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Nov 3, 2012
But Shinji does have a point in HF though? Like it's mentioned his whole deal is that he was super proud of carrying the Matou magecraft legacy and then he found out that Sakura is the true heir and Zouken and his own father stopped giving him the time of day. He is basically super jealous of Sakura for being the true magus while he himself is meaningless nobody (Sakura befriending Shirou was probably the straw that broke the camel’s back in this regard, since he probably saw it as her stealing his best friend just like she took his place in the Matou family).

You can even conceivably draw a parallel to Sakura jealousy towards Rin about how perfect her life is and how Rin has everything that Sakura wants with how Shinji views Sakura.

He was probably an rear end in a top hat regardless, just not quite a terrible person that he became after the revelation and treatment by Zouken.


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