I think the worst part of Sonic Epoch for me is that the screen area is so small that motion sickness is just immediate as soon as Sonic starts moving. Edit: After watching episode three, I change my answer to "the German", because HOLY poo poo, google translate would have done a better job than that. gregory fucked around with this message at 20:04 on Nov 7, 2014 |
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# ¿ Feb 15, 2025 05:59 |
Heavy Sigh posted:I want to die. You're taking all of us with you, though, and it is a glorious apocalypse.
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Heavy Sigh posted:I have nothing to add to the discussion save this. HeavySigh, how do you find these? More importantly, how do you still have
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Iron Chitlin posted:As a side note: I actually just finished watching Jungle Strike earlier today, and was honestly afraid that the jungle dance would be making another comeback. It's not coming back...right? Speaking of the Strike series, any plans to play Urban Strike, Danaru? That was one of my favorite games back in the day, despite the fact that the learning curve was so harsh that I have never beaten the third level without cheat codes.
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Danaru posted:I played the first level of Urban and game over'd before beating level one. Haha, yeah, level two is at LEAST twice as hard as level one, that game's difficulty is exponential.
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Danaru posted:I've honestly never gotten past the first section where you're on foot. That includes when I abused save states. That poo poo was impossible Yeah, gently caress that level. I had the game for like, ten years before I finally beat that part. (There are two more of those later, and they're even worse). There's also an odd moment where the terrorists in the game attack New York City and you have to save civilians from the two buildings that got bombed--the World Trade Center towers--and then you realize that the game is set in the year 2001.
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Danaru posted:Speaking of both I don't think this string of LPs would be nearly as entertaining if they were anything but a train wreck of screwups, technical difficulties and gameplay mishaps alike. (I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not)
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N.N. Ashe posted:"I like that they used Cyrillic subtitles." The fact that you said "Cyrillic" and not just "Russian" is a very much appreciated thing. (Source: Bulgarians get super upset by people saying "the Russian alphabet" because it was created in Bulgaria and Russia just decided to use it, too)
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Danaru posted:SANIC One of my favorite parts of this game is how Elise's character modeler couldn't figure out how to do pantyhose, so they just made her legs a different color. It looks like she wore a sweater and a face mask to the tanning salon.
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I had seven lives going into that first mach speed section. I beat it after the third CONTINUE. And about the Robotnik/Eggman talk going on, the point that he's pretty much always a good character shines true in that he's even enjoyable in Sonic Boom, just because his shtick of being over-the-top with his banter makes him seem strangely aware of how terrible the game is. He actually seems like he's treating the game as a joke, which is really the only way a character could survive that shitstorm.
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Danaru posted:
I was gonna say that the Silver fight's not very hard, you just have to NOT get put into the death cycle, and that first-timing the Mach Speed section was more impressive, but then you S-Ranked everything, and you should honestly be concerned about how your life brought you to this point. Also, Danaru, PLEASE go find one of the metal crates in New City, jump on top of it, and do your kick attack repeatedly on top of it. You will not regret it. gregory fucked around with this message at 13:08 on Jan 10, 2015 |
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Danaru posted:I refuse to believe sonic team MEANT to do that, though. To be honest, pretty much everything in this game feels like it just accidentally happened while they were trying tó program something else and they just went with it.
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Okay, Danaru, there is hope for you yet. Had you actually completed White Acropolis deathless, you'd have had no choice but to end your gaming career, but it looks like you're not inherently amazing at the ENTIRETY of the game, just some of it. I think you got the S-Rank mainly for your time bonus, because you did skip quite a bit in that last section, plus you did take out a pretty large amount of robots, so you ended up with the 50000 points required for the S-rank. gregory fucked around with this message at 13:06 on Jan 12, 2015 |
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Benach posted:Keep in mind that he still took OVER 10 MINUTES on that level. And yet he got over 23,000 points for the time bonus, his highest source of points for the level and almost fully half of the requisite for the S-Rank. I wonder how long you have to take to get a zero on that time bonus...
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I just noticed something about Sonic 06--the game tries to go for these more realistic settings and does away with a lot of the vibrant colors of the old games, but (especially noticeable in Crisis City) they kept the same big bright red buttons with yellow stars just sitting around in this otherwise burned and charred out city, and it really doesn't work.
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Oh man Radical Train did not disappoint.
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Danaru posted:
"Is this going to get super anime? Like are they going to [literally EXACTLY what happens]?" gracelaugh.jpg Also, I can't remember if Sonic goes back to New City or not, but if not, I don't want people to miss this amazing glitch. gregory fucked around with this message at 13:32 on Jan 20, 2015 |
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If we don't limit ourselves to Sonic games, we can maybe consider the end credits theme from Rogue Warrior as the worst credits song? Or, you know, best, depending on your viewpoint.
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I don't even think this was recorded separately, it's just all of his lines from the game set to a rap beat.
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Yeah, there's a huge difference between a game that's bad, and a game that's so bad it's funny. This xkcd sums it up perfectly, albeit for movies, but I think it works the same for games.
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That was the most evil cliffhanger ending, Danaru. How could you cut it off just as everything got amazing?
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Danaru posted:Sonic 2006 "Oh did you see that? I am such a pro at this!" "Yes, you are a pro at this." *dejected sigh as Danaru realizes what being a pro at Sonic 06 means*
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See, THIS is how we all expected the first Silver fight to go. If you get sent upwards, it's a death loop. Also, if you think you were bad at that part, wait until you get to that "Last Story" that Grace keeps teasing. Seriously, just you wait. EDIT: The animation on the lizard-things when you pick them up with Silver is amazing. gregory fucked around with this message at 12:55 on Feb 3, 2015 |
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Danaru posted:Sonic 2006 Episode 16 I'm so glad you were able to show off the fact that clipping is just nonexistent for Shadow's glider.
