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Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Beef Waifu posted:

It's not worth it. Tsukihime's really dated and honestly if I didn't read it when I was 16 I would probably have never finished it. It's just so badly paced and meticulous to read. It's got nice characters here and there, but for the most part they don't really love to be anything the stereotypes they betray. From what I recall I do like Ciel and Hisui, Arcueid's kind of grown on me too but that's thanks to spinoff a and crossover games. I gotta tell you though Tsukihime has the best bad ends, like getting attacked in a hotel by a shark.

Here's hoping that if that remake ever gets made Nasu can take everything he's learned and apply it there. The new designs are nice too I feel. God knows I probably won't finish it though, visual novels are just too god damned long to sit down and read. Of course I say this as I ha e a copy of FSN on Vita coming in.

The Vita version and the PC play asia realta nu version (not talking about the original cd or DVD version) of FSN are identical if you use the english patch from beast lair, just to mention. Plus you get all sorts of extra options that don't exist in the Vita version.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 17:59 on Oct 12, 2014


Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Beef Waifu posted:

Yeah, but I can't be assed to sit at my PC and read all these words, which is my big issue with rereading FSN is I will probably not even make it out of the prologue before I stop reading it.

Then do what I did and install it on a tablet.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Beef Waifu posted:

Wait, you can do that?

Yeah if it's a windows 8 tablet.

Or a jailbroken ipad.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Beef Waifu posted:

Yeah, that's where the problem's gonna come in. Thanks for telling me that though, that is good to know.

If you have either a jailbroken iPad or a win 8 tablet you can pretty much install and play any visual novel in existence just to mention.

Android can also do some VN's as well though you need a special program.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Compendium posted:

I think the best part about Saber is when she becomes a huge foodie. I laughed at the part where Shirou asked her about what food was like back in her era and she's just filled with so much hate at the thought of it.

If that in FHA? Cause I don't remember that scene at all.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

MonsieurChoc posted:

It's not a question of era: she's from Britain.

Technically she's not British, but Welsh. