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Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Catsworth posted:

Chapter 10.

This loving chapter. :argh:
Maybe a spoiler for those who haven't watched the video yet.
I was really hoping that entire Ishimura section would be combat-free, but I guess this game's designers don't have that kind of restraint.


Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Hey guess who's no longer terrifyingly close to becoming homeless! :woop: To celebrate, here's a video to inflict upon you guys :frog:

Let's Play Skyrim Episode 1 - Shipwreck of an LP

We're playing a heavily modded version of Skyrim, and between recording sessions, I'm going to randomly dump more in through the steam workshop. We're probably going to continue doing this until the game is completely unplayable. We did this once before without putting it on youtube, and we found a ton of poo poo that I forgot we installed. If you're curious, I found a few screenshots from our old playthrough and uploaded them here.

Current Mod Count: 99
I already see a problem with this LP - skeleton shouldn't be able to swim.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Ramos posted:

Aside from utility mods and quests of varying quality, what is there to grab anyway?
You haven't truly experienced Skyrim until you've played it with Realistic Horse Vaginas.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

anilEhilated posted:

Tell me that's a joke. Please?
It's important for immersion.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Catsworth posted:

Chapter 14 and 15!

And we're done. :)
Thank you, that was fun to watch. Looking forward to the third game.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
Please don't use homophobic slurs.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

I generally don't unless I'm imitating an angry 13 year old gamer, like I was in the video. Either way it was a pretty lovely joke. I took down the episode, cut out the bad part, and I'm reuploading it now.
Thank you.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic Adventure 2 Episode 3 - Camera Pls

For a fun bonus game, count how many times the first Robotnik key is CLEARLY visible on the screen without me noticing it!

Also notice how much more apparent it is that Grace is on a few seconds of video lag amidst the shouts of "Over there!"
That Rouge level is what having a nightmare feels like. Horrible garish colors, that constant head-splitting beeping, weird characters and monitors babbling kafkaesque nonsense at you. This is the Egg Snake Chamber. THIS IS THE EGG SNAKE CHAMBER. THIS IS THE EGG SNAKE CHAMBER AND YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Neruz posted:

IIRC its Ice Form; the one that freezes people into solid ice statues that roll around while they take minor cold damage.
Become Ethereal actually.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic Adventure 2 Episode 7 - End of the Dark Story

We finish the dark side story! And wow was that ending sure worth all of that.
Video is private.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
So is the twist going to be that Ellie is dead?

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Shady Amish Terror posted:

You know, I'm a little surprised no enterprising doofus has rigged together some sort of remote teleplay device for a controller for just this very situation. In the age of the internet, it certainly comes up often enough, and given all the other insanely unreasonable robotics/telometric projects that people do, this seems almost sane and reasonable by comparison.
Latency would be a problem there.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

ChaosArgate posted:

Dokapon is literally run through menus, there's no realtime whatsoever. You could run Dokapon games through stream with maybe a few seconds delay for anyone who's not the streamer.
Well, there are plenty of remote desktop programs, although I doubt any of them support game controllers.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Catsworth posted:

Chapter 9 Side Mission - Supply Depot

Does anyone even watch these from the thread anymore or am I wasting my time posting this? :v:

e: Just to be clear I just mean posting in the thread. I'd still be making the videos either way as I know people do watch them.
I enjoy those videos, keep up the good work.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
A lot of stuff in here isn't any worse than LPs that get their own threads really.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Catsworth posted:

Chapter 11

All I did was cut out 5 minutes of us just standing in an elevator and now poo poo's all weird :ohdear:
It was cute how you thought there was going to be an actual puzzle in this game.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
He's barely in the game, and it's funny that trailer hypes him up so much.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
Demon fusion in Nocturne is the weirdest design decision ever. Skills are inherited randomly... yet you are allowed to preview them, back out, and try again at the cost of nothing more than a few button presses. If you want to make demon with specific rare skills, have fun sitting there retrying for hours.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 6 - Jungle Strike

I really don't expect much of this game, but at the bare minimum I ask that it doesn't straight up try to kill me when it takes control away from me. Or better yet, just don't take control away from me.
When the bud is glowing, you are gonna go higher - Sonic 2006.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

samu3lk posted:

Sakura Bedsor will not be deterred. There is nothing you can put in her path that she cannot overcome.

Except dragons.

Episode 3: Jeremy and Matilda


Episode 1: Meet Sakura Bedsor
Episode 2: Get a Good Look, Boys

Death Count: 4
Yeah, there are no-deaths playthroughs of Dark Souls. Actually twitch streamer letofski is working now on getting to NG+7 without deaths and with chat-chosen weapons.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 12 - Public Transportation

Hope you like Flame core because it's EXACTLY THE SAME AS SONIC'S EXCEPT WITH MORE ENEMIES.

Also I seem to have messed up my audio a bit while recording, so I'm a little harder to hear than usual. I feel like it improves the overall video quality.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
Knight Shield and Drake Sword oh my.
Now you just need to find Elite Knight armor and you will be unstoppable.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

samu3lk posted:

The Babe movies got really weird after Pig in the City.

Episode 9: "Right in the rear end"
I was hoping you got backstab on a pig with that episode title. Cause that's a thing that you can do.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

samu3lk posted:

I make it through an episode without dying.

Episode 10: "Freddie Mercury Died"
You should definitely put some points into resistance.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Edward_Tohr posted:

On the one hand, it is a neat bit of continuity that Iblis and Edgehog have the same eyes.

On the other hand, it's probably more due to the fact that they only made one eye texture for the villains.
I've never noticed. This game's storytelling is just too subtle for me.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

CJacobs posted:

Fun fact, Silver used to look like this in pre-production and his name was Venice the Mink.


the mink

Venus in (mink) Furs?

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

samu3lk posted:

If you can't control your pets, then you shouldn't have any. Put a leash on those things.

Episode 14: Goats and Dogs
The ending of this is just the perfect little Dark Souls moment.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth
This could be a metaphor for the entire game, and, perhaps, life itself.

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 27 - This LP Sucks

"What if we recycle our levels like normal, but ALSO add a ton of black holes that suck the player in and make the platforming even MORE impossible?"

You are just too good at this game. I was hoping for more suffering in this episode :(

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

That was GOOD? :psyduck:
Took Pokecapn and friends over two hours to get through same level. Though to be fair, they were doing entire game in one sitting and at that point they were incredibly tired/going insane.


Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 26 - Finale

Holy gently caress this has been a crazy loving ride. Thanks for watching!

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