Bonzo posted:Well.. It's definitely not DNS! Log In problem imo
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 18:25 |
mllaneza posted:
I learn so goddamn much from these threads in ways that meaningfully impact my career. Really appreciate y'all complaining about things I frequently end up Googling.
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Weaponized Autism posted:I'm the fabric softener [80 sheets]. *backup TP
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Love these moments when you feel on fire. We may not have functional SCCM in time for a Windows 10 migration, have been working on designing our new GPO setup in the test network, so made a side-project of figuring out how to mimic every documented step of setting up a standard computer from scratch with GPOs, msi's, mst's, and batch login scripting for the stuff that only comes in .exe and .msu. (with checks to see if already in place) Most of the way there, if all works out, we got a backup plan if we gotta do a ton of clean manual installs. Plus a lot more control over our software, and a massive reduction in steps when having to set up a computer/new image from scratch.
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isn't that exactly how the Sony hack got started
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22 Eargesplitten posted:So, uh, anyone know anything about working at Google as a contractor? I got hit up by a recruiter for a position as a developer support specialist in Boulder. 1 year contract. Are you going to be a TVC contracted directly by Google, or through a company contracting with Google? My experience working there was really positive. The free high-quality food every breakfast and lunch was nothing I've ever experienced before or since. Big thing to keep in mind though is that even though they may call you Googlers, was always warned how actual Google employees have a tremendous amount of power over TVCs if they want you gone. The actual Google employees I interacted with regularly though were usually pretty great. $Company I was directly working for had some rot unfortunately, which is how I ultimately left.
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PBS posted:You still got those perks as a contractor? Thought those companies we're being more careful about distinguishing between employees and contractors. This was several years ago back when "Don't be Evil" was still their policy, at least on paper, so quite possible things have changed since then, do your research. Never heard of the references thing. Only perks I got were the free food, and access to the discounts page that Google managed to negotiate with various companies, but they weren't insignificant. Having free, high quality breakfast and lunch every day was not only good for my body, but saved me a lot of money. You absolutely can't say you work for Google as a TVC. The magic word you want to use is "at". "I work at Google, for $Company"
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wargames posted:a good replacement is bomgar, thank me later. Bomgar is fantastic software, but ever since they were bought by BeyondTrust their phone support became hot trash. Ask the sales person if you call their support number and the person who answers determines a tech isn't available, (they won't be) will the person who answered the phone give you a callback ETA and a ticket number at that moment. (they can't, and if pressed the person who answers the phone is likely to tell you that they're "just a switchboard") I'd hold off on buying until BeyondTrust can show whether or not they're going to manage their beautiful new toy into the dirt.
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Awful CompSloth posted:I'm 21 and trying to get into IT, gonna go to a trash staffing agency so they can get me something. And boy, you guys just wait for all the 18-20 year old kids like me getting into IT in the 2-3 or 5 years. We don't know poo poo except how to install windows and screenfetch in the terminal. People are talking about automation and coding and butt and poo poo? poo poo, we must be hosed then. What you know right now almost doesn't matter, most of what you know at any point would be most-to-entirely useless if you suddenly traveled forward in time ten years. What matters way more than current knowledge is your ability to be consistently learning (both on the job and on your own time), your ability and willingness to adapt to major changes, especially those affecting whatever you choose to specialize in, and caring not just what the steps are to do something, but why you're doing what you're doing. Also would recommend studying for A+, whether or not you plan to get the cert. It'll help you fill in any gaps in your fundamentals. klosterdev fucked around with this message at 04:12 on Aug 21, 2019 |
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Internet Explorer posted:Let's just all agree that vacations are good and IT people need to be better about using them and disconnecting from work. Took this Monday off, and didn't realize just how wound up I was until I had the extra day to relax. I've got a two week trip to Japan coming up at the end of September, so kept telling myself last few months is okay to keep pushing myself harder because I'll have a whole two weeks to relax in September NOPE
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Bigass Moth posted:I left a VAR and went to a private company recently. More money, good amount of responsibility, pretty good team mates. Use the free time to get paid to train/educate yourself.
