Which episode did Iskandar appear in Carnival Phantasm? I don't remember that at all ![]() edit: A few things I liked/noticed: In episode 2 of the new UBW anime Archer mentions who he can see every window or something of a really far away building, given what we know about Archer, having Shirou perfectly make out Rin from a similar distance is kinda cool foreshadowing. Ilya is voiced by the same person right? She sounds really different when she's not acting like the comedic relief/straightman for other people's antics. It's almost like Araragi has an evil twin! (re: Shinji) How come magecraft is this sorta thing where its only these millennium old families have both real power in the craft but also are extremely weak at it except in specific circumstances? Would having more wizards recruited from normal people result in magic regaining its potency? Holy poo poo Shirou did not stand a chance, Lancer is clearly toying with him the second time around right? I'm almost shocked it isn't just a strategy to just have the Heroic Spirit just zerg rush the first Master they see. On the flipside, its interesting just how different the fight of Lancer v Archer and Lancer v Saber are. Saber seems to clearly have the upper hand while Archer had a slight disadvantage. Raenir Salazar fucked around with this message at 01:04 on Oct 13, 2014 |
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 06:09 |
I imagine Shirou winning is supposed to be left to the imagination, where willing to go to any means to reach his ends new opportunities would open up. Now as for Gil, how much of his arrogance an act? How he acts without his armour and spikey hair seem to differ considerably from when he is. That and Young Gil seems a lot more willing to be comedic.
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Eej posted:Maybe I'm just older or maybe it's just ufotable being good at what they do but I'm liking Sakura a lot more in the UBW anime. Maybe her polite nature comes off better in motion than in text? Gonna suck for her when Rin comes in and steals him away. For me I started liking her the moment she kinda stood up and corrected Shirou in a forceful enough way to make him take a step back. ![]()
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That's gotta be one of the best possible timelines, Rin and Shirou having Saber around while they kick the asses of rogue mages gotta be pretty easy with a Servant.
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Prisma gives me Gilgamesh being funny and awesome, I want more of that.Beef Waifu posted:The Fate anime is justified entirely because it gave me Liam O Brien as Archer and Grant George as Gilgamesh. Then Fate/Zero took the latter from me. That's a shame as so far it seems like the English dub producers have done a good job keeping some of the casting in-jokes; such as Alucard being Kotomine (Crispin Freeman).
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I'm a little confused on the "the Matou's are no longer Mages" thing when Zouken is supposedly still kicking around and Sakura should have those worm things as circuits or whatever ja?Paracelsus posted:It's neat all the little hints that UBW is dropping once you know what's actually going on. Things like Caster calling Shirou the weakest master by far after Shinji admitted that he has no mana, or Archer's sophistry about Heroic Spirits being stripped of their will, after we've seen him defy Rin, suggesting that he's not actually a Heroic Spirit. How does Shirou being called the weakest master fit in to this again? ![]()
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Wait, wasn't Waver's whole thing about how blood lines shouldn't matter though? Gotta be a way to get good at magic again shouldn't there or some other form of magic? Where does Shirou's magic come from then?
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To what extent is Gilgamesh's arrogance an act? Whenever he's got his hair down he seems to act more casually, not withstanding Kid!Gil who acts fairly down to earth as well.
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That sounds hilarious and awesome! Why can't we have more of that. ![]()
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How different is Realta Nua compared to Seorin's LP? I only really have the time to crunch through it at work and thus can't install the game; is there an errata for which sections to reread?
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I'm just reading Seorin's LP at work, sadly seems like I'll be missing some of the new content until I have time to try out RN. ![]()
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Diarmuid's main spear bypasses mana, how well would that work out against Hercules's 12 lives? Some servants like Lancer from FSN seem to have very overpowered ultimate abilities and then some other just make me go Huh?
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Yeah if we put plot aside it really does seem like some Servants just have some really bad match ups or abilities that just won't be useful unless they're fighting a really particular type of Servant. On the bright side it does seem like if you do summon a really overpowered Servant like Gilgamesh or Hercules either its personality will screw you over or is just too powerful to provide sufficient mana to but oh jeez this universe loves its "exceptions".