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To be honest, who would ever guess that your most armored point was actually your weak point? Also, I never noticed that thing about the fireballs spawning in; I guess they couldn't just program two of those fireballs to actually stay on the field, so they just spawned two extras and tried to hide it--but Dan's expert Sonic 06 eyes couldn't be fooled...
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The thing with Blaze is not that she's good. It's that in a
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Cheez posted:Completely ignoring the fact that using the speed given to you in most cases in the original series got you wrecked. Wrecked? There were a few times when you'd hit a spring while wearing speed shoes and pay the price for your hubris, but honestly, that's also what made the game FUN, especially in the Versus mode in Sonic 2, which I wish they'd kept for 3 instead of the time trial courses. To be honest, the reason I don't like "modern" Sonic is that they decided to remove the ten minute cap on the clock. As a kid, (especially with Sonic 2, which didn't have the saving mechanism from S3/S3&K), part of the challenge was collecting as many rings as possible to get lives/continues--I'm talking at least 300 rings per act--and part of the challenge was doing that as fast as possible. Sometimes, when it came down to the wire, really did have to throw caution into the wind and just hold right in the hopes that you beat the clock (see Casino Night Zone in S2, where you're just SO tempted to play the slots to get the jackpot a million times). There were also levels with no clear pathing (I'm especially thinking Oil Ocean Zone or Metropolis Zone, which had actual endless loop segments) and were also very long, so you had to go as fast as you could just to find the end of the level in time--doubly so for boss acts, because you had to ALSO give yourself enough time to beat the boss, which could take quite some time if you weren't really good. And really, all that aside, going way too fast was just really, really fun, even if it cost you some rings.
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Yeah, I'll buy that. The fast feeling, more than full-on going fast, makes sense. Being "dense" might not be the right idea, I think of it more along the lines of keeping a sense of urgency, a feeling that you were always doing something, and as soon as you finished one task, it was on to the next. Generations did a good job to capture a lot of that spirit, which is definitely why I enjoyed it quite a bit. Edit: Oh, but Supersonic was actual speed. That's what I always hated about the 3D games--they use Supersonic as someone who can fly, and they use him for a gimmick boss fight as the finale of the game, which only felt cool in the S3&K perfect ending. Supersonic in S2 and S3 was unnecessarily fast, much more so in 2 than in 3, but he was also invincible, which made it okay because you didn't have a need to avoid spikes and enemies. (Supersonic was really broken in S2 and probably the best reward for beating those special stages--once you power up to Supersonic in that game, all bets were off.) gregory fucked around with this message at 22:22 on Feb 21, 2015 |
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Oh man I completely forgot about Blaze's role in Silver's ending...
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All things considered, Dan only had one restart and burned through most of those stages. He really IS skilled at Sonic 06. Sorry, Dan.
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Danaru posted:That was GOOD? Having seen three other playthroughs (including the aforementioned glorious pokecapn one) and done it once myself, yeah, that was pretty good, all things considered. The trouble you had on Tails' section at the beginning, where you lost like, three lives to just one level, that seems to be how the entire thing goes for every other playthrough, but you kinda only died like, eight times total. Shadow's part killed me so many times, which makes the whole thing aggravating when you get that far and have to replay THE ENTIRE THING, and that just makes you more prone to mistakes and failures. I imagine that, had you actually accidentally run off the edge as Silver that second time through, you might have become so frustrated that you made those haphazard "trying-to-rush-through-it" mistakes like everyone else. gregory fucked around with this message at 01:20 on Mar 6, 2015 |
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pick-e posted:Super Sonic final bosses Honestly, I feel like the only reason they did any of those was some kind of attempt to recreate the success of the S3&K all chaos emeralds ending, which was awesome because it was harrowing and difficult and the first time that you actually HAD to use supersonic; the work you had to do playing the skill stages to get the chaos emeralds paid off in a totally rad final stage--whereas most of the 3D Sonics have you collect the emeralds as plot elements along the way and turned Supersonic into just another gameplay gimmick.
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Right. I mean, maybe the only reason I think the 2d one is good is simply that it was the first time they did it, so every time after it just seemed, I dunno, like they'd ALREADY DONE THIS BOSS BATTLE. It's nice to have a few new mechanics, like Silver and Shadow, though.
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Iron Chitlin posted:Just one question, are hedgehogs the only species that can go super, also why? In S3&K, collecting all of the chaos emeralds will allow Sonic to become Super Sonic and Knuckles to become Super Knuckles, and collecting all of the Super Emeralds will allow Knuckles to become Hyper Knuckles, Sonic to become Hyper Sonic, and Tails to become Super Tails. Super Tails was awesome because he had four Flickies who were also super, and they would automatically attack any enemy on the screen. Hyper Sonic was Super Sonic but a bit faster, plus he flashed all seven chaos emerald colors and left afterimages, and he had a special midair dash attack that destroyed all onscreen enemies. Super Knuckles, like Super Sonic, just comes with invincibility plus speed/strength bonuses (but he just flashes white/pink/red), while Hyper Knuckles, like Hyper Sonic, leaves afterimages, and gets the bonus ability of a gliding shockwave, whereby gliding into a wall will shake the screen and destroy all onscreen enemies. I know it's probably difficult for them to implement, but man, those transformations (and the minigames which were required to attain them) really did make the 2D games awesome.
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# ¿ Feb 15, 2025 05:59 |
We mentioned this forever ago, but I may take up the reins on an "Urban Strike" LP, considering I just beat that game (of course with the "start every level with ten lives" code). I just need to figure out the capture...
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