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Jun 18, 2013



Anyways, currently there exists 3 light novels and they have been adapted into 8 different movies and an OVA all handled by Ufotable. I believe they are recommended for those who want to see KNK instead of reading the light novels, but maybe someone could clarify.

I have read the KnK novels! They've been translated and if you Google, you can find them. That being said I would personally say that the translation quality fluctuates from being adequate to sounding like someone gave up halfway through and resorted to weird gangster talk. The movies are a very good (almost too faithful) adaption of the stories, sticking to those weird narrative jumps and leaps and perspective changes that the books did. So I'd say just watch those instead! There are only a few minor details that have been changed, but overall ufotable did a good job sticking to the source material.

Also, everyone watch Carnival Phantasm.

Compendium fucked around with this message at 22:55 on Oct 11, 2014


Jun 18, 2013


icantfindaname posted:

I thought the VN thread was banned forever

To be fair, TM has only done five full length VNs and there's enough spin-off/adaption things to discuss at length.

Compendium fucked around with this message at 00:32 on Oct 12, 2014

Jun 18, 2013

Tsukihime manga is good, but I don't blame Carnival Phantasm for not being able to have a lot of material for it. Fate's cast is bigger and thus more hilarity to be had.

Jun 18, 2013

I think the best part about Saber is when she becomes a huge foodie. I laughed at the part where Shirou asked her about what food was like back in her era and she's just filled with so much hate at the thought of it.

Jun 18, 2013


Myurton posted:

If that in FHA? Cause I don't remember that scene at all.

There's a scene of it in FSN, I don't quite recall which section it is though.

Jun 18, 2013

There's also tea time.

Jun 18, 2013

For real TM crossover shenanigans, don't forget the All Around Type-Moon manga!

Jun 18, 2013


AfroSquirrel posted:

This is amazing! Thanks for linking it. Magical idiots are even better when they're dealing with alternate versions of themselves!

No problem! I think it's a really cute and chill gag series where the author clearly shows the love for TM characters and makes a genuinely fun crossover with the characters in Ahnenerbe (I love how that cafe is a universal constant).

Jun 18, 2013


Nate RFB posted:

How have I gone this long without reading this??

Loved the end of that chapter. I gotta say my favorite is this page though:

Jun 18, 2013

And Waver is alive too, but at least he's out of the country so Kotomine can bullshit to the max. :v:

Jun 18, 2013

Kotomine in UBW is killed by Lancer.

Jun 18, 2013


Naerasa posted:

This is something I've never really understood. Saber, Rider and Gilagemsh all have their arcs that end with them staying around after the war is over. I'm pretty sure I get the situation with Gilgamesh but I'm unclear on why Saber and Rider are able to stick around, other than 'their masters are soooooo great'.

For Rider, she's able to stick around in the True Ending for Heaven's Feel because Sakura has a fuckton of mana.

Jun 18, 2013


Myurton posted:

I finally got around to watching the last two movies of Kara no Kyoukai, Mirai Fukuin and Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus

I thought that it was rather appropriate that Ryougi Shiki in the future becomes a freaking mafia boss, that made my evening.

Yeah, I think it's pretty great that out of all TM protagonists she kind of has the best ending; mom, mafia boss, all around badass.

Jun 18, 2013


ArchetypeBlue posted:

I have both the original F/SN anime and the Tsukihime anime on DVD sitting on my shelf, and while they're both sort of terrible, I don't actually regret the money I spent on the former. The latter? Eugh. I wish someone had told me how terrible it was before I'd spent money on it.

The Tsukihime anime fascinates me because I wonder what made the studio behind it look at the source material and go, "God, everything needs to be more depressing!"

I mean, I could at least understand the art direction, seeing as how Takeuchi's old sprites were very wonky, but the complete 180 change in tone and characterization...?

Compendium fucked around with this message at 16:16 on Oct 29, 2014

Jun 18, 2013


jellycat posted:

Nearly all of Type-Moon's stuff seems to have multiple cases of rape in them and I really wish they didn't.

Speaking of which, I just finished watching Kara no Kyoukai. I liked Future Gospel so much, it even made me like the epilogue in retrospect. I would watch more Kara no Kyoukai that was just Mana bullying Mitsuru and dragging him around to solve cases.

