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  • Locked thread
Jun 28, 2006

Nobody likes you.
Everybody hates you.
You're gonna lose.

Smile, you fuck.
I'm surrendering my dibs on the Person of Interest OP to Zaggitz. FWIW, he's been busting his rear end on the thread; it's going to be way better than anything I could have come up with this year.


Jun 28, 2006

Nobody likes you.
Everybody hates you.
You're gonna lose.

Smile, you fuck.

Sober posted:

I haven't watched the last 2 or 3 episodes of Psych because I just don't want it to end.

I totally missed out on the 8th season due to my DVR being a piece of poo poo, so I've been waiting for Netflix!

Jun 28, 2006

Nobody likes you.
Everybody hates you.
You're gonna lose.

Smile, you fuck.
Oh, hey, I just saw that my name wasn't next to Scandal on the list. I'll renew that.

EDIT: I'm also keeping my Faking It thread around since it was barely touched last season.

DivisionPost fucked around with this message at 03:16 on Sep 12, 2014

Jun 28, 2006

Nobody likes you.
Everybody hates you.
You're gonna lose.

Smile, you fuck.
I'm gonna go ahead and claim Banshee Season 3.

  • Locked thread