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Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
...Your grandma?

I remember as a kid seeing Nintendo Power's guides to the Lolo games, and always being intrigued but at the same time having no idea how the games actually worked, as they really explained them poorly. I was always curious but never got around to trying them. It's neat to finally see them in action!


Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
I have trouble with any of the toad houses. To the point where I often forget they exist. Will we be seeing the coin ship?

Also, Lost Levels version SMB2 is where the ability to bounce as a higher jump was introduced.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Since everyone's wanting to chat it up, Silver Falcon recently finished up her fairly complete LP of the Lion King game(s) over in the Disney Megathread. Just putting that out there.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Gamefaqs has a set of the card solutions if you really want to look at one.

Back when I did the game last for last year's mario-thon, I ended up playing at a no-skipped-level pace but not trying for all the secrets, so I missed out on the anchor. This ended up screwing me over in world 5 where I had a bunch of trouble on the boss for some reason (mostly it was the timing on his earth shaking jumps iirc) and the tower never counts as a completed level.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Archer666 posted:

:stare:So they finally made that Blood Ocean video game huh?

No, if you were paying attention, you'd have known it was a video game version of Terror at Blood Fart Lake

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

FinalGamer posted:

"Ebi" by the way is a reference to the Japanese Spiny Lobster, the Ise-Ebi. It's also been referenced to in a Godzilla movie as the giant lobster monster Ebimaru!

That's Ebirah, you pleb! :mad:

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
I've been enjoying the Jungle Strike videos as well. Grace is the LP discovery of 2007

:dance: Jungle Dance! :dance:

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
I say without irony that I can't possibly imagine the commentary to be any better than what you two are doing.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
When Urban Strike came out, there was a poster in like, Gamepro I want to say, for the game that was a magic eye picture, supposedly of the helicopter (I'm pretty good at them and I still couldn't ever see the whole image at once) I put the poster up on my bedroom door at the time, among all my other nerdy posters. While all the rest of the posters were taken down in this room in my mother's house I haven't lived in in this century, that one's still sitting there for some reason.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

King Christmas posted:

The Simpsons and video games together at last! ...Again.

I unapologetically love this game. And it's this version I've played. Like you I've never 100%ed the game, as some of the collectables are just plain esoteric in their placement. While I would agree that the voice acting makes it a hard game to commentate over, if you're playing for the first time (at least) you owe it to yourself to play with the volume up. This game is positively jam packed with jokes of a surprising quality. (Coming up we'll likely hear what I believe is the game's funniest joke come out of Carl, but that has as much to do with delivery as anything). Plus much of the game's humor is aimed directly at video games, as we've already seen with the very large-boobed Lara Croft esque statue. A couple things to correct/elaborate. First, Moe's Tavern not only runs the credits, but also keeps track of all the recognizable citizens of Springfield whose game sprites you encounter. You can click on them with the stylus for a handful of lines each. In the case of by the end of this video, KC has unlocked Homer, Bart, Ralph, and the three bullies. The generic guards don't count, and neither do the characters that only appeared in cut scenes.

Also, you totally do get to play as Maggie during the Marge levels :ssh:

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Hey FG, in Home Alone, can the house traps (Robot, George Washington, etc) deliver the final blow to the robbers to get them out of the house? Does Kevin have lines for when that happens?

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Mario's Time Machine 3 - RIP Grace's 3DS

Fun Fact: After this episode, Grace opened the 3DS to find the top screen completely destroyed after it fell off the desk. Heh heh

NoA might still be willing to fix it. You'd be surprised at home much they're willing to work with consumers. Have Grace call them and see.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Aww, come on Grace, why you gotta betray our love like that?

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Not going to lie, Danaru and Grace have become my favorite LPers of the whole sub-forum. :allears:

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

AllisonByProxy posted:

Totally casual, totally blind run LP of Eversion:

Let's Play Eversion (Blind) Part 01

You are now officially caught up to me in the game. Well, pretty much. I'm assuming the other endings are unlocked by getting all the gems, and by finding all the hidden letters (you find 2 in the video). I am in no hurry to do either.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Can someone get a still of Missingnopoly? Uncle Moneybags looks downright sinister there.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Shady Amish Terror posted:

Ah, well, if you're actually looking for a good game, there are a few romhacks that are reasonable, but the overwhelming majority of independently-programmed Sonic fangames are unrelentingly bad, which is most of the entertainment appeal of LP'ing them. If you really disliked them that much, about all I can recommend for sure out of the fangames thread is Psycho Waluigi, which is actually a decent game using a hilarious non-character in a surprisingly good way.


I'd also recommend Abobo's Big Adventure for the absurdism of the game...

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty


Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

King Christmas posted:

Over the holidays my sister introduced me to an online Facebook Bingo game and my first thought was "I MUST LET'S PLAY THIS."

Let's Play Bingo Bash Epistle #1- How to Be a Bingo Boy

Let's Play Bingo Bash Epistle #2- And David Was His Name-O (feat. Mr. DJB)

Welcome to Bingo Hell.

