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Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
That Grimsect voice is a thing of beauty.


Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Mazo Panku posted:

Ultimate assassination tool, duh.

Good god, Nox. I remember hearing about this game before D2 came out and thinking that it sounded kind of awesome. It's still kind of awesome, and you do your neckbeard race a service by playing it. Shirtless.

Nox is pretty goddamn great but most of its fun was in the multiplayer.
Well, that and bombers. For anyone not in the know, it's this little chicken-looking thing that runs in on enemies and detonates - into a combination of three spells of your choosing. Now, Nox's spell arsenal includes stuff like giant stone fists flattening your enemies, which makes them probably the best summonable minion ever.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 09:22 on Apr 10, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Okay, so I feel I have to ask: who the hell plays things like this? It's not even legitimately hard, just frustrating in the way it forces you to savestate abuse.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Yeah, cheats turn Nox into a thing of beauty; the warrior in particular suddenly gets a whole lot more fun when you can just use Charge whenever.
Hippie is still the best class though.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
That... kind of reinforces the question by looking so goddamn painful and will-draining. What's the loving point?

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Yeah, but Meat Boy has legit difficulty; you can theoretically beat it on reflexes only and are limited just by the human factor. This outright forces you to trial and error.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
I firmly maintain that Phoebe isn't getting old and should be voiced forevermore.
edit: Also this particular LP is by and large the best thing to come out of this thread and has me laughing out loud for most of the video. Grimrock on, guys.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 20:11 on Apr 20, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
I'm actually kinda interested in hearing the German voices in this. Both of Homeworld games have some pretty amazing low-key voice acting that adds to their atmosphere a lot, makes me wonder just how is the localization going to ruin it.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

sulovilen posted:

There clearly should be a Grimrock LP soundtrack, but what should it be titled? :allears:

The Two Step Shuffle.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Ooh boy. Call of Cthulhu, the game that manages to get so much about Lovecraft right... And so much about being a game wrong. I remember it being pretty enjoyable. You know, for a buggy mess that's impossible to beat half the time.

edit: VVV "The fear is in the lack of control" - actually works exceptionally well with this game given all the bugs. It's a feature!

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 08:22 on Jun 1, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

TieTuesday posted:

Assassin's Creed IV #1

A game about pirates and glitches and no stealth whatsoever.
With A_Raving_Loon, FutureFriend, Killer Emcee, PA Master, and Madithen

30 seconds in and I'm already laughing out loud at Neckbeard the pirate. That aside, this is a pretty drat great game and hopefully this LP will go places.

edit:VVV Yeah, that's got the old ARRR. Speaking of ARRR, this is the one game that could've used a swear button ala Blood on the Sand. Preferably with a parrot. Sorry, pARRot.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 10:57 on Jul 15, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

TieTuesday posted:

Pt.4 where I get a little frustrated but then become a king so it works out ok.
(Beginning of the second stream, with A_Raving_Loon, P.A. Master, Madithen, KillerEmcee, and a dash of thevoiceofdog)

I lost it at the giant handbrake boat; haven't laughed this hard at an LP since Mercs 2. You guys are magical.
Putting a preventive request you at least attempt to sink the legendary shiboats once it becomes viable.

edit: VVV Which is why I'm specifying the attempt part. Some of them employ pretty nifty tactics that can freak the hell out of an unprepared captain.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 16:06 on Jul 23, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
I really hope you keep on the boating until the ending where Kenway explains the difference between a ship and a boat. It's just... perfectly fitting.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Twiggymouse posted:

Watching you try and take on Storm Fort was pretty great. Those spouts are always there, and they always follow the same pattern. You actually had the right idea on the last attempt, you just weren't out quite far enough. That said, by the time I started dealing with all the forts, I'd finished the story and had a seriously overpowered shipboat. So, there's that.

You can actually clear out the forts really early into the story - I did most of the sidequest stuff before embarking on the mission to meet the mayassassins for the first time. Boat combat isn't really that complicated and forts are pretty predictable.
I still want to see the legendary boats.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
To be fair if Ubisoft was concerned with what the players actually want to do, they'd axe the assassin thing and make a game about pirates.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Spoiler: this isn't even the worst tailing section of the game. Anyway, the best way to cheese just about anythin stealth-related is to just hire dancers.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Woah, slow down here, we don't want him to learn every trick of the boating trade, else next we'll be telling him how to actually use the heavy shot.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Prostiboats? Boatstitutes? You really should've been able to fire them out of a cannon to create a distracting splash. I mean, there are men'o'war, it only stands to reason there'd be women'o'war, otherwise how does one get those tiny boats that blow up in one salvo?

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Now if you like ramming, you really need to go after the legendary boats.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

TieTuesday posted:

Part 13

Back to the main quest :(
But I've gotten so many upgrades that it isn't much of an issue.

