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Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Kashuno posted:

I am writing a god drat essay today about printer cost and why we need to get rid of most of our printers. The numbers are just sad.

Today is my last day supporting printers for the company. Feels good.

We tried the whole reduce printer cost/ printer optimization thing. Our costs are higher now than before.


Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

J posted:

Are my standards just ridiculously low here? I am not surprised that people interviewing for a desktop support position are missing all of those questions.

I agree, but I also don't think a mid-level desktop support is a position that should be handling firewalls or networking (outside of maybe plugging in a cable into a switch) or need to know python and server commands. Sounds like the job title doesn't reflect the expectations at all which is why they are getting bad candidates.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

mattfl posted:

I'm hearing upwards of 500+ million. We just signed our latest Cerner contract too recently, which run in 3 year cycles, so we basically have 3 years to get our entire corporation off of Cerner and onto Epic by then. I'm told our region will be the first to make the transition in the next 18 months, in our region alone we have 15+ hospitals so it sounds like we're going to be the test region for the rest of our sites.

Edit: Some more info I'm finding out. The cost for Cerner to merge our 3 production domains across our enterprise was almost equal to the cost of the transition to Epic. Apparently our Dr's wanted Epic more, so that's that then.

Having been involved in multiple transitions to EPIC and talked with others in systems that have done the same, I can promise you both that time and cost are lowballed.

My last place spent not much less than that but roughly 7x smaller in hospital/staff count.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
For security+ the certmaster + renewal fees cost $20 less than taking the test so silly not to go that route. Kinda surprised they didn’t up the price yet after increasing the test cost to $370.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Queer Salutations posted:

It's Minecraft but they figured out how to monetize child labour.

It’s pretty bad too. They target children to develop content to sell to other children under the idea that they can make money but they take a large cut of the profits and they make it difficult for the vast majority of developers to pull money out of the robux ecosystem. It has made the company one of the most profitable game studios off literal child labor and it’s largely ignored by everyone because it’s for kids.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
If I’m reading between the lines right that’s a DoD contracting gig sitting in a NOC seeing if a red icon turns green in solar winds while an installation team plugs in a switch.

Really shouldn’t be listed as a network engineer but I don’t find the pay too offensive for what they are asking.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

wargames posted:

Says bgp configs is part of the job and you really want someone making 17/hr doing your bgp changes.

It also only lists "you've used excel before" as the only experience required; and if my suspicion is correct and it is a DoD contracting gig, that is because configs are delivered in a .xlsx. This seat isn't touching anything. If I was looking for a new job I'd skip right over it but if I was looking to get anything IT related on my resume, I'd apply to this way before applying to your standard help desk. It just shouldn't be listed as a network engineer. It barely sounds like a network technician role.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
NFT of a monkey sipping from a world’s greatest boss mug.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
Spent the better part of the day determining that while you can create multiple named authentication lists on Cisco switches to point to different radius servers, they can only be used for switch authentication (such as console, vty, etc) and not for port based authentication. Looks like only the default group can be used. Of course this isn’t documented anywhere by Cisco and it took finding a thread from a few years ago with the right Google search terms to confirm it.

Was trying to avoid having to run seven different switches for one PC each for seven separate ISE instances, but alas. Looks like I can create another ISE server and use the external radius server feature but that looks like a lot of trouble and I don’t even know if it’ll work since some of the servers I need to test on are running versions as old as 1.4. The other part of the day was trying to get adobe flash player so I could even log access half the features on the server.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Trickortreat posted:

I would count myself as one of the many many healthcare practitioners who got burnt out during the pandemic. In putting together my resume, it's kind of dawned on me that recruiters may be asking why I decided to abandon my healthcare career when it was on the up and up. Long story short, I got tired of being forced to deal with idiots who can't wear a mask properly or get vaccinated day after day after day, but I can't exactly put that. If I get asked about it during the interview process, what's the best way to approach this topic?

