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Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
Low effort? Casual? Sounds right up my alley!

Hop into this time machine to see Penumbra: Overture.

Lotish posted:

LP isn't in sub 10-minute segments and isn't on Dailymotion. Thread fails. My LP nostalgia!
I would have, but I didn't want to make a dailymotion account because that site is terrible.


Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Genocyber posted:

The original Kaizo was pretty novel and fairly creative. It just happened to spawn a legion of bad copies and sequels that were garbage. There are some inspired by it that are at least decent; the Vip series comes to mind, though they're considerably less bullshit usually.

Yeah, there are good and bad moments in the Kaizo hacks and in individual levels themselves. Hard things are super fun. Bullshit things are not. That's why Super Meat Boy is great but the World 4 boss is probably the worst thing in the game.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
What would a Kaizo LP be without some poor schlub submitting their own attempts at the levels.

Level 1 - Off to a Great Start
Level 2 - Post Cave Commentary with Strategy
Level 3 - The almost return of post commentary
Level 4 - It's a g-g-g-ghost! Shhhhh!!

And then I took over the LP
Level 5 - Now it's of-fish-ial
Level 6 Part 1 - The Start of Something Bad
Level 6 Part 2 - The End of Something Bad
Level 7 - Bowser is Easy
Level 8 (Normal Exit) - Dumb Maze
Level 9 - Yo-yo Yoshi
Level 8 (Secret Exit) - Dumb Maze Revised
Yellow Switch Palace - It's a Challenge
Level 10 - Critical Kaizo
Final Level - Please Reconnect Controller

As a side note, I'm glad I'm not the only one who took almost a half hour on the second level.

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 12:08 on Mar 20, 2015

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Oh my gosh, I just noticed the sound effect when you get a power up from the flashing hearts! Oh HAL :allears:
I still need to get this game, but I'm enjoying this LP in the meantime.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
Kaizo Mario 3 - Stage 3 - The almost return of post commentary

Warning: I get a little annoyed in this video, but later on after the Chargin' Chuck, I regain my cool. Until another Chuck shows up.

10 minutes of me being a complete moron at the start, edited down to only 3 1/2 minutes, for your convenience.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
It's a g-g-g-ghost! Shhhhh!!

Kaizo Mario 3 - Level 4

Not so bad. Glad I've got the real pro's videos to check out first.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

UZworm posted:

Clearly what this LP was lacking was alcohol. Both myself and BestFriendSkull were drunk when this episode was recorded. This created instances of babbling, funk bass and people missing when cuts happened.

Also, this is the episode where I started running out of people from inside the videos to name monsters after, so Slowbeef and the Freelance Astronauts get into the naming game.

Lacking indeed. I think the breeding was also not featured prominently enough before, but oh man I got my fix this time. I'm sure the King was very happy with you guys.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Depending on who you ask, this game is one of the following: a Katamari clone, an IP-infringing/lawsuit-worthy Katamari ripoff, just a fun Katamari inspired game.
I personally love this game. Despite it being a little rough, it's got plenty of charm and is still fun. Basically 2007: The Game.
Also, it has a kickass title theme.

Part 1 - A Small Start
Part 2 - Games People Play
Part 3 - Orangutans
Part 4 - Friendly Neighborhoods
Part 5 - Candy and Rice
Part 6 - Skymall Apocalypse
Part 7 - POrTAl TwO
Part 8 - Exploration Cake

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 22:15 on Sep 12, 2014

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Part 2 of The Wonderful End of the World.

With two of my favorite levels!

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 06:07 on May 21, 2014

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Part 3 with lots of orangutans and other animals.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Part 4 with even more orangutans and also a dinosaur.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

You can tell you're in Japan with the hundreds of Toyota factories right next to what I assume are also hundreds of these.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Part 5 with candy and maybe rice? Maybe?

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

A one-off of a pretty fun, if rough and unfinished, game.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Part 6
The last two main game levels. Super special secret levels coming up next.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

It's been too long. I've been avoiding recording these even though it takes about 5 minutes.

Part 7: The cake and the cave

Part 8: The End!

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

It's like Helper to Hero all over again!

Also, maybe you figured it out, but it's useful for the next time the game asks you if you want to learn about something. A is the cancel button and B is confirm. So using an Xbox controller, switch those letters. Or just remember, "Jump" is confirm.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Danaru posted:

Actually, selecting "yes" plays a much longer interactive sequence teaching you about stuff, saying you know what's up prompts the shorter explaination.

Your guess is as good as mine :shrug:

Shows what I know. That or they removed that "feature" from Super Star Ultra, because I haven't actually played the SNES version yet.
But, Grace doesn't seem aware of what buttons she's pressing anyway.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
Speaking of doing LP's that others were doing, are TurboC, KillerEmcee and Linebeck still doing Kaizo Mario 3? It's been quite a while, so I was wondering if I should wait until you guys did yours still, or if I should just take the mantle.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
It didn't seem so bad until now, but I'm starting to question Grace's Kirby skills.


Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Kaizo Mario 3 was abandoned, so I'm doing it solo now, I guess.

This is the first new of-fish-ial video. Come, have a whale of a time.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
Kirby handles pretty much exactly the same in all of the games. But you may be right that it's in a way which, to a new player, might throw them off. I dunno if Grace is excused on that count, though.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Wow I had no idea that playing as T.A.C. basically made you Kirby. That's really cool!
And as much as candy corn is a Halloween "staple" it's pretty terrible and you're not missing out, at all.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Just so you know there is a really cool Kirby shoot 'em up as part of Kirby Mass Attack. It's just a sub game but it's pretty expansive for a distraction.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Something wicked this way comes. And it's the sixth stage of Kaizo Mario 3.
This is the first part of an amazingly terrible level that I hate a lot. The second part will be up tomorrow and is a little bit shorter.
Level 6 Part 1

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Garrand posted:

I'm enjoying your commentary, but you really don't need to do this to yourself.

There's really not a whole lot to say about Kaizo Mario; I just wish it didn't have such a heavy reliance on chompers and invisible blocks for difficulty.

Well, as long as there's someone enjoying it, I think it's worth it! Plus it is satisfying to know that, whatever cheap tactics I'm using, I eventually got past it. And that this gem of a game will have a completed LP.
Speaking of which...

Something wicked that-a-way gets the gently caress out. And it's, again, the sixth stage of Kaizo Mario 3.
The last half of the stage is coming at you in all its glory and is surprisingly less bullshit than the first half, at times.
Level 6 Part 2

E: Oh right, this level took me two hours to beat. So there's that.

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 15:33 on Nov 20, 2014

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Jeopardy Episode 1 - Minimum Dignity

If you're still watching our garbage, this will probably put an end to that.

I like how the AI difficulty can be measured in frequency of "???" guesses rather than wrong answers. I mean I guess it makes sense but it still seems kind of stupid.

Also, I never thought I'd get to see this beautiful face again.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

zfleeman posted:

Cordial Minuet

A buddy and I played Jason Rohrer's new game about gambling. Just a singular video introduction on its quirks. I got super hyper-secret access, and I thought I'd show it off because the articles I've read about it so far don't paint a very clear picture.

How come when you place 2 lines, the opponent only places one? Or can your opponent only see the red line you set? If so, that's a pretty interesting concept and a neat game, but as confusing as it is (that I needed an explanation on how it works) it seems like a disincentive to spend actual money on it. I suppose everyone's in the same boat right at the start, but without a proper tutorial or something I feel like you could easily hustle somebody or at least clean house when it gets a wider release.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Level 7 - Bowser is Easy

This didn't even take 20 minutes the first time. I was expecting more of a challenge after that last level, but I'll take what easy-as-cake levels I can get.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Garrand posted:

So how many more levels are there in Kaizo 3?

I made a brief attempt at actually playing Kaizo 3, possibly even in the hopes of helping you out if there's a lot of levels left, and proceeded to fail absolutely miserably. I might give it another shot if I can find my USB controller, but boy I couldn't do a drat thing on keyboard.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think there's 10 levels total, so 3 more.

Definitely use a gamepad. I normally don't mind keyboard controls, but for this I consider it a necessity. Also, yeah if you or anyone else wants to jump in with some videos, that'd be fun! I started out as the poor sap that wanted to add more takes and videos to the LP, too.
I'm all alone now. :smith:

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

gregory posted:

And yet he got over 23,000 points for the time bonus, his highest source of points for the level and almost fully half of the requisite for the S-Rank.

I wonder how long you have to take to get a zero on that time bonus...

I think they were really designed to take a while though. If you think about it, there are only 9 levels and the final story making 10, compared to SA2's 31 stages. But as an intended reboot, maybe it's more accurate to compare it to the original Sonic's 6 zones and final boss. And the stages themselves are kind of split into a few 4-5 minute sections, often with different player characters, which could I guess be considered the "Acts" as in the Genesis games. It is weird that you only get ranked at the end of the zone, as an average of the "acts" instead of individually. So total lengthwise it makes sense, it's just split up in an odd way.

Also, as far as Sonic Boom goes, I only watched someone else play it, but it does look pretty boring and painfully simple. Not because it's easy, easy I can take, after all I'm a HUGE fan of Kirby games. Sonic Boom is just so simple and uninteresting. The story is fine enough, I mean it's a Sonic game so whatever, as long as Eggman's awesome, which he is. Whereas Sonic '06 is laughably bad, Sonic Boom seems like it's just kind of on the bottom end of "Eh".

