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Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 1 – The Start

Orrfieldmedic fucked around with this message at 01:37 on Dec 23, 2014


Oct 15, 2012

NGDBSS posted:

If I recall correctly, Capcom and Atlus worked out a deal in which Dante appeared in Nocturne (character not dissimilar from that of DMC 3/4), and in return one of the character designers from Atlus was contracted out for work on DMC 3.

That's pretty interesting. I just figured that Dante was in here mainly as marketing to help sell more copies, especially since Japan got a version after this one that replaced Dante with Raidou. The fact that it was an exchanging a character and a character designer between two companies for a short time, is pretty cool. Unfortunately, all I know of Dante in the contexts of this game is what I saw in the opening and given that it looks like he is trying to kill us there, probably means I'll be telling him to gently caress off.

Oh, right, forgot to say this first post. While I know somethings about this game, I'm pretty much going into this blind and would like to keep it as blind as I can. I'm not going to go no spoilers period since the 2007 thread seems like a more chill thread, and that doesn't seem all that chill to me. But at least keep major stuff tagged so that if I get spoiled on it, it's my own fault.


Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 2 –Conception

Oct 15, 2012

Samizdata posted:

Well, allow me to thank you for doing this LP. I have heard of this series of games, but know exactly gently caress all about any of them, so this is intriguing as hell for me as I have no idea what to expect.

(P.S. Awfully nice that natty hats survived the apocalypse, isn't it?)

You're welcome. I'm hoping I can keep it somewhat watchable and not burn out, since SMT tends to be tough and grindyish at times.

Anyway, Merry Christmas! Here's two episodes instead of one.

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 3–Shinjuku Medical Center
Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 4–Shinjuku Medical Center Annex

And Polsy it to get rid of Youtube recommendation.

Anyway, if you meant Hijiri by Natty Hats then yea, pretty nice he survived. Dude seems to know much more about what's going on, and might let us know once it gets relevant and if he stays alive.

Oct 15, 2012

azren posted:

I suspect that you can recruit the knee-biters with Pixie's Seduction, since she speaks their language.

I'll have to give that a try when I get home. I know they can join if they themselves start the conversation, but are otherwise can't normally be recruited via diplomacy because of their race. I'll edit this with more information after I try it.

Oct 15, 2012

fixelbrumpf posted:

After watching this, I'm really at a loss as to why they made SMT4's first dungeon as tough as nails as they did. It looked like you pretty much had to try your hardest to die here. :stare:

Still, I'll definitely be following this after getting a bit burned out thanks to SMT4's punishing difficulty. I never played this as I'm one of the like two people world-wide who never owned a PS2.

Well, I think the power level of everything in SMT4 is higher then it is in Nocturne. After all, it starts with at least one demon with triple digit HP in random encounters and we won't be seeing that in Nocturne until the next big dungeon. Well, at least it isn't a gameover when your protagonist dies in SMT4 as it is in other Atlus games, so you aren’t in fear of getting one shotted..

Anyway, short update.

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 5–Vortex world and Yoyogi Park

I already had the next few episodes recorded before I could try this, but it wouldn't let pixie have a chance of recruiting a knee-bitter even though she can speak their language.

Oct 15, 2012

Samizdata posted:

What's the meter in the upper left for? (Or did I miss that previously?)

My philosophy was pretty much explain when it effects me, and it hadn't really effected me yet, so I didn't explain it yet. But it's pretty much what Worklurker said. pretty much all the SMT games have demons be effected by the phases of moon and in this game it's how bright the sun thing/Kagutsuchi is. So that meter just shows what level of brightness it is. When it's full you can't recruit demons, and there are some skills that are effected as well.

It effecting some of the chests I didn't realize until it was to late, so spoilers, I screwed up on opening a few chests and got poor rewards.

Orrfieldmedic fucked around with this message at 04:25 on Dec 29, 2014

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 6 - Fun at the Shibuya Mall

Oct 15, 2012

Neurion posted:

When Kagutsuchi is full you can still recruit demons, it just alters how it works. Instead of having to negotiate prices, items, etc over and over, the demon will either ignore your attempt or ask a single question before deciding to join you. It can be useful if you're able to take the hits after an ignored Recruit and don't feel like throwing money/items at the demon and risk it being for naught. Full Kagutsuchi also overrides the non-recruitable flag for the knee-biters and other demons of the Haunt and Foul families, so it's the perfect time to recruit them if you want 'em.

… I am glad I was completely wrong, and just in time. Just hit a boss where I'm going to have to sit back and recruit and fuse a bunch of demons, and that is going to help get them without having to throw a bunch of money at them.

Welp, time to go get a knee-bitter it looks like.

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Bonus 1 – Cathedral of shadows fusions
Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 7 – Amala Network

If there is a dislike of me doing the fusions as bonus videos, let me know and I'll stop.

Orrfieldmedic fucked around with this message at 21:40 on Jan 4, 2015

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 8 – Finishing up Amala Network

Also, is that Bingo single player only?

Oct 15, 2012

Artix posted:

And yes, it has always been a glorified time waster since you can re-roll by just going in and out of the menu, I don't know why they didn't bother just letting you do it earlier.

Probably the same reason they took so long to give me a demon compendium, which made me think they didn't have one in this game.

Of course, those that played Nocturne already can probably figure out how far ahead I have recorded now. Oh well... anyway, update time.

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 9 –Ginza

Oct 15, 2012

UZworm posted:

Guess who took large amounts of drugs and blazed through Dragon Warrior Monsters for 10 hours yesterday to get back to the spot where his LP left off?

Danaru posted:

Before we begin, I want to take back everything bad I said about Sonic Adventure 2. :( Sonic Adventure 2 is a great game.

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 1 - It Doesn't Take Long


Lets Play SMT Nocturne episode 10 - Underpass

Oct 15, 2012

Is there a reason it's linked to episode 9 and not episode 10?

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne episode 11 – 20 Million Macca Bill

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 12 – Matador

My first death wasn't to Matador, I don't know how I should feel about that.

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 13 – Amala
Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 14 – Even more Amala

So, first off this area... took me two hours to do. And of that two hours there is like, 15 mins of plot or so. If you don't want to watch me fight a ton of encounters, fall trough a bunch of pit traps, and things like that for a long time. Feel free to click here to just see the plot stuff.

Second, went to record/play more and my capture card started acting up. Couldn't get it to display properly when hooked up to record to the pc, and even PC-free more it decided it didn't want to record even when it was behaving correctly. So if I can't get it to work correctly before I get trough the rest of the stuff I have recorded, probably going to have to call it quits unless I want to spend a bunch to replace the capture card, or replay 15 hours and deal with getting a non PSN copy of the game and a ps2 emulator.

...Or pretend it really is 2007 and use the webcam on this laptop to record the TV. But that seems like a really horrible idea.

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne episode 15 – More Underpass
Lets Play SMT Nocturne episode 16 – Ikebukuro

Been a long time, so have two episodes instead of one. That, and if you don't want to watch more sewers you can just skip 15 and go straight to 16. I'm also going to order a capture card to replace the one that stopped working, so if there is another long gap between episodes. It's either waiting for card or currently building up a backlog.

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 17 - Trigger Warning: Cosplay

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 18 – Mantra's tower

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 19 - Attack on Nihilo

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 20 - The most annoying miniboss

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 21 - Nightmare System

Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 22 - Daisoujou and Mantra's fall
I wonder if I would have laughed or have been pissed off if I had that nice new demon worm that gave me an expel weakness equipped.


Oct 15, 2012

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 23 - High Speed Fiend Battle

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