Fair Bear Maiden posted:I didn't post this after Quarex's story because frankly it felt.. awkward? Like being at a dinner and hearing someone talk openly about their life and replying with a bad joke. But.. the new Kickstarter update mentions that inXile is starting to work on a new title and has still a small group of people working on Wasteland 2 patches. The balance problems will apparently be addressed too, though it will take a while. In the link they mention that it's an "RPG that has been passionately demanded" for a while, anybody got any ideas of what game this might be?
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 16:41 |
Kamrat posted:In the link they mention that it's an "RPG that has been passionately demanded" for a while, anybody got any ideas of what game this might be? Take your pick of Bard's Tale, Dragon Wars or a Neuromancer RPG. sauer kraut fucked around with this message at 22:18 on Dec 4, 2014 |
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My guess would be a The Bard's Tale title with a more hardcore focus than the 2004 action-RPG.
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Fair Bear Maiden posted:My guess would be a The Bard's Tale title with a more hardcore focus than the 2004 action-RPG. Only if they bring back Cary Elwes to do the voicing.
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Dragon Wars would be better. There's only one main plot trigger - kill the Big Bad. Everything else is sidequests and ruin exploration for better gear and spells. Oh, and you start inside a prison colony but you can get our by 1) killing the guards at the entrance, 2) jumping into the sea through a hole in the wall, 3) entering an underworld tunnel, 4) getting a pass from the colony's leader, 5) selling yourself into slavery.
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Just remembered this game exists and bought it in the Steam Sale. Couple questions: 1. Does religion play any part in the game? I'm gonna be pissed if my badass runaway Mormon thirdwife's religion never matters. 2. Can you swap portraits somehow after starting a game? 3. Are any of the toaster rewards actually worth spending the points in toaster repair? Pretty happy with the game so far. It scratches the same gameplay itch as Shadowrun Returns, and snipers are actually good in this game.
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no you can edit the savegame xml for almost anything (search for portrait), but you'd need to know the names of the portraits you wanna switch to. make a new crew to learn what they are you get decent xp, skillbooks and one very good unique energy weapon. if you skip trash like Barter and focus on one weapon per ranger, you have enough points for toasters easy plus it's one of the more fun things to do in this otherwise unremarkable game
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Thanks, got the portraits switched. In Highpool, if I help the townsfolk (house fire, dog) before I do the valve mission, does it gently caress me for swaying the town to Kate Preston's side? Or is there antother help quest I'm missing?
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Fair Bear Maiden posted:I didn't post this after Quarex's story because frankly it felt.. awkward? Like being at a dinner and hearing someone talk openly about their life and replying with a bad joke. But.. the new Kickstarter update mentions that inXile is starting to work on a new title and has still a small group of people working on Wasteland 2 patches. The balance problems will apparently be addressed too, though it will take a while. ![]() I understand how Dragon Wars could hypothetically be the project, but I imagine if anything they would just take design cues from Dragon Wars while making a new Bard's Tale, since the latter has virtually all the nostalgia name recognition. Oh and I kind of figured everyone would stare at what I posted and be like "...well. Ahem." and that is fine obviously. It was a pretty random thing to post even in-context. I am glad I waited until the initial fervor had slowed though, since I imagine if I had decided to post that and then had it be immediately ignored in a cavalcade of HOW DO YOU FIND SCOPES would have been worse. Edit: Oh, and Martello, I think doing the side quests before the main one is the only way to go, really. At least one of the former is timed after all.
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Quarex, you are cool dude and I hope your life is a constantly growing pile of happiness and CRPG titles. It was really great to have you spearhead such passion project. I hope your joy in life is never put out and you embrace everything with such love and enthusiasm. Also I really wished you liked Rocket Jockey, cause drat it, I need somebody of your caliber to get that kickstarter to happen and take off.
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Quarex posted:Edit: Oh, and Martello, I think doing the side quests before the main one is the only way to go, really. At least one of the former is timed after all. Sorry, I wasn't very clear. What happened was, I did the house fire and dog-finding quests, then did the valves in the tunnels, and then came up to watch the vote. It was a stalemate and Kate Preston asked me to help some people around town to swing it in her favor. So I ran all over the place and finally found the hidden sewer thing with all the dead Red Skorpions, fixed the toaster down there, and then did the quest for the hippie dude to find his dog soulmate and brought back the rock. Even after all that nothing changed on the vote. Did I miss a town-helping quest somehow? And does that camp full of dead Skorpions mean anything? I'm not asking for a spoiler but I'm wondering why I couldn't tell anybody that they have a sewer full of slaughtered dudes under their town. AxeManiac posted:Also I really wished you liked Rocket Jockey, cause drat it, I need somebody of your caliber to get that kickstarter to happen and take off. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of a modern Rocket Jockey remake. Holy poo poo I want that so bad.
