I've been trying to find out what that first song is, but googling parts of the lyrics aren't netting me anything. Any help? It's really drat good. On the topic of kaizo, outside of the forced time limits like the p switches I like the difficulty. It's like a kind of a reflex/puzzle thing. If the levels were a little more segmented with moments of calm where you could think you're next move out it would be more fun. But then it wouldn't be KAIZOOOO AAAAAAAH SO HARD.
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# ¿ Feb 11, 2025 02:11 |
Danaru posted:
I don't know which is worse. The comment or the 167 replies.
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Neruz posted:From memory; wasn't part of the whole 'naked Ellen Page model' fiasco was that they didn't even use Ellen Page's body; I remember something about how they actually did have the necessary data to make a naked Ellen Page model but instead they taped Ellen Page's face to someone else's body. I have a vague recollection of a quote from Sony, after Paige sued, saying something along the lines of "...it's not actually her." But I believe that was them trying to defend themselves by saying that it was only an in game model recreation and not actually Ellen's real body so she didn't have grounds. Not that they used someone else as a stand in for the model. And gently caress doing research on this dumb game, but I also remember reading or hearing about Ellen explicitly asking they didn't use the mo-cap information to recreate her entire physical body while naked, but Cage (or whoever made the final decision) ignored the request.
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chocolatekake posted:
I'm enjoying your commentary, but you really don't need to do this to yourself. There's really not a whole lot to say about Kaizo Mario; I just wish it didn't have such a heavy reliance on chompers and invisible blocks for difficulty.
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azren posted:So, I'm now terrified to sift through the fangames thread. Are there any Sonic fangames that are... let's go with "not as awful as this?" The thread actually started off pretty strongly with solid games like Psycho Waluigi. Really you'll just have to browse through and see for yourself. I suggest starting from the top of the OP and going until your eyes bleed ![]()
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Danaru posted:
I have to admit that I wasn't really able to get into your other videos like Kirby, but for some reason I loving love you two playing these dumb tv show games and monopoly.
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Major_JF posted:I am 90% sure that if you are the one being quoted it is highlighted in yellow. Yeah, this is what it is. The boxes are only yellow if it's your own post being quoted.
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zfleeman posted:Cordial Minuet Okay, that is a really neat game. I like the idea of two completely faceless voids who can't communicate outside of what's on the board combined with the clever game. If there ends up being enough people with low stakes games, I would totally put real moneyz into it.
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chocolatekake posted:
So how many more levels are there in Kaizo 3? I made a brief attempt at actually playing Kaizo 3, possibly even in the hopes of helping you out if there's a lot of levels left, and proceeded to fail absolutely miserably. I might give it another shot if I can find my USB controller, but boy I couldn't do a drat thing on keyboard.
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Haha, I thought that was just like a noir filter or something put over the game.
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# ¿ Feb 11, 2025 02:11 |
chocolatekake posted:
I don't think that at any point in time was Kaizo ever meant to be played without save states.
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