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CPColin posted:I know just enough about networking to know I don't want to know any more about networking. - How to subnet - How to crimp - How to punch - Knowing what a gateway is - How not to cause a broadcast storm
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PancakeTransmission posted:Like other than emergencies... It's cheaper for me to grab a new cable than spend my time crimping. And we have contractors do it all anyway. PancakeTransmission posted:I've heard stories like this "we don't run Spanning Tree because our admins know how to avoid loops"... But they didn't account for those dastardly users The most dangerous kind of user is one who thinks they know what they're doing because they did X in their home setup. Only thing worse than having to visit a site downed by an employee deciding to DIY it is having to go there again because they didn't learn their lesson the first time. They were lucky spanning tree was enabled on that site's core switch and they only downed their local work area.
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Performed final testing and deployment of our new prod W10 GPOs For our first set of deployed W10 computers For doctors Late on a Friday evening Right before I leave for Japan for two weeks Gave my boss an extensive rundown of how everything I configured works start to finish, performed the final tests with my boss in the room, let the team know about potential issues to watch out for and how to resolve them, my boss knows how to undo the applied changes, and I'm still expecting something to go horribly wrong for the sin of baiting the universe like this.
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klosterdev posted:Performed final testing and deployment of our new prod W10 GPOs First day back tomorrow Haven't heard a peep about it, not sure what I'm gonna walk into But I got the bandwidth to take care of any issues now, take your vacations people
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Sniep posted:It's xanax. Getting prescribed some anxiety meds have unironically improved my ability to function in IT.
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Bigass Moth posted:Hypothetically, if you were working a contract to hire position and were told they were going to convert you to full time, BUT you don’t like the job, what would you do? Are you in a right-to-work state, or somewhere where the company can't legally get rid of you for any reason? If right-to-work, what's stopping you from taking the FTE and then getting out of there when you have a better opportunity?
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Toss those Oscars right in the trash where they belong ![]()
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In before 38% of the department mysteriously vanishes after lunch
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n0tqu1tesane posted:At least post the high quality, stereo version. I want this played at my funeral
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iirc it depends on if it's a KMS or MAK key
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Things are going to go wrong at that school during the day, and they will rapidly want to treat you as help desk, even when you working your other job. If possible, see if you can arrange to build the infrastructure, then have a retainer to fully train a dedicated help desk person on using and maintaining the infrastructure, or fill in an MSP on everything, depending on the direction they want to go. If you don't have an exit plan built-in, you're their day-to-day support guy until something changes.
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stevewm posted:After several weeks their IT decided to unblock Youtube strangely enough. YouTube is the only out of those options where no executable data could actually be downloaded. Probably one of those jobs where you can cruise as long as no security breaches or you're fired.
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One instance to screw the lightbulb in and 3999 to remind you the importance of privacy.
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skipdogg posted:I recommend off lease business class laptops. Dell refurb is a good source for these. Do a full hardware check when it arrives cuz only 30 day warranty, but you can get a lot for your money. Our team recently got some six-core Precision laptops that would have been hard to afford new. Probably gonna make my next personal laptop purchase through them too.
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Sheep posted:Our military guys are a mixed bag as well, but the common denominator just seems to be a lack of critical thinking. Give them a set of written instructions and they're great but they seem to be roundly terrible at independent action, which sounds like something that would actually be an asset for a bunch of (former) enlisted dudes. If you only ever care about the how and not the why, you'll only ever be able to fix already-solved problems you've hopefully memorized correctly. I don't get why people like that get into IT, they'll never rise above low-tier support. They've also got no error-correcting built in if they remember anything wrong, because they don't know or care why they're taking the steps they are.