May I suggest taking a look at EMR analyst positions? I know quite a few healthcare front office staff and nurses who moved over to IT/IS as an Epic Analyst at my last employer despite not having a technical background, receiving quite a nice boost in pay and they all WFH now (started before Covid). It's more of a support and data management position than technical but it'll get you around working with other IT departments and they loved bringing on people who had hands on experience using EMRs. I'd go that route over your typical help desk, if possible.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I myself do about 10 minutes of actual work… a month but unfortunately since I also have to deal with a secure environment I’m still sitting in an office for 40 hours a week. I understand how odd it can be feeling unproductive especially coming from a job where I was constantly putting in 5-10 hours of overtime a week to try and stay caught up. Instead of telling your boss that you are underutilized you should instead work it as determining a specialty for you to be focusing your career path on.

Also don’t feel bad about using that time to do other things. If it helps, include stuff that you could argue are beneficial to your career, such as studying or labbing. Or improves your mental and physical health like going to the gym, which improves your productivity.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Trickortreat posted:

This is helpful! I will definitely take a look. I'm still banking on my A+ certification exam to get me through the doors, but I'm tempted to top off my resume and try sending in some applications. Is there a word for getting imposter syndrome when you are an actual imposter? But surely hiring managers have some leeway when it comes to candidates who do not check every single box on the list.

In my experience hiring managers have to justify hiring somebody just as much as convincing them to hire you, so if it feels like a job posting was written by somebody trying to cram in as many buzzwords and topics to meet the minimum word count on a school assignment to pass, it probably was (except the grader is HR).

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
We are also moving away from confluence at some point in the future but according to my supervisor anything that’s ever been added must be preserved for so many years due to some regulation (doubtful) so his solution has been for both of us to download all the files for our section to our desktop so we have two backups…

Not going to argue with the logic there as I really don’t care but it’s pretty inline with everything else we do here.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
Anyone ever look into or heard anything about this Data Center Network Engineer - Opportunity for Working Remotely listing for VMware? It’s constantly being posted on LinkedIn in all major cities and takes up like 75% of my job searches for remote work. The listing itself is identical with no requirements listed and the job functions sound very basic.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I always thought that a 30 minute unpaid lunch for more than 5 hours a day was a federal law, but it isn't. This country.

I'd ghost a company so fast that said I couldn't take a break and had to bill my time for projects to the minute.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Inner Light posted:

This is actually an interesting topic labor wise. I too did not realize those laws were not federal and only some states. I feel it should probably be a federal law.

Is it just me or does this paragraph come off as starkly anti worker, almost to a comical degree?

I had the same feeling reading over the frequently asked questions for wages and hours section. It's written to be very clear but they could also just write "No. Get hosed." to every question and get the same message across.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
That sounds like a contracting company looking to fill a spot with another, in which case they’d cover all that as a direct hire to the contracting company. I’ve been on estimated length contracts before and still had W2, health insurance and 401k. Not all are 1099 independent contractors.

I’m still in the “look for new opportunities every 2-3 years” phase of my career so I’d look into that position more if it was me.

Cyks fucked around with this message at 18:30 on Feb 17, 2022

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

i am a moron posted:

Well being a salaried FTE isn’t really the same thing as a W2 contract. I’ve done (and hundreds of coworkers have done) staff aug over the years and we’re all fully employed by our employer. When the companies contract with the client ends you go to the next one or the bench.

W2 contracting is some weird form of temp work. I’m not surprised Robert Half et al do it, but I’d always thought 1099 was really all anyone was out there doing. It’s all I’ve seen.

Well yes but the confusion here is that job postings never post “this is a staff augmentation position” it’s always “this is a contract for x timeframe” for the former. And as far as the company I’m hired out to cares, I’m a contractor to them.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I'm really curious now as to what VLAN change he made that you believe is causing the issue, if you didn't mind explaining it or sharing a sanitized version. I've seen somebody cause an a 7 minute outage before at a hospital system by forgetting to include "add" when changing the trunked vlans without requesting prior approval (a senior systems engineer came into our office one day and asked him to do it on the spot). It caused a lot of the same blowback as you are describing.