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Martello posted:Sorry, I wasn't very clear. What happened was, I did the house fire and dog-finding quests, then did the valves in the tunnels, and then came up to watch the vote. It was a stalemate and Kate Preston asked me to help some people around town to swing it in her favor. So I ran all over the place and finally found the hidden sewer thing with all the dead Red Skorpions, fixed the toaster down there, and then did the quest for the hippie dude to find his dog soulmate and brought back the rock. Even after all that nothing changed on the vote. Did I miss a town-helping quest somehow? And does that camp full of dead Skorpions mean anything? I'm not asking for a spoiler but I'm wondering why I couldn't tell anybody that they have a sewer full of slaughtered dudes under their town. You've missed a few quests. Remember that hurt NPCs can be interacted with skills like surgeon. Also there is a dog near the crane that can be animal whispered (solution spoiler) or you can talk to his owner in town near the far end. Can't tell you about the Red Skorps stuff myself. I saw that this game got patched a few times now, so I'm willing to try again to play it. Unfortunatly I am a terrible min-max kind of person and I'll be starting over till I'm sick of this game probably if I don't ask: Does anyone have a good set-up for your PCs that will allow you to generally have a good time while having access to the most quests and most looting (Assuming I go AG center first)? If I don't dump charisma and luck I find myself severely lacking in combat and skills and it is driving me nuts.
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Broose posted:You've missed a few quests. Remember that hurt NPCs can be interacted with skills like surgeon. Also there is a dog near the crane that can be animal whispered (solution spoiler) or you can talk to his owner in town near the far end. Can't tell you about the Red Skorps stuff myself. Hmm, yeah I did both dog quests, the one in the cemetery and the one for the hippie dude. I ran around everywhere looking for people who needed healing and nobody did. I guess I can't stuff these ballet boxes. ![]()
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Martello posted:Hmm, yeah I did both dog quests, the one in the cemetery and the one for the hippie dude. I ran around everywhere looking for people who needed healing and nobody did. I guess I can't stuff these ballet boxes. There is a building in the far back of the map. it doen't look enterable, but it is. It has a store in there and NPCs that need healing as well as another quest to build (or lose) reputation, I don't really recommend that one though unless you've got more than a few points in mechanical.
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Broose posted:There is a building in the far back of the map. it doen't look enterable, but it is. It has a store in there and NPCs that need healing as well as another quest to build (or lose) reputation, I don't really recommend that one though unless you've got more than a few points in mechanical. I checked in there but maybe I missed something. I will give it another shot.
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In addition to all the other stuff mentioned, there's also the Wrecking Crew Camp and possibly some dialog with Sean Bergin regarding Vulture's Cry; be careful with this one, Sean might get mad if you don't answer right and pass some skill checks, but I'm not sure if it matters for the vote.
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AxeManiac posted:Quarex, you are cool dude and I hope your life is a constantly growing pile of happiness and CRPG titles. It was really great to have you spearhead such passion project. I hope your joy in life is never put out and you embrace everything with such love and enthusiasm. ![]() Speaking of, I am sure I could have been talked into liking Rocket Jockey ... for a price. Actually this is the first time I have ever seen that game mentioned, as far as I can recall. The game that immediately came to mind was Blast Corps? when I try to picture Rocket Jockey. If I were ever going to cheerlead a Kickstarter again it would undoubtedly have to be another resurrection of something I loved that has been unfairly dashed into the un-nostalgia heap. Like uhhh Return of Heracles. Or the aforementioned Temple of Apshai [Trilogy]. Even though both of those games are so old that you would just basically be making a game of a certain style and calling it something related to the original more than you would be re-creating the way the originals felt. Though I do have to say Sword of Fargoal 2 is doing a decent job of recreating what the original (seemed) to feel like from what I can see from the alpha/beta releases. Oh I would also have helped promote anything for Lord British, but he obviously did not need my help. Maybe you could get me for a Covert Action reboot, or a Dark Heart of Uukrul sequel, or a Fountain of Dreams remake in the Unity engine ... haha. Oh, I would also totally want to see a modern Sword of Aragon or Space Rogue (though the latter would just seem sort of like a weird free-roaming Starship Troopers/Ender's Game title at this point I imagine). Wait, poo poo, I would be 100% onboard a No One Lives Forever renaissance. Someone get Monolith to remember they used to make amazing games, please. Broose posted:Does anyone have a good set-up for your PCs that will allow you to generally have a good time while having access to the most quests and most looting (Assuming I go AG center first)? If I don't dump charisma and luck I find myself severely lacking in combat and skills and it is driving me nuts.