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jellycat posted:Here you go. ![]() ![]() Raenir Salazar fucked around with this message at 04:15 on Nov 25, 2014 |
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Apparently Type-Moon Vocal is a thing: Enuma Elish Part of me really wants it to be true that his subjects would party hard occasionally singing rock-praises to their God-King. The others I've found though aren't as good I feel, and there doesn't seem to be very many. ![]()
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![]() I can easily imagine Saber seriously asking that question too.
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Reading the VN Sakura just not taking Tohsoka's poo poo and barging in anyways was awesome.
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Clarste posted:So basically they're an ordinary-ish family being controlled by an immortal worm monster posing as their eternal patriarch. Which almost explains how screwed up Shinji is. This also almost in Shinji's credit in that apparently even Shinji thinks Zouken is a monster.
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So in like a thousand years from now is there going to be no magic around anymore? Is that what's happening? It seems like magic-users keep getting weaker as science advances, albeit with some super specialized powers. That kill you.
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Kyte posted:"Seigi no Mikata" means "Ally of Justice". At some point some translator made it into "Hero of Justice" and it stuck. I just got to that scene myself at work and had stared in disbelief until I got to Tohsoka verbally strangling Shirou; this explanation makes me feel a lot better now that I understand this context. ![]() I can't help but notice how quickly that dude got his Avatar from SAO. e: quote:To a certain degree, you’ll see this in normal, everyday interaction. Families and friends will regularly, when speaking to a non-family member or non-clique member, basically boil down to insulting their own family or friends to show that same humility for their in-group to an out-group member. Say Seo tells Akiha “Your brother is so hardworking and loyal.” Akiha immediately responding “No, he’s a lazy-rear end bum that never does what I tell him” is not just her being tsun. It is literally the socially acceptable response. Even if what Seo says is true, if you accepted that kind of out-group (not-family) complement for your in-group (family), it can be perceived as being too arrogant and elevating one’s own in-group. If Shiki was an entirely diligent brother that obeyed every command, Akiha would still be expected to say that he was not. Keigo is a linguistic personification of this sort of attitude. Maybe that has something to do with the fascination behind the idea of tsundere. These are great, but holy crap this is the opposite to how I've been raised in the West. Here, we pull the Lanniser/Stark Game of Thrones thing where its family first outsiders come gently caress never. Raenir Salazar fucked around with this message at 00:51 on Dec 7, 2014 |
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In the VN, Rin mentions that when Shirou eventually "grows into being a Magus" she'd come around to visit him to "collect" something, what is she collecting? Circuits?
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Xoidanor posted:A wedding ring...? It was in reference to how she had no idea another magus was hiding out in her family's territory and that now that she knows the Emiya family is here she'll "do something" at some point.
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Cake Attack posted:i predict this weeks flavor of the UBW thread will be complaining about the projection magic. the words shonen powerup will be used Speaking of, I just got to the part in FATE where Tohsoka helps Shirou unlock his magic circuits properly for the first time; the process for a magic to learn what to me as a D&D player is the "Transmutation" school of Type-moon magecraft is "strengthening -> Transformation -> Projection". Here Shirou mentions he had actually succeeded at Projection first (in UBW anime) but he didn't mention this during that sequence in Fate; that's still the case in Fate and I'll learn that there in a bit? So as for differences between Fate and UBW; Is what happened is that in UBW he manages to open his circuit properly just now this episode when he projected Banshou and Bakuya? Is that the "red" circuit indicates like in the VN?
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I guess another thing to ask is why were they so effective? Did they have particularly good stats for fighting monks or was it Shirou downloading all of Archer's fighting skills or both?
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Sure, but how come they cut Kuzuki who I presume still managed to "block" or deflect them the same way he did Excalibur.
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Sergeant_Crunch posted:I really didn't think this fight was bullshit at all. He had the advantage of surprise, which is his specialty as an assassin. He had the skill to match a legendary warrior from his years of being a professional killer. Plus his attacks were being visibly strengthened by Caster who, if you don't remember, is a servant whose main specialty is magic. It's not really crazy that he could match a servant under those conditions. I don't think anyone in this thread at least is calling BS or anything, I'm just curious about "spot the difference" sort of thing since I haven't gotten to UBW in the VN yet but did get to a similar scene in Fate, so I was just curious. I think most people are just curious about things they don't recall or haven't read yet.
