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Jul 3, 2012

Geez, and I thought watching him steal from a beggar was bad.


Jul 3, 2012

LashLightning posted:

I've watched the first three episodes of the LP for the first game, and while the LP is great, Rufus is awful. He's not evening endearingly terrible like Guybrush Threepwood, he's just terrible.

Yeah, Rufus has occasional moments of realizing how lovely he is and the series seems to be generally headed to making him fully realize the matter and improve as a person, but for the most part, part of enjoying the games is remembering that Rufus is a take on how utterly destructive adventure game characters can potentially be.

Jul 3, 2012

Nemo Somen posted:

I also don't really understand why everyone calls Rufus stupid when he clearly solves problems (in a stupid manner, sometimes) that others have given up on. Sure, he's egotistical and self-delusional, but not really dumb.

Rufus is dumb in that while he can often come up with solutions to a variety of problems using engineering and logic, he has exceptionally little common sense and no people skills whatsoever. That's more than enough to still call him dumb.

Jul 3, 2012

Well, the humor is starting off at its classiest, I see. Honestly, I think an editor would have done well for the writing of this series.

Jul 3, 2012

I'm glad Doc and Co are finally figuring out how to productively deal with Rufus. Anyway, this hotel is looking to be promising with all the weirdness going on.

Jul 3, 2012

Panboy posted:

You know Rufus is going to find that thing they asked for, he has too hes Rufus the laws of reality bend to his will and create nonsense to appease him.

Oh, we already knew that. Still, it'll take him a few hours at the least for sure.

Jul 3, 2012

Glazius posted:

Oh god. Here I was hoping we'd just get caught up in cult bullshit and Rufus was playing the canny protagonist for no reason whatsoever. But no, this apparently is what we're doing.

What are you talking about? Rufus is practically the second coming of Jesus. If Jesus was immoral, egotistical, and constantly destructive at every waking moment of the day. Of course he'd be involved in some cults.

Jul 3, 2012

Near the start of the episode, right after Rufus considered letting Deponia blow up, I managed to sigh "Rufus" at exactly the same time as Goal did. It's rather worrying that I'm getting to the point of reacting to Rufus the same way the characters do.

Jul 3, 2012

I got to say, Rufus is getting a lot more enjoyable as a character as he gets closer to rock bottom. I suppose it's because when everything is broken and busted, he can still do the one thing he's good at, puzzle solving his way out of everything.

Jul 3, 2012

Glazius posted:

Rufus, you shouldn't have embarked on a plan that required you to cooperate with anyone. Even if it was yourself.

Especially with yourself.

Jul 3, 2012

That entire segment with Bozo's family just reminded me of Rabbits to no end. Probably just due to the disconnect going on but wow, Bozo's life just sucks.

Jul 3, 2012

That psychiatrist bit was great. Nothing quite to bring into perspective just how screwed up Rufus's life is than to reflect on it in the most out of context manner possible.

Jul 3, 2012

SystemLogoff posted:


The humor in the van was not very funny. :stonk:

I hope Goal kills Rufus somehow at the end.

I'm sure Rufus is going to die at least twice more before the story is over.

Jul 3, 2012

I didn't think anything would quite top the Organon's singing as the most horrible thing in the video. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Jul 3, 2012

I almost thought for a while there that City Rufus was going to die. Then again, I'm not really sure how else you're supposed to tie up having three different Rufuses (Rufi?) running around than to have two of them bumped off at some point.

Jul 3, 2012

What the hell?

I mean, I guess I can see Donna being a clone of Goal just like Argus, Rufus, and Cletus are of each other, even though there's no plot given reason for that yet. But more over, why did Hermes do that?

Also, no one seems to be freaking out at two Rufi. I guess things stop being surprising with him after a point.

Jul 3, 2012

Well, Seagull was knocked off unceremoniously to say the least. Still, the writing in this last part has definitely picked up significantly. I wonder if that's because they had the entire final chunk thought up and planned out before the games suddenly got bloated.

Jul 3, 2012

Nemo Somen posted:

Yeah, Seagull's an rear end, and we know the lesson isn't intended to help Rufus but rather determine the alpha male of the resistance.

I would have liked to see Rufus take his own clone's death a bit less comically. Surely anyone seeing their own clone die would start to think about their own mortality. I guess that's just another one of those things that could have been a lesson, but gets ignored for comedy.

I don't know, I found that pretty fitting. I mean, really, Rufus is so in love with himself that there was next to no chance he wouldn't confess love to his dying self. Really, I'm happy with this, if Rufus isn't going to properly learn lessons, he can at least be properly comical and whimsical.

Ramos fucked around with this message at 06:00 on Nov 1, 2014


Jul 3, 2012

Agreeing with the others, Goal was definitely aware there, though why the whole thing didn't start spinning when Rufus fell is beyond me.

But seriously, this feels like a set up for a fourth game. Rufus has fallen, what? Five different times to Deponia and lived throughout the series. Gravity simply does not kill him, only explosions and gunfire, apparently. Just feels like he'd land, cause a few more crimes against humanity, climb back up to the highboat, and then figure out how to rocket the entire planet to someplace better or something equally absurd.

That or it's a sequel series where Cletus learns how to be an adventure game protagonist. Honestly, that sounds like it would be interesting.

edit: But seriously, that's more than enough Deponia for now. It was a fun LP, though, thanks YamiNoSenshi.

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