Also sounds like a good opportunity to go to your boss with a proposal to replace all those L2 connections everywhere with L3 if people are afraid a single switch somewhere is going to take down your whole network.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I’ve never been interviewed and didn’t get the job so I’ve been lucky so far; a few conversations with recruiters who ghosted me immediately after when I didn’t have the specific skillset they wanted (since they don’t read résumés anyways) but I don’t count those.

About to put in a 30 day notice in like an hour though since my lease is ending in May and it’s time for me to move on so I’ll be trying my luck again soon.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

The Fool posted:

Whats wrong with MDT, it does its job quite well.

My thought as well. If all your doing is imaging then why not?

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Defenestrategy posted:

I gotta wonder how well these Network Admin jobs requiring 5 days a week onsite pay. The answer is I guess not enough because I think I've had five recruiters send me what I believe is the same job for a network admin in the same city in BFE, Wisconsin. I gotta wonder how bad its gotta get before employers take a hint that only the very desperate who are qualified for that title are gonna take that kind of job.

Every network admin listing I see on LinkedIn is “completely onsite, 15 years experience, must know every network technology used in the last 3 decades and literally created TCP, offering 50k.”

Switched my keywords around to get System Admin listings and it’s all “remote, Maybe know DNS I guess?!? 80-100k.”

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

CitizenKain posted:

When I started on a Help Desk back in uh..2001, I was paid $8/hr, but was going through a temp agency. They were being paid $12/hr. When I was brought on full time, that was a super nice bump.

Maybe things were different back in 2001 but that’s an extremely small gap and I don’t see how they made any money on you.

My first I was getting $12 and they were being billed $50, although I was a with an agency contracted out to Dell who was billing the company, so I had two companies taking their cut.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Hughmoris posted:

ClearanceJobs is a central job board for government work requiring security clearances. I've been watching the number of job postings in the UK and Europe start rapidly increasing over the past few weeks.

Does anyone know of any forums or subreddits for DoD IT? I have a few questions on how the overseas stuff works but it's hard to find info.

Some of us read this thread who have experience with it but we have a sub forum here filled with vets you can ask your questions in.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

BaronVonVaderham posted:

Congrats :toot:

Has anyone here NOT put in two weeks and just left? I'm pretty sure that's going to be what I do here, I want to go out with a bang, so I'm just curious if anyone has any stories.

I put in a 5 week notice at the beginning of the this month but I've already did a knowledge handover to a replacement so I plan to just "work from home" for the remaining three weeks. I probably should have done two months for more paychecks but oh well.
This sounds like a bragging but one of the reasons I'm leaving this job is because I hate how completely useless my position is and I just can't tolerate going into an office and staring at a wall for six hours a day because I have nothing to do.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

ASAPRockySituation posted:

Down with Email!

That’s it, everyone’s getting an analog fax machine on their desk.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
62k is above the median household income in like 18 states…being able to raise a family on it isn’t that foreign of a concept.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I don’t want to start a conversation on politics but maybe it’s a combination of living in the south and being on male dominated teams but I have absolutely zero desire to socialize with 95% of the people I’ve ever worked with. The best meetings I’ve ever had were the ones on at my old job where they spoke about football games for an hour not because I cared but because it was something that was at least tolerable.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
If I could make even remotely close to what I make now to do what I did when I was 25 (stocking shelves and setting up planograms at Petsmart) and not be stuck behind a computer all day I'd do it in a heartbeat. Just not willing to take an 80% paycut to do it.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Hughmoris posted:

What do you think will be the successor to keyboard + monitor? A VR headset strapped to our faces and living in the Matrix?

If my body is unfrozen in 1000 years and I wake up to see people still punching away on mechanical keyboard, I'm going to be upset. :mad:

Mr. Zuckerberg you're suppose to do market research before investing in the "metaverse" not after!

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Famethrowa posted:

this is all true, but all the same, I really hope I can get my entry-level toehold if there is any possibility of hiring freezes. I'd be nice to have a little less precarity in life and start my career.

maybe too E/N but I'm sure I'm not alone here!!

