Much respect to Hurt, who wrote this and told me to start it up. Fan fiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They're fans, but they're not silent, couch-bound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language. - Lev Grossman As long as fiction has existed, fanfiction has been one step behind. Dante's Inferno is just one big crossover fiction between Homer and the Bible. One could make the argument that Greek Mythology, and really a lot of religion, came to be through a combination of fan fiction and oral storytelling. But those actually have some merit and that's not at all what this game is about. (all photos found, naturally, on Deviatart) Instead, jump forward to the 1960's and a little show called Star Trek, the granddaddy of modern fan culture. Fans of Star Trek would write little newsletters and zines in which they would talk about their favorite show. Most importantly, these fanmade newsletters would feature stories by fans who just could not get enough of the spacefaring adventures of the USS Enterprise and its fearless crew. Starfleet had pledged their mission to boldly go where no man had gone before, and that extended in fans minds into the personal lives of the crew of the Enterprise. A few fans came to the conclusion that Spock and Kirk were more than just good friends, and started writing stories about their romantic encounters. And thus "shipping" was born, basically the act of imagining two characters in a fictional relationship. For the longest time this was kept in the background. Of course there were always the odd cases. There was the Tiny Toons Adventure fan who kept harrassing the voice actress of Babs' bunny with his fanfiction and weird letters. (He and other obsessive fans were later lampooned in the excellent Animaniacs bit "Please, Please, Please Get a Life Foundation." All of the fan quotes are taken from an actual online document maintained by fans). There was that weird cult in Russia obsessed with the female mouse from Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers. But until the mid to late 90's all of that was kept more to the sidelines of the internet until the advent of major collections of fanworks like fanfiction.net. This game is intended to be a celebration of Fanfiction. Fanfiction can be weird. Fanfiction can be hilarious. Fanfiction can be completely and totally disgusting. This game will be all of these things and more. I have scoured the internet (with the help of 8 bux) to find some weird and insane stories out there for the roles. Weird romantic relationships? You've got it. Complete disregard for tragic historic events? Sure. Complete disregard for sexual/societal taboos? Certainly. Like Fanfiction, this game itself will be weird and bizarre. THIS IS GOING TO BE A ROLE MADNESS GAME. TASTE HAS MADE A WHOLE BUNCH OF CRAZY ROLES. THIS MIGHT NOT BE THE MOST BALANCED GAME, BUT IT MOST CERTAINLY WILL BE EXTREMELY INTERESTING. JUST KNOW FOREWARNED THAT THIS GAME WILL BE BONKERS. Also, there will be challenges every day for a chance for fantastic extra abilities. This Game will be for 26 or more players (depending on interest). It will be modded by Tremendous Taste and myself. Please come on in, like or follow the story if you are interested, and no trolling please. Rules (stolen from Little Mac) No editing your posts. No talking OOT unless you are able to do so. Don't post your role PM. Don't spectator-post. Don't post after hammers or daykills. Don't post after dying. Don't encrypt your posts, make Toxx clauses, or play Truth or Dare. Don't lurk. I will tell you if I don't think you're posting enough. There will be punishment for lurkers!! Be nice! t a s t e fucked around with this message at 03:23 on Sep 26, 2014 |
# ¿ Sep 16, 2014 20:45 |
# ¿ Jan 12, 2025 23:03 |
Dr. Hurt posted:incredible Dr. Hurt posted:trainwreck Dr. Hurt posted:it will be a lot of fun.
# ¿ Sep 16, 2014 20:53 |
quote isn't edit, idiot
# ¿ Sep 16, 2014 21:22 |
Hurt's too!
# ¿ Sep 16, 2014 23:25 |
Rarity posted:This game is being modded by Taste's headmate I identify as Dr Hurt
# ¿ Sep 16, 2014 23:29 |
Poque posted:ok i'm in it seems? vig me day 1 because i'm not going to play this yes you are
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 02:19 |
winvirus posted:What the gently caress, taste there are many important people!
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 02:32 |
Puntification posted:holy poo poo are we full already? 26 is the minimum, more welcome given a flexible setup. Invite yr buds if you like~
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 02:34 |
Byers2142 posted:I'll only be impressed if TT pulls one of the true old-timers out of retirement for this. working on it
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 02:39 |
Dr. Hurt posted:PMs aren't going to be going out until tomorrow. Maybe even Thursday AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 02:51 |
I invited a lot of people and I'm sure I forgot some or assumed some wouldn't play at all I love all of you
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:02 |
Dr. Hurt posted:This has a flexible setup so there is space for anyone and everyone.
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:05 |
soscannonballs posted:I'll play if you are still accepting people. yes
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:10 |
Asiina posted:Role PMs better go out tonight. I'm waiting on invitation responses from some VIPs
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:11 |
anime gently caress pillow posted:Cats aren't supposed to eat bananas. I don't know who that is is it a joke or a serious recommendation
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:23 |
poor Melvin has not posted in a month, and his aim is off. he is welcome!