They really should have made the game about Blackbeard, he's by far the best character. And most of his hijinks is historically accurate too.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Forgall posted:

You haven't truly experienced Skyrim until you've played it with Realistic Horse Vaginas.

Tell me that's a joke. Please?

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
If this is "higher quality acting" I don't think I ever want to see SA1. This game looks almost as good as Sonic 2006.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic Adventure 2 Episode 3 - Camera Pls

For a fun bonus game, count how many times the first Robotnik key is CLEARLY visible on the screen without me noticing it!

Also notice how much more apparent it is that Grace is on a few seconds of video lag amidst the shouts of "Over there!"

Does this game get anything resembling good at any point? All I'm seeing is Sonic 2k6 0.8.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Thing is, that's all about technology and gameplay, but I just can't fathom why taking your silly cartoon animals and involving them in what's basically a JRPG plot didn't strike anyone as utterly loving idiotic even back then.
Sonic works really well when all he's got to do is save his little animal buddies from the evil Dr Robotnik (what the hell is the deal with the name change, anyway) and grab some gems along the way. Hell, he can also handle a cartoony animal nemesis or two. But why the hell would anyone think it needs an "elaborate" "plot" in a "fully built" "world" - poo poo, I ran out of quotes.

e: But hey, I'm just a PC-swinging European peasant who only ever played Sonic 3 and that decidedly as Knuckles so what do I know, right.

e2: VVV Well, it became the template for upcoming games for years to come, right? SA, SA2, Heroes, Shadow, 2k6... I'm assuming the thing sold.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 06:59 on Sep 17, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Of course. What point would there be in joining a crazy cult otherwise?

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Oh, so that's where the idea for the idiotic shadow bossfight in '06 came from.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Damegane posted:

You know, since you can ever only hold 2 guns at a time, you can just break up all the other spare guns you have lying around in the safe and have a ton of tools and tips to play around with. You could always rebuild them from your loose parts for no extra cost if you want them again.

That's good in theory but kinda marred by the clunky console-optimized interface. I honestly never had the patience to do as much tinkering as I would have liked in DS3 - the idea is great but there's just so much slow menu navigation in there.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
You know what to LP next!

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Danaru posted:

Grace must never know I enjoyed playing (most of) this game. The Shadow the Hedgehog game keeps getting brought up, and I heard it's not the fun and charming kind of 'bad game'.
Only one way to find out! If it's any consolation, I'm hearing its plot is even stupider than this one.

edit: VVV There we go. Don't falter, Grace, the goons need more of hedgehog-flavored suffering!

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 06:27 on Sep 26, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
I think my favorite is "Ego Dyed In Black".
edit: Nope, "The Sealed-Away Ark Of Sin".
Look, this thing needs to be LP'd.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 13:05 on Sep 26, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Well, maybe, but FE's got a medieval setting so the pomp is a lot easier to swallow there than in a game about gunslinging hedgehogs.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Danaru posted:

...So you can actually jump out of the sand during the Egg Golem fight. It's not instakill.

I feel like I should probably have deleted my youtube channel by now, or at least apologize to Future Friend for constantly making GBS threads up his thread.

Clearly you need to do Shadow as repentance.
Okay, I'll stop now.

e:VVV That's exactly it. I mean, there's an LP on the archive, but it kinda puts me to sleep.

anilEhilated fucked around with this message at 10:16 on Sep 29, 2014

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
A little nitpick but what you're actually LPing is Crimson Skies 2.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Why not?

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Your degree of competence at Sonic 06 is... disturbing.
That being said, this is probably the one game I'm willing to watch just about any number of playthroughs of.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Iron Chitlin posted:

The platforming looked decent and the story was Saturday morning cartoon levels of harmless fun; sure the combat was boring and there was zero challenge, but for being a game pretty clearly aimed at little kids you could really do a lot worse.
That's something I don't get about the Sonic fanbase: the hate for cartoonish stories. I haven't seen Boom, but apparently people hate the writing for Lost World and that's actually... pretty good. I don't know if it's more nostalgia/not realizing how ridiculously idiotic the SA games were but I'll take kiddy Sonic over trying to pull off a storyline with these characters any day.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Y'know, a couple deaths here and there doesn't mean he and the game weren't made for each other. This is really probably the most consistent run I've seen.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Danaru posted:

Also apparently Silver is a good guy now. For reasons.
Don't try to keep track of character motivations. it'll get you thinking about the timeline and that's where your head explodes.

Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer

Neruz posted:

I watched the first five minutes of that LP and now I am going to go buy Gunpoint and play it myself, thank-you for showing me this previously unknown gem Bacter :v:

Ditto. This thing looks amazing.


Feb 17, 2014

But I say fuck the rain.

Grimey Drawer
Needs a loading screen.

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