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Okay well that's weird. I got to the scene where Saber and Rin are rummaging around Shirou's shed and Rin seems to have noticed Shirou's specialization might be projection instead; but I don't see/remember how at all Rin would've came to that conclusion. Does Shirou mention leaving some of his hollow projections lying around anywhere?
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HellCopter posted:Yeah, in the VN Shirou describes the shed as having a ton of failed projections lying around. At the very least, when he messes one up earlier he just tosses in to the side. I remember him constantly trying to strengthen various objects (such as a pipe) but I don't remember him projecting something. ![]()
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Nate RFB posted:This, at the very least, I don't think is accurate. Makes me wonder if every Magus can have a in theory their own reality marble that reflects their specialty? Its just otherwise normally possible to achieve that level of magic though?
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Rin used it to heal Shirou, who would I guess in one timeline kept it for the rest of his life and thus become attuned to him; thus in other timelines when she uses it to summon a Servant since its attuned to the Shirou that becomes Archer it summoned Archer.
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Cake Attack posted:you can preorder the english UBW blu-rays now How do parents have this much money?
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Lt. Lizard posted:To me, Jeanne looks like Saber with a braided ponytail and a slightly different armour. And from that trailer, Shielder looks like Saber with white (pink?) hair and a different outfit. They both share the same overall design as Saber, just with some minor bits changed/added. I guess they are not literally identical to Saber like Nero and Mordred so you could call them Arturias sisters instead of Arutrias clones if you felt charitable, but eh.... My head canon is that Saber is just reincarnated throughout the ages and that's why we have so many.
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Yeah I'm at the point Gil first shows up to skewer Caster and its finally clicked to me by now as a 'just one more...' page turner.
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Gaius Marius posted:But she didn't die in the majority of the routes. Its more that the same way Caliburn traces its lineage to older swords, I imagine the idea of "Warrior Who Sleeps Until Is Needed Again" is also one of those recurring legends that those incarnated in the Saber class generally trace their own lineage from. jellycat posted:Right, but I don't think the contract limits her to this grail. Like Kotomine said, there have been lots of things called the Holy Grail over the years, and I just figured Saber's contract basically includes anything called the Holy Grail (that can fulfill her wishes, maybe). Yeah precisely. Plus with Nasu/Type-moon writing other alternate works that include some sort of Grail there's probably plenty of places she can show up. Raenir Salazar fucked around with this message at 01:36 on Dec 30, 2014 |
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Myriad Truths posted:Does Nasuverse canon have an explanation for why witches all have misshapen ears? Is it that the character designer just had a thing for elves? It's brought up in story, so it's not even a weird design choice. I don't get it. Elves do exist in the Nasuverse along with other mythical creatures like Dragons. Sadly the whole setting is this weird Low-Urban fantasy mismash so we don't ever seem to see much of it. Like apparently the moon is a huge deal, Gil is apparently so powerful the world has him sleep on the dark side of it where all the demons live.
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That was always my thought as well, the Grail was formed no earlier than a few hundred years in the past right for their to be four Holy Grail War's at the correct 60 year intervals? That's 250 years with the 5th. So circa 1750 though I vaguely recall it being 1550, doesn't matter. I expect a Mage from the Age of Myth/Gods to be powerful enough to glance at the grail and make it do the dance. That's even if Medea/Caster even *is* something resembling a Mage, from what I recall of her myth she's no Raistlin*. So a proper Mage from that time could do whatever hacks he or she wants. *Assuming the origin of the Nasuverse being an RPG system derived from D&D is correct then Medea is probably more of a Bard, but you're still a spellcaster so it counts. Raenir Salazar fucked around with this message at 09:25 on Jan 1, 2015 |
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Didn't they have Shirou and Archer compete to make food with the obvious hilarious gags of Rin and Saber tasting it to boot?
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I finished reading the Fate route now, interesting bit of irony and foreshadowing at the end there when Shirou goes after Kotomine while Saber fights Gilgamesh, Gil says it would've been better if Saber went after Kotomine while Shirou stayed to face him.
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Mederlock posted:Don't want to spoil it of its your first read, but man, you're in for a treat later on, I'll tells ya 'what I already saw the UBW movie. ![]()
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 06:09 |
Kyte posted:That's because it is Luvia. The Seibaclone is Waver's student. Because that's adult Waver and adult Waver is something of a hard rear end right? ![]()
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