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Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Zaggitz posted:

You put the tuesday cbs shows in wednesday.

I'm pretty sure I fixed it. Looks ok to me now. If it's broken and I'm not seeing it then hollylolly will have to do it as she's the one made it.


Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Hahaha, holy poo poo. That's amazing. Trying to remember if something like this has happened before.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

muscles like this? posted:

The pilots for Selfie and A to Z are on Hulu now.

I enjoyed A to Z though I'm not sure it has much of a future. There's one joke in particular in the middle I thought was really well done. As for Selfie? Well, pass.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Here is a list of shows premiering in the next two months.

09/03 The League
09/07 Boardwalk Empire
09/09 Sons of Anarchy
09/12 Z Nation
09/16 New Girl
09/16 The Mindy Project
09/17 Red Band Society
09/17 The Mysteries of Laura
09/21 Madam Secretary
09/21 The Good Wife
09/22 The Big Bang Theory
09/22 Gotham
09/22 Scorpion
09/22 Sleepy Hollow
09/22 The Blacklist
09/22 Forever
09/23 NCIS
09/23 Marvel's Agents of SHIELD
09/23 Awkward
09/23 Chicago Fire
09/23 Person of Interest
09/23 Faking It
09/24 The Middle
09/24 The Goldbergs
09/24 Law & Order SVU
09/24 Modern Family
09/24 Black-ish
09/24 Chicago PD
09/24 Nashville
09/24 South Park
09/24 Key & Peele
09/25 Bones
09/25 Grey's Anatomy
09/25 Scandal
09/25 How To Get Away With Murder
09/25 Parenthood
09/26 Blue Bloods
09/28 Once Upon A Time
09/28 The Simpsons
09/28 Brooklyn Nine-Nine
09/28 Family Guy
09/28 Resurrection
09/28 CSI
09/28 Revenge
09/29 Mom
09/29 Castle
09/29 NCIS Los Angeles
09/30 Selfie
09/30 Manhattan Love Story
09/30 Happyland

10/01 Criminal Minds
10/01 Stalker
10/02 The Vampire Diaries
10/02 Bad Judge
10/02 Gracepoint
10/02 Reign
10/02 A to Z
10/03 Last Man Standing
10/04 Survivor's Remorse
10/05 Bob's Burgers
10/05 Homeland
10/05 Mulaney
10/06 The Originals
10/07 The Flash
10/07 Supernatural
10/08 Arrow
10/08 Kingdom
10/08 American Horror Story
10/10 Cristela
10/12 The Walking Dead
10/13 Jane The Virgin
10/14 Marry Me
10/14 About A Boy
10/19 The Affair
10/22 The 100
10/22 Web Therapy
10/24 Grimm
10/24 Constantine
10/27 2 Broke Girls
10/30 The Millers
10/30 Two and a Half Men
10/30 The McCarthy's
10/30 Elementary

Somebody fucked around with this message at 11:45 on Sep 7, 2014

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

hcreight posted:

Is The Flash getting its own thread or is the Arrowverse all staying under one roof?

Separate threads.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

If you want to talk about how great or terrible anime is (hint: it's the second one) we have a whole other forum for that. This thread is not for that.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Mister Mind's Gotham thread from a few months back will serve as the first season thread for that show.

I'm claiming Arrow.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Aphrodite posted:

You got enough shirtless photos?

I have none. So now you know in what direction the new OP is going.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

January 6th Agent Carter will take over for Agents of SHIELD on Tuesdays.

January 4th Galavant will premiere and have two episodes every Sunday.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

CW Renews:

Flash (S2)
Jane The Virgin (S2)
Arrow (S4)
Reign (S3)
Supernatural (S11)
The Vampire Diaries (S7)
The 100 (S3)
The Originals (S3)

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

I approve of World's Funniest Fails immediately followed by Glee.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Fox has renewed Empire, Gotham, and Brooklyn Nine Nine for next season.


Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

lelandjs posted:

Is anyone planning on making a thread for The Last Man on Earth? I'm thinking it probably will deserve one, though I'm a little concerned that it'll devolve into goons making lovely arguments about apocalypse situations and discussing their own grand plans for what they'd do if they were the only person alive.

Make one but put it in the OP that nobody is to do that in the thread because it's a goddamn sitcom not fantasy doomsday survival.

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