Yeah, in each of the major properties (Tsukihime, FSN, KnK) there's a case of it. On the one hand at least the characters that suffered it have interesting (depending on how you see it) characterization and are able to live their lives apart from the trauma. And on the other hand, god loving dammit Nasu.

Future Gospel was pretty nice and I always did like the fact that Mikiya and Shiki grow up to be relatively happy compared to most TM protagonists.

Jun 18, 2013


Nate RFB posted:

I haven't played CCC obviously but it is apparently really trashy, which is a shame because you can select Gilgamesh as one of your servants.

And with Gilgamesh as your Servant, you get one of the best scenes in the game, hands down.

Jun 18, 2013


jellycat posted:

I finished Fate/Stay Night a few days ago. Every time I think about the Heaven's Feel normal ending enough, I start tearing up again because I'm a crybaby. I'm glad the true ending is mostly pretty happy.

I dipped my toe into Hollow Ataraxia, but I think I'm going to watch Fate/Zero first, because I'd rather end the main Fate stuff on a more pleasant note. I also have Carnival Phantasm prepared for this reason.

Basically I am going to tear through most of the Fate franchise in one month, I guess.

You are a trooper. You're gonna love Carnival Phantasm after all the Fate stuff considering 80% of it is Fate skits anyways.

Jun 18, 2013


HellCopter posted:

I have no knowledge of Kara no Kyoukai other than that the main character wears a cool jacket and is also named Shiki for some reason. I decided to take a look at the first movie, and - am I supposed to have even the faintest clue who anybody is or what's going on? Because 20 minutes in and I really, really don't. Was I supposed to read something beforehand or start at movie 4 or some other weird condition?

Keep going, it's worth it. The confusion and non-chronological order is very deliberate since that's how the novels were written too. You're not gonna be left completely hanging since each movie builds off one another as you go forward.

Jun 18, 2013

To be fair, it's not hard to see why.

Jun 18, 2013

Berserker shows how I feel about the UBW thread.

Jun 18, 2013

At least in the anime right now, Illya's letting Berserker recover from the fight with Archer and Saber so Caster probably sees an opportunity to act while the bruiser's down and out.

Jun 18, 2013

"Fate/Zero is darker and edgier therefore superior because Kiritsugu is a goddamn adult who would cap all these motherfuckers in the head," is what I usually glean from people who think F/Z is the best.

I like Fate/Zero. Urobuchi's writing worked well with Nasu's concepts for a story where the entire purpose was ultimately to show the misery that the Holy Grail War causes and how it effects the participants. Each participant is an interesting character to some degree and have a back story regardless of how big their part is. Waver and Rider are fantastic as are Saber (who needed actual characterization after Studio Deen's adaptions) and Irisviel and it IS refreshing to see a mostly adult cast instead of high school kids getting into whacky magic shenanigans.

That being said, people still missed the point that there are things left unresolved at the end of Fate/Zero which is where FSN steps in with Rin, Shirou, and friends. And goddamn if poo poo doesn't go down, but eh, seven episodes isn't enough to convince some people I guess.


Kyte posted:

That kinda sounds like the wiki making stuff up.

That excerpt is actually cited from the Fate/Zero material book. Kiritsugu really does have that as a super pitiful excuse.

Compendium fucked around with this message at 17:13 on Nov 24, 2014

Jun 18, 2013


Rodyle posted:

I've always thought that kind of thing fits in super well with the whole part where Kiritsugu is supposed to be an emotionally immature weirdo (as is everyone else in his camp really, except maybe Saber).

But that's another part of what makes the whole "Kiritsugu is so much better" crowd weird. "Kiritsugu is so much better because Shirou is so misogynistic blah blah blah" yeah let's bring back the guy who completely disrespects his Servant, murders his foster mother, essentially treats his ward like a rifle with limbs and a vagina, and was planning to ritually sacrifice his wife (albeit with her permission I guess), HE'LL show that high school boy how to treat a woman.

My thoughts exactly. Like, even in the first edition of the Fate route where Shirou does say outrageously stupid poo poo, he still ends up having to get over it and works together with Saber unlike Kiritsugu. And the current UBW adaption is going out of its way to show that he is completely out of his depth and needs to depend on Saber and Rin to get through the War and not loving die.

