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point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
Rin is the best because she spends a large amount of time just making fun of Shiro for being an idiot.


point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
Obviously, it's D&D status pages not because it'd be easier for Shirou to understand, but because it'd be easier for the average Fate/stay night reader to understand--it says it's designed around the person using it, who isn't necessarily actually Shirou.

(If Shirou actually mentions the ranks, I'll shut up.)

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx

MonsieurChoc posted:

I'm still disappointed that the next episode previews aren't Tiger Dojo.

I'm disappointed by the lack of claymation (even though F/0 also lacked claymation).

The obvious answer to both complaints is claymation Tiger Dojo.

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
Isn't the point of Type-Mercury/ORT that any fight involving it would be a curbstomp without ORT even necessarily knowing?

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
You're supposed to be confused. The first movie is not the first chronologically, and it deliberately throws you head-first into the universe without saying how it happens, and then in later movies it fills in the details. It goes 2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7, all the extras and such.

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx

Scrree posted:

Sakura time it is then

Man, Azaka and the Tsukihime character based off her are really similar, aren't they

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
Isn't there a weird trademark issue with the word "superhero" in the United States?

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx

MonsieurChoc posted:

Nasu is just channelling his idol Andrew Hussie.

I imagine Nasu hearing about the exposition booth in one of the later bits of Homestuck and literally going out in Akiba and paying people to let him spout Nasuspeak.

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx

Gaius Marius posted:

But she didn't die in the majority of the routes.
Are there any major myths other than King Arthur that end with the character going into eternal sleep in a mysterious place?

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
IIRC the idea is that Tokiomi didn't want to have his two daughters fighting each other in order to get the most powerful of his spells (which have some bizarre transfer process) and he wasn't aware of just how terrible the Matou magic process is.

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
It looks sort of between a Shirou and a Kiritsugu.

point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx

Twiddy posted:

Kirie fight


Kirie fight


point of return
Aug 13, 2011

by exmarx
I'm pretty sure the male Shiki personality dies before she gets the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception though?

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