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Internet Explorer posted:Your team lead should know that this type of stuff comes with the territory and if there are show-stopper bugs then the "experimental" part didn't work out. This. You can't get married to anything in tech. Sometimes things seem like a good idea until you test them, sometimes the circumstances around what you're using or trying to do changes. At minimum, put it out to pasture until they can prove it's consistently stable in your test environment.
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Day 3 of Windows 10 deployment: The hackey method/process of deploying Windows 10 I put together is actually working reasonably well considering we have no functional SCCM, WSUS, or any real provisioning system. It's a mix of bootable flash drives, group policy managed install scripts and configuration, and using scanstate/loadstate scripts to push/pull to a NAS at HQ. I've worked 42 hours in the past three days and we're a long way from the finish line, but I think we're through the worst of it. Only major issue we've encountered that isn't resolved yet is occasionally getting error 38 when loadstating, and we have migrecover as a workaround until we can figure out what's causing the .mig to get screwed up.
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BrainMeats posted:A market data provider upgraded their links from 10 to 100 gb and the traders were pissed because their latency went up by 3 microseconds. Months of complaining, executives getting involved. Nobody was willing to be the one to stand up and tell these guys to just suck it up. Latency really matters in all that though. When you have computers trading fractions of a penny crazy-fast, 3ms is 3ms that your competition effectively knows the future and you don't. In the basement of the NYSE, all the cabling is done so every computer has the same physical cable distance from the switch, even if the computer is right next to it. There's even a private Atlantic undersea cable that was laid for the explicit purpose of shaving a handful of ms off trades.
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Judge Schnoopy posted:My manager always makes the worst decisions and overrides our objections in person. He'll never write it down or otherwise document the things he knows are dangerous. Become more rigorous about filling out change of control forms and then try to hold your boss to the same standard? If he likes power politics, he might accidentally get drunk off you spinning his decisions as being important enough that he has to sign off on changes
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Hughmoris posted:What's the shortest amount of time you've stayed at a new job? Asking for a friend... Couple weeks at Salesforce doing computer inventory/deployment. Going from Google's IT inventory management/deployment/ticketing system to Salesforce's was like going from a bicycle to a unicycle, and I accidentally deployed a laptop without marking where it went
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You don't want to support a Chromebook running Linux running WINE running extremely specific software??!
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devmd01 posted:Heads up about Chrome 80 dropping on the 4th https://www.okta.com/blog/2019/12/chrome-80-is-on-its-way-and-it-might-change-your-cookies-are-you-ready/ Might already be affecting some Chromebooks, I should have checked the version, but user made a ticket that Teams on the O365 portal wasn't working, and I had to flip the "turn off third party cookies" option to off
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- Brexit dayquote:Title: Can't access multiple services
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Don't have to worry about valid certs if you tell the users to click "Advanced" and then to continue anyway ![]()
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jaegerx posted:Which one of y’all wrote the Iowa caucus app? ![]()
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"And with our premium plan you get call reps in the good ol' freedom-loving U-S-of-A ![]()
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quote:Subnets I just memorized /8 /16 and /24 and learned how to count towards any other range from those. I work at a non-profit supporting people with developmental disabilities. Being a $50+ million dollar organization, we're big enough to have and need significant infrastructure, while also limited from operating off nonprofit money. The pay isn't fantastic, but the relatively limited resources means I get to touch and improve a lot of systems that most organizations this size can pay good money to certified specialists to handle. I'm basically getting paid to get a broad, excellent IT Education, while getting the feeling of doing a lot of good for the world.
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Microsoft Teams has this feature where if you load a long text document on a wide screen, it'll show a preview of the document top to bottom in a giant scrolling bar An hour earlier I had tried running tree> c:\tree.txt /a on a heavily used file share where nobody had ever significantly maintained the structure of it, and then uploaded the file Long file was long
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 18:25 |
who read's other people's email without cause, that'll bite you in the rear end eventually
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