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Feb 26, 2013

So where the hell is the Tsukihime remake?

Nate RFB posted:

I disagree, Rin if anything to me is the most unbelievable pairing because I just don't think they think of themselves that way. They see themselves as friends. Their hookup in UBW was just crossing the t's and dotting the i's in a "well, I guess they have to?" sort of way. Thy could've completely axed it and it wouldn't have really changed the plot significantly. If there's anyone that Rin is remotely connected to in an intimate way it'd be Archer, which obviously wouldn't really work as is.

Yeah, while how Rin and Shirou act together is great in the end they just decide they might as well go out.
It can happen, why not, but it doesn't really feel satisfying?

I liked the Sakura romance though because unlike the rest, Shirou and Sakura actually have a common past history, not just literally met each other in a week ago. The bigger reason why I liked it better though was that in the other paths the confession happened at the end, like in most other works, but in HF it happened in the middle, basically the turning point for Shirou, it didn't felt like Shirou just "won the girl".


Feb 26, 2013

BlitzBlast posted:

I still don't understand how Mind of Steel would end in anything other than Berserker pasting Shirou the second he steps out of the church.

Does he have enough swords?

Feb 26, 2013

It's a bad end because Shirou learns nothing and becomes Kiritsugu/Archer.

Tsukihime had something similar with Shiki murdering Akiha and turning into a mass-murderer/vampire hunter.

Feb 26, 2013

I'm curious about Shinji's redemption, reason or whatever, since every other Nasu villain is given some reason, even if it is "good intention turned bad because he/she lived forever".
Shinji was just a rapist.

Feb 26, 2013

Play Battle Moon Wars to know how Shirou does after HF.

Feb 26, 2013

Actually how much Kirei is there on the UBW path?

I mainly remember this talk, then at one point he gets killed by Caster or something like that, the Gilgamesh goes rogue and kills everybody.

ˇˇRight, now I remember. I thought Caster stole Lancer too, but he just simply had it with Kirei's poo poo.

Bholder fucked around with this message at 20:02 on Oct 18, 2014

Feb 26, 2013

Lt. Lizard posted:

...and thats it. He is basically non-entity in UBW route.

That is what I was thinking, but he appears more than twice, that's good enough.

Still don't know why we see Rider in the OP when the only thing we'll see is her dead body.

Feb 26, 2013

I could only read Tsukihime while listening to Melty Blood OST

Feb 26, 2013

I'm pretty sure Archer wasn't even aiming for Berserker in this case, but for Shirou and Saber.

I was also about to comment how we won't see Ilya much later, but then we had that scene with Kirei.

Feb 26, 2013

Making UBW the continuation of Zero is a really bad idea because UBW is the most self contained story of the three.

Feb 26, 2013

I thought she cannot turn incorporeal because Shirou sucks.

Feb 26, 2013

Cake Attack posted:

remind me again why archer wouldn't just let caster kill shirou?

He wants to create a time paradox by killing his past self himself.

Feb 26, 2013

Jeez Caster, stop spoiling the big twist...

Feb 26, 2013

I remember Caster tries the same thing with manipulating Shirou, but Saber interrupts it and this is where she fights Assassin the first time.

Feb 26, 2013

You really believe Kirei keeps Gilgamesh around with just a bunch of battery-children?

Feb 26, 2013

That reminds me, how the hell can she do the Bloodfort thing? Is she a vampire, or is this yet another Medusa thing?

Feb 26, 2013

Sergeant_Crunch posted:

The worst part of the UBW thread is the condescending remarks from Type Moon thread posters when someone has a negative opinion of the show.

It's mostly because nearly all complaints are "it's not Fate/Zero".

Feb 26, 2013

Beef Waifu posted:

Hot anime teenagers in hot anime situations.

We'll get this instead of hilarious, awkward, tsundere sex?

What a ripoff.

Feb 26, 2013

Nate RFB posted:

I really want it to end with Archer's betrayal, but I don't know if that will be feasible.


Next episode is the bullshit fisticuffs with Souichirou.
Then the date and Saber is stolen.
And after that we get the counterattack and Archer's betrayal, but there are quite a few scenes inbetween and there's hope for some bonus scenes like Kirei's death on screen.

Feb 26, 2013

Aumanor posted:

You're forgetting the entire day ten. There's no way they're going to cram that, the date and Caster's attack into a single episode.