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About remakes, I'm still hoping for a Darklands HD or something. Semi-historical RPGs need more love, man ![]()
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Quarex posted:a Dark Heart of Uukrul sequel, or a Fountain of Dreams remake Man, I would be 200% down for either of that. inscrutable horse posted:About remakes, I'm still hoping for a Darklands HD or something. Semi-historical RPGs need more love, man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLKMmW9V-Ds
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Quarex posted:There has been some conversation about this lately, I put some of the discussion in the second post, including a link to the rebuttal of the "most useful skills" list. But everyone basically agrees Barter is useless (even I do, and I am usually the guy who actually takes the barter-equivalent skill in games despite being told that it sucks) and Mechanical Repair is incredibly specialized, but you can make a modest case at least for nearly everything else--though Animal Whisperer is more "fun" than "necessary." If everyone has a combat skill (and probably if you do not trust in shotguns or energy weapons to save the day) and you have at least two of the rear end Trio and otherwise raise things as they come up, you will likely do all right. Ah, I missed the links, I must have glazed over them. I was just hoping someone, somewhere had sit down and done the math already for a party of 4, with skill allocation, planned advancement, the works. Gamefaqs only has one guide, a character guide, and it is full of outdated or wrong info I think. The inXile forums are pretty barren as well. Has anyone nailed down exactly what luck does other than the crit chance and evade increase? Does it really effect jams? Loot? Something? Or is it still just speculation?
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I think its generally accepted that luck does play a part in jam percentages but its only a concern if your characters are going to use machineguns, shotguns or any of the early game revolvers because they cannot accept the sturdy mags weapon mod which practically eliminates any chance of jamming. A character with at least a 3 in weaponsmithing will be swimming in sturdy mags if you break down guns in arizona so you can make sure anyone who doesn't use any of the guns mentioned will not experience a jam at the wrong time.
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CrookedB posted:Man, I would be 200% down for either of that. If the world was just and fair, ropekid would be the Tzar of video games.
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Codex is claiming that InXile has filed trademark claims for "Meantime", which was an aborted Interplay time travel RPG from the late 80's. They also filed a claim for "Van Buren". If Interplay's FO3 ended up in InXile's hands that would be a really depressing end to its long journey. Also really impressive since Fargo loves to obliquely talk poo poo about Bethesda after he made a really lovely game for them. Maybe he got a verbal agreement from Herve Caen and he's honestly considering weathering the inevitable development-squashing lawsuits?
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Fargo is probably just hoarding whatever trademarks he can grab at this point. I still wish for a proper new Bard's Tale, but Meantime could be fun, too. I just hope they are aware of Escape from Hell, because if Meantime won't let me recruit Stalin or Genghis Khan, it will be nothing but an opportunity wasted. ![]()
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Interplay is still kicking around? I thought they lost the Fallout license a while ago.
