworm posted:

Guess who took large amounts of drugs and blazed through Dragon Warrior Monsters for 10 hours yesterday to get back to the spot where his LP left off?

Danaru posted:

Before we begin, I want to take back everything bad I said about Sonic Adventure 2. :( Sonic Adventure 2 is a great game.

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 1 - It Doesn't Take Long

The good news followed by the bad is just too much for my heart to take.

Jul 3, 2012

David D. Davidson posted:

You are the first person I've ever seen manage to do the Mach speed section in one try I'm not sure if I should say that I'm impressed or even if that's a good thing if I am.

Clearly as the quality of the game goes down, Dan's skill goes up. I expect great things of this run.

Jul 3, 2012

You never disappoint, Dan. :allears:

Jul 3, 2012

Yeah, that Crisis City running section kills everyone. Congrats on no longer being immaculate at this game though! :v:

Ramos fucked around with this message at 19:02 on Jan 14, 2015


Jul 3, 2012

Personally, I'm just impressed you beat the train speed section in one go. loving wow.

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