Nope I left my job at the start of April and still don’t have anything so if y’all can put in some overtime to keep it all from collapsing a little longer it’d be much appreciated. I need to keyword my LinkedIn profile better as I’m not getting nearly as much interest as I expected from all the stories of how nobody is able to fill jobs that I keep hearing.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

i am a moron posted:

Azure is seriously loving insane right now. I wish there were actual numbers on the shortfall of candidates vs positions, but if you're going to get a cert and want to get paid I strongly recommend getting certs in Azure.

AWS might have a bigger market share but as somebody who is currently spending most of his day going through remote sys admin job listings I can attest that for every listing that mentions AWS I've seen, there's at least six for Azure. I don't think these are ones just curated for me as I have neither listed on my profile.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
Products like Meraki Go and Aruba Instant On have a very specific market and even the website for Instant On says "small business/WFH setup". I wouldn't say they are replacing the midrange options.
I do think the GUI for the Catalyst 9ks have come a long way. Good enough configuration options for entry level/network technicians/help desk you trust.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I started at the end of March applying for systems/network administrator roles and only had two application responses before rewriting my resume 10 days ago. I now have five interviews scheduled for this week and two e-mails came in this morning so far asking to schedule an interview. Here's a template with all my personal information removed.

By no means am I saying it's perfect but it's been working great for me so far. It is aimed more towards systems roles where certifications and a wide range of tech skills may be more desirable. I also just realized I spelled one of the cities I worked in wrong... whoops.

If anyone would like to see it with nothing but my contact information removed as a reference I'll share it over a DM.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

i am a moron posted:

That's good. I don't do technical skills anymore and combine my certs+education into one block and on top I have a statement about what a badass I am. But very similar and I get extremely high rates of responses to applications.

I mentioned it in the text of the template but one thing that I felt really helped is running it through a resume builder like the one on linkedin. You can upload your resume and select the job title and it'll flag key words or phrases related to that job that it didn't detect that you can work into your resume.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Boba Pearl posted:

Will you accept a small crosspost? Between friends?

I'm out of school in January, and this was all part of getting my degree.

By AS so you mean associates of science? I’d leave that off if you have a bachelors.

It doesn’t hurt to list them all. It can be beneficial in fact if HR is scanning for a specific one and you are open to any position by the sounds of it. With only 4 years of relevant experience you should be able to list 5 certs and still keep your resume looking clean.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
Pretty sure one of the jobs I’ve been interviewing for is making an offer tomorrow but I’m not really excited about it. Decent pay and remote but dealing with external customers.

And of course a recruiter reached out to me at lunch time with something that sounds way more enjoyable, a lot better pay and way better growth opportunities but with the downside of being onsite and 6 month contract to hire.

Guess I could accept the offer and change my mind before the start state but I’m going to try and drag it out as much as possible until I can interview with the hiring manager at least. Been looking for over two months and now everyone was to respond/hit me up.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
Today was a first time experience turning down a job offer which was even more difficult as I’m not employed and only one other lead atm but the more I thought about it I couldn’t see myself being happy supporting Veeam as a customer support engineer. Pay was good enough and fully remote but deep down I knew I was going to hate it.

I rather make less and even onsite if I’m dealing with an internal customer base.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
I had 3 different titles (one for internal use, one for external use/my signature, one for the position I was actually filling) at my last job and the one I put on my resume is none of them as I felt like they didn't really reflect my job responsibilities. I'd just go with something generic like "Database Administrator" and not care too much about it.


Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life

Cyks posted:

Today was a first time experience turning down a job offer which was even more difficult as I’m not employed and only one other lead atm...

So after feeling like I bombed the interview for the one other lead I had last Thursday and beating myself up over it for the past five days, I got a call late this afternoon scheduling a second round interview, this time with HR. Trying not to get too excited but the first was with the hiring manager, so I'm taking this as a very good sign! $20k more than the one I turned down and it's doing exactly what I want to do.

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