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Quarex posted:If I were ever going to cheerlead a Kickstarter again it would undoubtedly have to be another resurrection of something I loved that has been unfairly dashed into the un-nostalgia heap. Like uhhh Return of Heracles. Or the aforementioned Temple of Apshai [Trilogy]. Even though both of those games are so old that you would just basically be making a game of a certain style and calling it something related to the original more than you would be re-creating the way the originals felt. Though I do have to say Sword of Fargoal 2 is doing a decent job of recreating what the original (seemed) to feel like from what I can see from the alpha/beta releases. Return of Heracles and Temple of Apshai Trilogy! Two of my favorite childhood games. You have impeccable taste in old CRPGs, goonsir. ![]() Seriously though a Return of Heracles/Ali Baba and the 40 thieves resurrection would be amazing. Especially since those games scream for a built-in editor in the vein of Adventure Construction Set. (which was basically a stripped down RoH/AB editor anyway) Nowadays there would be an amazing amount of great community content that could be put out for it. quote:There has been some conversation about this lately, I put some of the discussion in the second post, including a link to the rebuttal of the "most useful skills" list. But everyone basically agrees Barter is useless (even I do, and I am usually the guy who actually takes the barter-equivalent skill in games despite being told that it sucks) and Mechanical Repair is incredibly specialized, but you can make a modest case at least for nearly everything else--though Animal Whisperer is more "fun" than "necessary." If everyone has a combat skill (and probably if you do not trust in shotguns or energy weapons to save the day) and you have at least two of the rear end Trio and otherwise raise things as they come up, you will likely do all right. Speaking of most useful skills, I read in the OP that bladed weapons aren't so great. That leads me to the question--is there a Proton Ax in this game and if so, is it a bladed weapon? Because if so, come hell or high water I want to make at least one dude a Proton Ax wielder in the spirit of my Wasteland 1 dude I made a Super Jerk through robot ax-murdering. It would be nice to know if that would be viable. (For whatever reason I've been holding off on playing Wasteland 2 until my collector's edition from the Kickstarter gets here so I shamefully have not started playing yet.)
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Basic Chunnel posted:Codex is claiming that InXile has filed trademark claims for "Meantime", which was an aborted Interplay time travel RPG from the late 80's. Now, as for Van Buren ... well, yeah, I am not sure how I feel about that. I guess if it were a joint InXile-Obsidian project it would be hard for anyone to much mind, though? But then again, why in the world would he want to bring a third post-apocalyptic series into being? It is not like he could make it a Fallout title, and apparently many of the ideas were already used in New Vegas, so I doubt it would even... AGH IT MAKES NO SENSE As soon as he trademarks Fountain of Dreams and Keef the Thief and Tongue of the Fatman I am going to be convinced he is just raiding people's bizarre childhood PC gaming memories. Genpei Turtle posted:Return of Heracles and Temple of Apshai Trilogy! Two of my favorite childhood games. You have impeccable taste in old CRPGs, goonsir. But also ![]() Temple of Apshai Trilogy is totally underrated as an obvious inspiration for Diablo. Well OK there were plenty of other obvious inspirations for it but still, haha. And Return of Heracles had such a fun party mechanic; have there even been any other games where you could control that many characters, or where you could also just decide to roll with 1 character the whole time instead? Genpei Turtle posted:Speaking of most useful skills, I read in the OP that bladed weapons aren't so great. That leads me to the question--is there a Proton Ax in this game and if so, is it a bladed weapon? Because if so, come hell or high water I want to make at least one dude a Proton Ax wielder in the spirit of my Wasteland 1 dude I made a Super Jerk through robot ax-murdering. It would be nice to know if that would be viable. (For whatever reason I've been holding off on playing Wasteland 2 until my collector's edition from the Kickstarter gets here so I shamefully have not started playing yet.)
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Somebody also needs to make Arcanum 2.
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Mushball posted:I think its generally accepted that luck does play a part in jam percentages but its only a concern if your characters are going to use machineguns, shotguns or any of the early game revolvers because they cannot accept the sturdy mags weapon mod which practically eliminates any chance of jamming. A 10 luck character seems to jam as often with heavy weapons as a 2 luck character. God heavy weapons suck until the second half of the game.
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Martello posted:Somebody also needs to make Arcanum 2. This is what the thread on Rock Paper Shotgun asked for after the announcement. I'd love that but after Wasteland 2 I don't think I have any faith in inXile to make it, unfortunately.
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Van Buren = Wasteland 3? I read the design documents from the Fallout bible, it could easily be converted onto a game totally unrelated to Fallout.
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Dyna Soar posted:Van Buren = Wasteland 3? I read the design documents from the Fallout bible, it could easily be converted onto a game totally unrelated to Fallout. Yeah, it had some REALLY interesting concepts for turn based hex based combat from what I remember. Also while flawed, I loved Arcanum. The combat was stinkville, but I cheated and enjoyed the great world and setting a lot without having to worry about grinding away at impossible mountain rock men.