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:27 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 03:36 |
500 for total sent and received
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 04:15 |
you signed up before I sent something out to pretty much every cool cat I could think of I think a lot about cats if I forgot you you're still cool you just weren't in the votefinder maze I went through
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 09:15 |
Rarity posted:I added a new character called Rurity and she's amazing and everyone loves her and she fixes everything but then she dies, is this good? is she a horse
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 09:17 |
Rarity posted:This is some lameass poo poo right here maybe sign up slower poo poo idk
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 09:17 |
Rarity posted:She is a pony magically taking on the form of a buffalo. buffalo joke dot tee ex tee
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 09:26 |
Rarity posted:I'm going to write a fanfic where TGR starts going out with PSP but then FYAD gets jealous oh noes Helldump rises from the dead with LF and destroys everything Roland and Ronald Taverner style
# ¿ Sep 17, 2014 09:33 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2014 18:19 |
anime gently caress pillow posted:That is some epic @dril poo poo my man, thanks for @farting that one out
# ¿ Sep 20, 2014 18:23 |
tbh I'm sad I didn't think outside the box and give someone weird twitter as their fan fiction the fiction is it's at all clever
# ¿ Sep 20, 2014 18:24 |
give hurt a break, if you haven't yet sent in your actions hit me up
# ¿ Sep 20, 2014 18:48 |
Also submit your actions by Sunday at 9PM EST
# ¿ Sep 20, 2014 23:21 |
# ¿ Sep 21, 2014 16:42 |
Poque posted:i appreciated the TT callout. was it in the original fic? I'm suddenly interested point it out
# ¿ Sep 21, 2014 23:21 |
Agh I'll do this in the morning sorry hurt love to all my fan ficcers
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 04:37 |
I got speared in the throat tonight in front of the linesman and he googly-eyed me sprawled out hacking my friend was mildly concussed lying on the ice and he let a defenseman slap one relatively close this is REC LEAGUE
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 04:40 |
me irl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVLHaXfbfqY goodnight thread
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 04:55 |
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 15:27 |
20000ADeezNutz: Guys I don't think I can keep posting here 20000ADeezNutz: This community is just not what it was when I first joined TossedSaladNScrambleEggs: What's bothering you Nutz? 20000ADeezNutz:Well I've made numerous complaints to mods 20000ADeezNutz: And I feel that they haven't been listened to. WrathOfMod: Nutz if you have a problem we can talk about this privately WrathOfMod: No need to bring dirty laundry out in public 20000ADeezNutz: No gently caress you Gary. I've been hounding you about this for weeks. 20000ADeezNutz: It's my stories 20000ADeezNutz: my loving stories 20000ADeezNutz: Do you kno how loving hard I worked on my Dredd/Seinfeld Mashup? 20000ADeezNutz: God dammit I have started to hate this place WrathofMod: Well if you hate this place so much WrathofMod: Why don't you leave WrathOfMod: 20000ADeezNutz was banned from Fanfiction.net IRC Big Nothing, Dredd vs. Seinfeld, Town ????? has been deleted from Fanfiction.net Review: I know people on the Potterbeat have been following me for a long time. And you all really know my opinion involving crazy potter fics. There's been some weird ones out there that we've covered over the years. And sure we've all laughed together about the one where Dobby Has a chainsaw crotch (omg) and it was all in good fun. But this fic, this fic I can't really recommend. Sure if you ever wanted to read about Harry Potter being a huge dick to people sure it might be funny I guess. But really there's only so much you can take of Harry spouting objectivist politics before it gets a little boring. I get it. You want a sock puppet to spout all of your bullshit notions. But leave our wizards alone. There's no way Harry would team up with Draco and just let Voldemort raise his power without doing anything. I mean seriously, Voldemort's whole spiel is trying to kill you Harry. Wouldn't you give a bit of a magical flip about that? Ummm excuse me for that outburst, Wizard Fans. I'd have to give Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality a 0 out of 10. Please do not read this fic. Based on poor reviews (I wish), Mills, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Town Permadoc has been taken off of the internet. Mr. Capps is noticeably absent from the internet right now. Friends have tried to PM him but word on the street is he is grounded.
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 16:14 |
Rarity posted:That is some glorious flavour right there Murder, Hurt wrote.
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 16:29 |
Byers2142 posted:flavor from Hurt.
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 16:49 |
Magnus Gallant posted:It's not my fault his parents caught him staring at a picture of my rock hard abs and sent him to time out. Well, I guess I did send him the picture. . . he's 12 ffs
# ¿ Sep 22, 2014 17:00 |
spirit of the game in all things.
# ¿ Sep 23, 2014 02:08 |
# ¿ Jan 12, 2025 23:03 |
Magnus Gallant posted:I saw it before your ninja :O I didn't want it to be misconstrued for confirming or denying diq's claim
# ¿ Sep 23, 2014 02:10 |