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Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

joat mon posted:

But you have seen Blazing Saddles, right?

Yeah, he posted that Eddie Murphy was great in it

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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dendy crew posted:

i dream of a world where gip has no drunk thread and its posters must face the day, sober

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

The girls that are hot are usually hotter without makeup and the ones that are gently caress-ugly are still gently caress-ugly with three pounds of paint on, dwi

The ones that look real real bad do so because they're as old as your mother

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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beanieson posted:

Simpsons marathon on fxx started this morning, turns out 8yo me had pretty bad tastes & these "classic" episodes were actually poo poo all along :(

Nah, just they were all dad jokes and you've gotten edgier with age

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Mr. Nice! posted:

No more hooters? What happened?

Let us never say this in the drunk thread ever again

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


Except in Japan, where they missed the point entirely.

Looks like most of them missed two points

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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I've been drinking

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Nah he lived

For a long long time I thought Suge was pronounced like it rhymed with huge, in fact, it is not

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Victor Vermis posted:

"shug", you crackers.

As in, short for sugar

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

ded posted:

“I’m really looking forward to lots of people fondling my boobs,” said Rina Serina

I wish I had more hands

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

did a reverse gis on that headline pic, saw some real sad lookin titties

So I could give those titties four thumbs down

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Christoff posted:

Woh my credit score is 764 :whatup:

That's pretty drat good for a Gentile

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Obama Africanus posted:


Dunno how many of you are gonna be tuned into the right freqs to peep dees deets:

My old fuckbuddy who's up to her vulva in section 702 ops sent me some awesome tit pics and I think she inadvertently indicated that all of us in GiP are very likely named and monitored 702 targets under regular scrutiny lollllllllll

The loving lol'st part? It's all because of loving Caro and Fire- and a hilarious lack of appreciation for our particular brand of humor and sarcasm and irony.

Shim gives no fucks, if they're not arresting m0t on charges of criminally negligent faggotry I'll drop the dime and say there's a girl from the town of (I poo poo you not) Cooter, Missouri who is a big slut IRL, and let me know she saw us and some of our dumb poo poo we've done and said online pop up in a loving LOL CI briefing in a Serious Business (Tm) Working Group in crystal city.

Got some crooked rear end teeth and all but she's alright if you like 'em crazy.

I couldn't be laughing then being scared then laughing harder if. I. loving. Tried.

This is my Chelsea Manning Moment.

#NoJusticeJustTits #FREECARO #lolwedolethaltargettingbasedoninternetmemes #shimfoundhashtags

Truly, today we are all Tea Partiers

Hope you shmucks cross your t's and dot your i's on your tax returns

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


nsa spook struck by the boner ghost, is unable to post and thus doomed to limp dick

failed to thank skeltal

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.
You know drat well if the government sent a mole he'd be more diggit tryhard than Slippy, just in case his boss was reading

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Obama Africanus posted:

Home boy from Omaha did get lifted by AFOSI for legit breaking OPSEC on 9S000 poo poo

Is this supposed to be m0t? Is/was he here?

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


Because they suck.

This is also why Craigslist anywhere has a bazillion Harleys

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Shame we missed this one

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

man the air force loves rape so much theyre doing it with satellites now

The real question is how he got fixated on the USAF instead of figuring out the real culprit

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Dead Reckoning posted:

I'm uncomfortable with the number of Simpsons BDSM fanfic clips in the related video suggestions.

I don't see any of those and would point out that Youtube tailors your related vids list based on past Google searches

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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ManMythLegend posted:

Why would you use anything but PornMD to search for porn?

I like my porn but I ain't no loving doctor

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Not that kind.

Not really the other kind, either.

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.
I'm all the people casually pushing the melee away with one hand as they keep a firm grip on their cigarette / beer / Red Bull with the other

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

ManMythLegend posted:

Wait, 1/16 is all it takes to be not-white?!? In that case, gently caress all of you poo poo lords. I'm tired of you oppressing my people. This forum is very problematic. I am literally shaking.

Some people are all about the one drop rule if they think they'll benefit from it

Christoff posted:

What's new GBS obsession with cucking/cucked/cuckold whatever. Never knew what it was before I saw it there every other post. It's, uh, another dude slamming your significant other with permission?