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Ramos posted:

Well, as I was taught by MassRafTer and his LP, they're basically untested gameplay mechanics that essentially allow Sonic to break the game in half. More so than already.

Yep! The purple one makes you tiny and gives you infinite jumps. The wind one gives you like a whirlwind attack I think. That's all I remember though. They all kind of suck except the purple one, as that's the only one that really does anything like break the game.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
:siren:I decided to re-list all the Kaizo videos since I inherited the series and I'm doing it now because I felt like it. Anyway, here's a handy glossary of all things Kaizo 3. This'll be the index so I won't post the same wall of text every update (which is only like 3 more, but whatever).
Also, current update is this thing right here: Level 8 (Normal Exit) - Dumb Maze:siren:

Capt. J. Linebeck, Killer Emcee and TurboC did the first 4 levels. I played the same levels as they came out. Then I took over the LP when they stopped updating.

Screw sanity, Let's Play Kazio Mario World 3! (Level 1) by Capt. J. Linebeck
Kaizo 3 (Stage 2) by Killer Emcee
Kaizo Mario World, Level 3: Kaizo Radio by TurboC
Level 4: The Ghost House by Capt. J. Linebeck

chocolatekake posted:

What would a Kaizo LP be without some poor schlub submitting their own attempts at the levels.

Level 1 - Off to a Great Start
Level 2 - Post Cave Commentary with Strategy
Level 3 - The almost return of post commentary
Level 4 - It's a g-g-g-ghost! Shhhhh!!

And then it became my LP
Level 5 - Now it's of-fish-ial
Level 6 Part 1 - The Start of Something Bad
Level 6 Part 2 - The End of Something Bad
Level 7 - Bowser is Easy
Level 8 (Normal Exit) - Dumb Maze
Level 9 - Yo-yo Yoshi
Level 8 (Secret Exit) - Dumb Maze Revised
Yellow Switch Palace - It's a Challenge
Level 10 - Critical Kaizo
Final Level - Please Reconnect Controller

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 12:08 on Mar 20, 2015

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

I like how the camera rotate buttons are wrong. The counter-clockwise button on the right rotates the camera clockwise. Good job.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
Raps about Sonic are always good. That's why Knuckles' theme and the music from his levels in SA2 are some of the best. Unfortunately, as dope as Knuckles is, nobody else seems to get much rap love.

It might not be well known, but unlike Sonic, Knuckles don't chuckle.

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 01:21 on Feb 15, 2015

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

zfleeman posted:

Also, this one was edited a little bit with Adobe Premiere Pro CC to fast-forward through our floundering. My recent Pac-Man videos are the first I've edited with Premiere. That program is a lot of fun.

That's a nice Gorillaz plugin Adobe's got there. But really, this game looks kind of annoying to play. It's pretty cool and interesting, but just having Pac-Man ignore you when he's angry or being stupid (like trying to get past the Dan Ger sign) seems frustrating.

Also, the Colecovision's controllers look very similar to the Intellivision's controllers, but it had an actual joystick instead of just a d-pad thing.

I think you could slide an overlay over the buttons for certain games like the Intellivision, but all of the Colecovision game I own just use the numbers. And it could play Atari 2600 games, but you needed an expansion module that plugged into the front of the system.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

zfleeman posted:

How... how was that legal? Was there some business deal or something?

I have no idea, actually. According to Wikipedia, the module didn't infringe on any patents because it was made with different parts than an actual 2600. And then Coleco got cocky and made a straight up clone of the system! It seems like nobody's tried recently, but that might not be legal anymore. But it sure was, apparently!

I guess there were other modules as well, but they were just peripherals. I never knew about them, but I knew about the Atari thing, though I'm not lucky enough to have the adapter.

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Inky is blue, like ink.
Pinky is pink.
Clyde is orange.
Blinky is the last one, so red.

Although I mostly played Ms. Pac-Man so I knew Clyde as Sue.

That was a pretty weird game. And the boss fight was just "mash slingshot on gum monster". It seems pretty out of place for a game that has you LOOK LOOK at things, slingshot Pac-Man so he jumps at the right time and doesn't die, and take advantage of different moods to react in new ways to the same objects.

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 07:36 on Feb 28, 2015

Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.
Against my better judgment, I stopped playing Donkey Kong Country (which finally came out on VC in North America) and played some

But, it turned out ok, anyway. So here's the latest episode: Level 9 - Yo-yo Yoshi

And here's the index post.


Jul 31, 2013

Cake? Chocolate.

Level 8 (Secret Exit) - Dumb Maze Revised

This was really short and easy (despite 2 failed recordings) so I wanted to get it out there. Plus I'm trying not to wait 5 years between updates.
Half the video is in fast forward because it's the exact same stuff as last time. And I didn't want to record commentary for this level again, so I just put music over it instead.

Here's the index post.

chocolatekake fucked around with this message at 15:30 on Mar 12, 2015

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