Anyone else start getting upset when KC would actively miss squares? Even worse when he had a bingo and didn't call it in that last game??

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

azren posted:

I love how Silver is basically Trunks from DBZ, if Trunks had been eating paint chips for the better part of his life. Even though it's not the same VA, they even sound the same!

Meh, a lot of Sonic seems to crib from DBZ's archetypes. Sonic is Goku, complete with Super Sayin mode. Knuckles is the strong and gruff guardian from a different race that initially starts out his enemy, aka Piccolo. Shadow's the dark twin with the serious past and is Vegeta. I suppose Tails, the plucky sidekick, can be Krillin in this example, but that isn't as obvious.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
It really is an amazingly ambitious game, especially for its time, with all the different interactions and the way PM's mood completely changes most of these events. Also, I love how there's so much of the choices that boil down to "Pac-Man's a dick".

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Yes. If you look at the 2D Sonics, for a lot more of the time than not, you're finding yourself with obstacles that actively prevent you from going fast, whether they're moving platforms, or casino bumpers or whatever. The idea that you move fast is actively an illusion, and that there's that much thought put into the 16 bit games show why they're still considered classics.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Cheez posted:

gently caress no. Videogames only barely existed, I bet the laws about them weren't too clear either. Coleco also did things like acquire rights to develop arcade ports and then make terrible ones for competitors even when the system is capable of better. Most of Coleco's moves were trying to take business away from Atari in whatever way they could.

To be fair, Atari had it coming at the time. They were infamous for their hostile takeovers during the first generation of the cosole wars. It was not uncommon for them to make deals with hardware companies, where they would order enormous batches, taxing the company's resources, then sit no the bills not paying until the company would go into bankruptcy, then they would swoop in and buy them out for less than the order quote.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
random stupid thought: Sonic's death caused Iblis to reawaken. I guess that means he really was the Iblis Trigger. :v:

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 26 - Finale

Holy gently caress this has been a crazy loving ride. Thanks for watching!

Now someone needs to make an image of the hedgehog trio, with a scrolling "I'm Sorry!" message ala the "No Way!" message when you'd put a different game in the Sonic & Knuckles cart.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Fridurmus posted:

On the other hand, Dram's AGDQ run from this year did it, so it's technically possible.

Just with way, way too much practice. :v:

Just a note that this isn't the same Kaizo Mario World that Chocolatecake is playing. (Apparently three were made). So it's different levels.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
Yeah, I flat out could never get into the Prime Games. I'm a big fan of Metroidvanias, but exploration-based FPS games ala Half-Life or Portal are still MUCH more FPS than MetroidVania style. I've heard nothing but bad about Other M but haven't really looked at it more than a few minutes, and even then it looks worlds more appealing than the Prime trilogy just on the very nature of it not being an FPS. I know people LOVE Prime and talk all the time about the exploration of it, but that's like replacing your cherry popsicle with a pint of fudge ice cream. Yes they're both frozen deserts, but they're not at all alike.

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

Blind Sally posted:

Honestly, five minutes with Other M and you'll change your mind.

Also fudge ice cream and cherry popsicles are both great, so I assume you mean to imply that different styles of exploration in exploration-heavy games is a very delicious thing.

There's a reason I haven't looked very far into Other M.

Meanwhile, the metaphor went along the lines of no matter how good fudge ice cream is, and how much you like it, past being a frozen delicious treat it will NEVER be a cherry popsicle. That's how I view Prime to actual Metroidvanias. It tries to attach itself to the franchise while being total apples and oranges.


Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

pointlessone posted:

The Primes are all about becoming a walking death tank in a puzzle platformer environment. They also solved the problem of so much ammo, there's plenty to do with all those missiles. (wave buster supremacy)

They felt like the 2d Metroids in the same way Mario and Zelda go between 2d/3d: There's a lot of carryover of ideas, but they are very different games and playstyles. It's a shame that Other M was the steaming pile of bullshit it became, certain parts of the actual gameplay were fun. Some people have figured out how to not force you into first person mode to fire missiles, and I'm hoping one day there will be a fan patch that removes the story.

Regarding the other Nintendo franchise shifts, I don't really agree with you. Zelda feels a lot like its predecessors maybe, but Mario is kinda different, losing the timed race-to-the-finish for careful thinking of puzzles and collect-athons while still maintaining the precision jumps, I'd say the 3D World sub-series tries to attempt to meet the two styles halfway, and ends up not being quite like either, but still good. Metroid kinda goes in a completely different direction with Prime, feeling like yeah it takes place in that franchise world, but the game play never looks a thing like the 2D style to me, and contains very little of what made it good. Yes there's exploring and collecting and bettering yourself, but it's still not the same flavor. I'm not saying they're bad games, and I can totally understand the appeal, but it really feels like comparing them to the 2D games is unfair to BOTH series.

Choco1980 fucked around with this message at 05:07 on Sep 10, 2015

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