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Rope Kid worked on Van Buren's system but never completed it. Even knowing that WL2's systems were an intentionally laissez-faire botch job I don't remotely have the confidence in InXile to pull off anything like what was proposed. A lot of forum spergs didn't like it at the time (thrown weapons being placed under melee caused a lot of rage, iirc), I don't imagine it would pass much muster now.Dyna Soar posted:Van Buren = Wasteland 3? I read the design documents from the Fallout bible, it could easily be converted onto a game totally unrelated to Fallout. Basic Chunnel fucked around with this message at 08:44 on Dec 8, 2014 |
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Basic Chunnel posted:It was practically humor-free and very, very bleak. Ehr, based on what? A few design documents that gave the broad strokes on what the game would be about? That's hardly a good way to judge a game's overall tone. EDITED to fix my wonky English. Fair Bear Maiden fucked around with this message at 08:47 on Dec 8, 2014 |
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Mr.Pibbleton posted:God heavy weapons suck ftfy heavy weapons are garbage for the whole game, because assault rifles do everything they can do but better and without using nearly as much ammo. apparently a mod out there made them useful.
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Fair Bear Maiden posted:Ehr, based on what? A few design documents that gave the broad strokes on what the game would be about? That's hardly a good way to judge a game's overall tone. I'm pretty sure ropekid was saying it would be more serious and less monty phyton quotes.
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Admittedly there are apparently a couple of different Van Burens, started and scrapped over the course of the concept's life, and the design docs we have cover at least two (New Canaan / Jericho cover two at once). Still. The first rough concept, by Tim Cain and co., is probably closest to a Wasteland sort of thing - Presper (or whatever his name is) is a pre-war scientist woken from cryosleep who decides to wipe the planet clean. That's the sort of high concept sci-fi that can be worked into a WL framework. But yes, the general sense that you get, reading the documents, is that while Fallouts 1/2 generally picked from classic Roger Corman "ray guns and giant ants" sci-fi for its creative anachronism, Avellone and Sawyer's VB emit more of a 60's / 70's cold war vibe, particularly in the Denver, Reservation, Nursery, and Boulder concepts (the Limit 115 virus in particular is heavily reminiscent of The Andromeda Strain / The Omega Man or even The Stand, though as I understand it that wasn't necessarily something that was definitely making it into the game). The setting also shifts from the post-post-apocalypse of Fallout 2, in which nascent societies like NCR and Vault City are rising and starting to resemble pre-war communities, to... well, a post-post-post apocalypse in which all of those societies collapsed and communities are on the brink (or about to dirty bomb everyone else and take over, in the Reservation's case). As of the end of the game the most powerful faction in the wastes is most likely Caesar's Legion, only occasionally encountered in forward camps and the margins of the map. That's not a promising future. I spent a good year or two trying to pull as much of what was out there about VB together as I could for a pen and paper campaign back in the mid-'00s. Even managed to pick Sawyer and Avellone's brains about it, the former quite extensively, before Obsidian got the chance to work on the license again and both became relatively unreachable. Avellone in particular didn't remember a ton about it (though he does have design docs that aren't public, as evidenced by some talks he's given). But the sense that I got was that, if nothing else, they were distancing themselves from the way that Fallout 2 played out its humor. Everything I read was subdued. But that isn't to say that there wouldn't have been comical companions or dialogue. It's just that none of that came out of the stories in the docs. *e - for shits and giggles, you can read a partially completed PBP game of the campaign I scraped together here and in other threads there. Note that the areas covered are areas referenced in design but not written out as their own docs, so I had to write them up myself. Naturally I can make no claim to their quality. Also Imageshack exploded at some point and a lot of the images are gone. Womp womp! Basic Chunnel fucked around with this message at 09:13 on Dec 8, 2014 |
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All that said, FNV's Old World Blues is probably the best WL game of the last 20 years and it's obviously got no shortage of Van Buren DNA. There are a ton of elements that could be made to work. But the gestalt game, the spirit of it? I don't think it's compatible. One thing that is apparent, though - there's no way that Avellone wouldn't champ at the bit to work on it again, in whatever capacity.
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one thing that I don't get is that they filed a trademark for Van Buren, which was just the internal code name for Fallout 3? That means they're more or less planning on using it as the actual name for a game, right? i mean it's a good pair of words, van buren, but to a regular gamer an odd choice if it's not actually used in the game in a meaningful way. Dyna Soar fucked around with this message at 10:29 on Dec 8, 2014 |
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 16:41 |
Roobanguy posted:ftfy Yeah, I'm using the mod. They use a lot of bullets and are iffy in early-game, but from the BAR onwards they're fantastic at focus-fire. Even without weapon mods, they'll chew through badasses like honey badgers or what have you.
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