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Jun 17, 2007

Maybe I'm just older or maybe it's just ufotable being good at what they do but I'm liking Sakura a lot more in the UBW anime. Maybe her polite nature comes off better in motion than in text? Gonna suck for her when Rin comes in and steals him away.


Jun 17, 2007


Irony Be My Shield posted:

I liked Shinji for the first two routes (or at least I appreciated him as a good unlikable character). He was such an unmitigated failure that his actions made sense as either him lashing out or trying to prove that he was useful. I was still hoping Shirou would accept his team-up on the last route because I thought that could be interesting.

That doesn't really work in light of his HF actions, though, it was sortof disappointing to realize he was just bad. Maybe it would have worked better if Shirou was confronted with it early on as a challenge to his worldview that everyone can be saved.

I don't think nasu would be brave enough to write a story about how the main character teamed up with a classmate who repeatedly raped his own sister for years but he's OK now because <reasons>.

Jun 17, 2007

There's definitely a way to choose what container Heroic Spirits are put in since Heracles was specifically summoned as a Berserker because the Einzberns were paranoid of being betrayed yet again. He technically qualifies for every class except Caster and would have been strongest as an Archer but oh well, we got BerserCar out of it.

Eej fucked around with this message at 19:08 on Oct 16, 2014

Jun 17, 2007


Kubla Khan posted:

I'm not a huge fan of stuff like "A+ class magic", "I can recover 6 mana points a day!", "Gilgamesh is using his class ability" etc, it just feels awkward outside of a video game. I can overlook it but I'd still prefer if magic were more mystical and strange. I liked the idea of 'sorcery' vs. regular magic.

That's kind of the point though? Magecraft is basically a science at this point so effects can be classified and categorized. Magic, on the other hand, is basically godlike power that fits the bill of of what you're looking for.

Jun 17, 2007

I don't know if I should tell you to watch Hunter X Hunter because there's a character who fights by overloading someone's "mana" with compounding interest and he mentally estimates their power level to determine how long he has to drag a fight out for.

Jun 17, 2007


Hommando posted:

HF True is the best ending because it has the most Rider.

:agreed: 1000%

Eej fucked around with this message at 08:39 on Oct 17, 2014

Jun 17, 2007

Shirou straight up died and Ilya used Heaven's Feel to bring his soul back and they put it in a doll made by Touko. As his soul becomes more used to the doll it becomes more like his real body but it's still described as his soul piloting the body via remote control, which I assume means he feels weirdly detached from his new body since it's not his real body.

Jun 17, 2007

Probably my favourite thing about UBW and HF is that we see the two servants who get punked early on in Fate (Lancer and Rider) get to be totally awesome on screen.

Jun 17, 2007

I like that they revamped Ciel to not look like a total dweeb but I'm still hoping she's not literally the most boring character still.

Jun 17, 2007


Butt Frosted Cake posted:

Upon further thought I have decided Nasu's prose is ok for what it is. He just relies so much on exposition I wish I could enjoy the words on the screen more.

Well I mean FSN was written a decade ago but then again I don't know what Mahoutsukai is like.

Jun 17, 2007

The really dumb thing is that alternate universes are a major thing in the nasuverse but Archer is really convinced that Shirou is going down the same path. Even though just by showing up he's powering Shirou up to the point that he won't need to strike a deal anymore to become a hero of justice. Also that Rin would bitch slap the hell out of him when he acts stupid.

Jun 17, 2007


Sylphid posted:

Nonsense. The best hair color.

Does Rider count as pink or purple? Cause whatever that is, it's the best.


Jun 17, 2007

It's like those machines where you put a dollar in and turn the crank and out comes a capsule with the 5th Mario toy when you really wanted a Luigi.

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