Sure they can, nothing interesting happens in day 10.

Oh wait, I just checked, there's a really fabulous scene between Shirou and Archer they WILL keep.

Feb 26, 2013

If the last episode is an hour long they can get to the Archer betrayal scene easily

Feb 26, 2013

Gil, please don't step on Shinji's grandpa right in front of him!

Ibram Gaunt posted:

I want a short story about his hosed up backstory.

He just killed a bunch of people and he doesn't even care. What even is his backstory?

Feb 26, 2013

Aumanor posted:

So. It looks like the last episode of this cour will indeed end with that roof scene.

Hopefully with the 1 hour lenght we might get some bonus scenes with Kotomine and Caster.

Feb 26, 2013

Finally have the time to watch this thing, and there is no thread to complain about the Kirei scene...

... and I'll have to wait till April to get more.

Oh well, there will be Jojos to fill the gap in my heart.

Feb 26, 2013

That's retarded

Feb 26, 2013

Can't wait to see people lose their poo poo about Wedding dress-Saber, at least I'm sure the magical vibrator will be gone.

Feb 26, 2013

BlitzBlast posted:

I still feel like all watching Fate/Zero first does is give you a really weird view of what the Fate series is actually like.

So after a long time, I decided to watch F/Zero and there are certainly some differences from the original.

First one is the one everyone complained when the UBW anime came out: the cast is mostly grown up, there are no high school hijinks at all which is a nice change from most anime out there.

The other is how in F/Z modern technology (mostly guns) and magic meets in a way not present in the main FSN series. In the UBW anime, Fate/Extra and Grand Order they do show how modern mages create magical sci-fi contraptions but those are different.
It might be just Urobuchi's hardon for guns though...

Feb 26, 2013

Oh boy, you gonna love the Heaven's Feel movie!

Tell me, how do you feel about "dick-worms"?

... actually wait a minute, you watched KnK and ignored the part where the evil rapist guy literally licked and bite every part of Shiki's body in a painfully slow manner? Or where that woman whose name I've already forgotten got raped on screen?

Bholder fucked around with this message at 18:14 on May 8, 2016

Feb 26, 2013

The people who'll be the most confused will be the ones starting from Zero, but that kinda comes with starting with the prequel that was written after the main series.

Feb 26, 2013

Damnit, I was hoping I could wait a month when all the story summaries and strategy guides for all the bullshit boss battles we are obviously going to get will be released.

Feb 26, 2013

I love how we are celebrating the end of the story with the beginning of the story.

BlitzBlast posted:

TBH Fate/Grand Order is a series where I'd prefer it if they just skipped ahead for an animated adaption.

Like drat, I do not care at all about the first three orders.

I dunno, I would love to see animated Jeanne Alter

Feb 26, 2013

Ytlaya posted:

This second Gawain fight in Camelot is kinda a pain in the rear end. Had to use my 3 command seals to revive against him, though I think I'll end up winning. I read there's also another later fight against him where he resist Archers!

Last time is actually the easiest since his defence is the lowest.

Feb 26, 2013

I just want Taiga

Feb 26, 2013

Nasu said he wants something like FHA after the main story is finished but some of the events already make it feel like FHA

Feb 26, 2013

Must. Finish. For. 30. Quartz.

Feb 26, 2013

Speaking of wierd luck my 5 star luck so far was Altera, another Altera, ANOTHER Altera...

then Da Vinci and Cu-Alter

Feb 26, 2013

He was pretty evil in FZ too

Feb 26, 2013

So guess who appeared in my random one ticket.

I don't deserve this...

Feb 26, 2013

BlitzBlast posted:

- Goetia represents the human sin of mercy/compassion, because he fundamentally doesn't understand why humans would be okay with dying. His goal is to erase the world and rebuild it into one where everyone is immortal, much like the demon pillars.

So it all comes back to this again. Every Nasu work is about how being immortal makes you evil.

As for the Holmes foreshadowing, I'm pretty sure it meant that it wasn't Solomon himself who destroyed the world but Goetica, the real Solomon/Roman foresaw this in his last moments but he could only work against it as human-Roman.

The actual hints for future contents I think is when they mentioned how the other Beasts might appear as well.


Feb 26, 2013

So the paid gacha and class gacha is rolled into one now?

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