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Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

Catsworth posted:

It has begun.

Prologue and Chapter 1.

Just an FYI in the outdoor sections stomping is faster than walking.


Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

I would like to point out that eggman is clearly better at escaping cities than sanic.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

anilEhilated posted:

Only one way to find out! If it's any consolation, I'm hearing its plot is even stupider than this one.

It's about on par with adventure 2 in terms of gameplay. It's just that everything else is loving dumb and the game is amazing for it.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

Admiral H. Curtiss posted:

Let's Stream Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Part 3
With KillerEmcee, FutureFriend, and thevoiceofdog.

A farewell to physics.

One thing that I remember about the kart level is that it's also the level for Tail' s part of the demo. They were really proud of it for some reason.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

zfleeman posted:

I just subbed to your channel because I want to see how this one turns out. I was a pretty big fan of Heavy Rain, and I liked Indigo Prophecy for what it had to offer. Didn't get a good vibe about Beyond, but we'll see if I should make it my last PS3 game before I put it away for good.

Small word of advice don't buy it, it's terrible. Instead buy all the movies it rips off.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

CJacobs posted:

Cage's games are unique in that at least he tries new and experimental things without regard for the consequences of how they will affect the game for players.

The bad part of that is, of course, the second half of that sentence. Everything from Omikron to Beyond: Two Souls suffers because the experimental nature of the writing basically equates to it being garbage, and then experimental nature of the gameplay basically equates to it being messy or unclear or in some cases just plain boring.

The biggest two sin committed by Beyond Two Souls. It first being is that there is no consequence for failure. You gently caress up a QTE and the game either you makes you try again until you do it right or it just continues on regardless and that makes everything boring, for all it's faults at least heavy Rain had some sort of consequence for loving up.
The second is that Sony let him spend a shitzillon dollars to get Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. While their performances themselves are fine. However the given material they had to work with is just horrible and their performances do little to make them better. It's honestly quite obvious that they only are only in it for the big fat paycheck. I honestly can't really fault them for it. I do however fault Sony for not putting their foot down and instead indulging David Cages ego. Yeah I do know that part of the reason Heavy Rain was such a big success was because it managed to appeal to a much wider audience than the average video game and it could be argued the reason for their appearance was to appeal to that audience. Given how much it would normally cost would normally eat most of the budget of your average video game. I think it's safe to say that it was David Cage who insisted upon them.

Ice Train fucked around with this message at 05:44 on Oct 27, 2014

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

NGDBSS posted:

If I recall correctly, Capcom and Atlus worked out a deal in which Dante appeared in Nocturne (character not dissimilar from that of DMC 3/4), and in return one of the character designers from Atlus was contracted out for work on DMC 3.

Yeah in exchnage for using Kaneko's designs for the Devil Trigger, Atlus had to include Dante in Nocturne. I don't think anybody has any real problem with either.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

Danaru posted:

Before we begin, I want to take back everything bad I said about Sonic Adventure 2. :( Sonic Adventure 2 is a great game.

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 1 - It Doesn't Take Long

You are the first person I've ever seen manage to do the Mach speed section in one try I'm not sure if I should say that I'm impressed or even if that's a good thing if I am.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?
If I remember correctly after the guy who originally voiced Eggman passed away the 4kidz VA stepped forward to fill in his shoes. To be fair it seems impossible for Eggman to be a boring character. Sonic '06 tries it's hardest to though.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?
Well from a gameplay perspective, it's not really a Sonic game, it's just a generic PS2 era platformer.

Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

Iron Chitlin posted:

It occurs to me that every Sonic 06 LP seems to have moments where the player just pleads with the game to function correctly. Is hope and prayer an actual mechanic in this game?


Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

Cheez posted:

gently caress no. Videogames only barely existed, I bet the laws about them weren't too clear either. Coleco also did things like acquire rights to develop arcade ports and then make terrible ones for competitors even when the system is capable of better. Most of Coleco's moves were trying to take business away from Atari in whatever way they could.

One thing people need to remember about the first generation of video game console s was that everything was just a giant clusterfuck of problems. Game developers were not allowed to be given credit for their own games for example.


Ice Train
Nov 17, 2012

Orca lady?

Danaru posted:

Honestly, I kind of want to commend King Soleanna or whatever the gently caress for having the brass balls to try to stuff a time god into a reactor and juice up his country with it, but then he seals it into his daughter and then dies due to vague soul injury or something.

Also wait a minute if Elise is still the monarch in the retcon future, does that mean the king still died why am I still thinking about this god drat game good lord

why did elise have a theme song she was barely in the game

You should really take care when using a drill to purge the memories of this game from your mind, if you miss and drill to the left and you can kiss your motor functions goodbye, drill to the right and say goodby to your speech centers. Also be careful not to drill too deep. Nobody wants to forget their mother's face.

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