Mental preparation for the '14 elections

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Obama Africanus posted:

Honestly Cucking

If this wasn't a gibbis fad this'd be a not half bad namechange

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.
Their amazing chemistry in Men At Work is a lot more understandable if you know they're brothers

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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How bad can the things be, if you don't have a car

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


Feminist scientists sure are going to be pissed when their non-aerodynamic vagina ship flips over and crashes immediately after launching.

Literally slamming against the glass ceiling

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

50 Foot Ant posted:

I think when I get home from work I'll celebrate my birthday by digging the bottle of Wild Turkey out of the fridge and getting hammered.

Happy birthday

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.
Really want a Hebrew National with hella onions and mustard right now

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.
Bread:meat ratio on that portudog looks way too high

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

dendy crew posted:

Despite the best of intentions, jokes and -- especially -- satire can easily get lost or become unintentionally offensive. If you feel the need for humor, you may wish to add “emoticons” to help alert your readers: ;-), : )

Tells are different between communities and forums! Here the tell is usually improper or no punctuation at the end of a sentence, like AB's period on a question. And you guys probably just thought we were all just subliterate!!!

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

Athens and Oxford are probably the only places where a random distribution of nude selfies would yield some quality gash.

Cleveland: Hoodrats
Toledo: Nobody lives here
Cincinatti: Pretty much Kentucky
Columbus: OSU is drowned out by gross hipsters, chickenheads and gay dudes

Noted omissions: Dayton, Oberlin

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.
When I was applying to Oberlin in the mid-'90s (before all the silliness the Internet brought to places like that) the tales were that as a male you had to watch out for roving gangs of bulldykes hateraping dudes in the sparsely used men's showers. Also even back then they were trying to do the whole 'written permission forms for each form of sexual advance' shtick, supposedly leading to all the guys and gals walking around with a big sheaf of blank checks in their purses.

Now all I think Oberlin's known for are trolls making up racism and sexism hoaxes that somehow the news media still falls for. Somewhat of a toss-up with my alma-mater, whose most recent memory is making up a fake academic department just to keep football players' grades up

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Fister Roboto posted:

It would have taken way, way too many nukes to completely glass Japan. Might be feasible nowadays though.

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.


According to that attack plan I would die horribly of exposure to fallout. Danbury CT area is juuuuust outside of blast damage range but hosed from everything around it being schwacked.

I forgot you guys were that close. Danbury would definitely benefit from a Sherman-style scorching, atomic or otherwise

Willy Pete posted:

East coast, so I'll either turn to vapor or die a horrible vomit and poo poo filled death from the fallout when the wind blows.

Most people don't get that while the blasts are going to kill a shitload of people, the fallout afterwards is really going to gently caress things up more.

There's another chart on nuclearsecrecy that shows a single solid 15MT hit on DC rendering more or less the entire I-85 corridor up to Mass uninhabitable within about 24 hours given regular weather, and that sure as poo poo included Danbury

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

Snowdens Secret posted:

There's another chart on nuclearsecrecy that shows a single solid 15MT hit on DC rendering more or less the entire I-85 corridor up to Mass uninhabitable within about 24 hours given regular weather, and that sure as poo poo included Danbury

I want to say that's in R/hr but I'm not sure

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Mad Dragon posted:

I95. It's I95 that runs from Florida to Maine.

That felt wrong when I was typing it out but I was too lazy to gmaps to check

dendy crew posted:

drat. if a bomb went off near me i would be dead or very hurt. thank goodness for the army that they can stop all the bombs that threaten white people places.

I just know there were some AF guys who read this and squirmed uncomfortably

Victor Vermis posted:

Rumsfeld documentary on Netflix.

Unless you're talking about the sentiment, in which case.. I dunno.

I think we'll all yearn for the days of the early-mid 00's in a few years from when fully grown millenials only remember the TYRANNICAL RESPONSE to 9/11 and have no concept of how unbefuckinglievable the entire thing was at the time.

I've been there for years now, bud


Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
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Duzzy Funlop posted:

What's with those three bunchings of bombs in the mid-west and up north that wouldn't be considered at all outside of a 2000 bomb scenario?

The authors of the study's hometowns and high schools

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