Jun 18, 2013


Irony Be My Shield posted:

I don't see this attitude very much, it mostly seems like a strawman built by FSN enthusiasts. Kiritsugu's moral system is wrong and the series makes that abundantly clear. Indeed that's one of the major reasons I like FZ (and to some degree FSN); plenty of other action series pretty much advocate behaviour like his and it was refreshing to see his ideals taken down.

The actual problem I had when I read FSN is that it had loads of long pointless boring scenes, and when I watched FZ I was glad to see most of the cool things I liked about FSN without as many of those scenes.

Yeah, the first part is straw man-y. The second, not so much though since it's right there in the UBW thread.

Jun 18, 2013


Nate RFB posted:

Everything with Kariya was pretty great too.

I felt bad for the guy since he genuinely did love Rin and Sakura, but I do love how people did called him out. Fate/Zero aka, Y'all Are Trash. :allears:

Jun 18, 2013

Eh, I can take it or leave it.

More of a Fake Assassin/Ryuudo Gate person myself.

Jun 18, 2013

Go forth and make everyone agree with you.


Jun 18, 2013


Clarste posted:

From what I understand of the complaints about Shirou, it's less that they think he's a whiny teenager and more that they think he's a bland self-insert harem protagonist. Because, well, he does has a harem and the biggest characterization bit he's had so far is that he's too nice. Which is a fairly standard self-insert trait. It'll take pushing him to the point where "too nice" is more obviously a flaw to start seeing him as his own character.

As a tangent, I wonder what these people would think of Shiki, who really does have very little personality when he's not going crazy and stabbing chairs. For that matter, is he going to have a personality in the Tsukihime remake?

Nah, Shiki's got a personality and it's being a huge jerk AND being bug loving nuts.

Jun 18, 2013

Everyone go back to watching Carnival Phantasm.

Jun 18, 2013

A king's got to know these sort of things.

Jun 18, 2013


jellycat posted:

I was watching a compilation of all the Fate series openings and I didn't realize the Vita version of Realta Nua had new ones.
I really love the Heaven's Feel opening, but wow they sure do spoil everything. I guess that's why there wasn't a new opening for Heaven's Feel in the original VN.

Yeah the Vita openings are really cool. I think the neat thing about the songs are how each of the lyrics change slightly to reflect the theme of each route although obviously Heaven's Feel is the one that changes the most.

Jun 18, 2013

Sakura is the Boss Monkey of the house since Saber and Rider immediately stop arguing over the merits of octopus as a meal when she intervenes while Shirou just wants to get the drat meal done.

<-- excuse you new forum icon, I'm a lady :argh:

Compendium fucked around with this message at 22:02 on Nov 28, 2014

Jun 18, 2013


point of return posted:

Man, Azaka and the Tsukihime character based off her are really similar, aren't they

Pretty much. Although to make it even weirder, in Oblivion Recorder, young Azaka has pigtails that make her look exactly like young Rin.

Jun 18, 2013

I find it funny that Caren is able to control both Lancer and Gilgamesh though. I know why, still never made sense to me really, but I can roll with it if only for hilarity.

Jun 18, 2013

^ yeah that

People like Nice Guys and Kariya definitely was kinda one and the worms didn't help either. Still, his scenes with Sakura in F/Z were touching, at least to me, because he knew how lovely Zouken was and he had the decency to be like, "holy poo poo the kids are not alright" while Tokiomi was just, "but the Root man."

Compendium fucked around with this message at 09:53 on Nov 30, 2014

Jun 18, 2013

I would like to think Kuzuki walked in to throttle Shinji for interrupting class and being a little poo poo even though he's really going by what Caster tells him to do.

Jun 18, 2013

Shokugeki no Shirou.

Jun 18, 2013


Silver2195 posted:

Nasu's treatment of Christianity actually exceeds my expectations for Japanese genre fiction considerably. For a really bad portrayal of Christianity, see A Certain Magical Index.

True, there's a modicum of some knowledge of how it works if you read/watched Kara no Kyoukai: Oblivion Recorder. Sorta.

Jun 18, 2013

"Mary Magdalene? poo poo son, gonna use that name for a piece of cloth that only binds men!"


Jun 18, 2013

Wow, it really did get bad. :v:

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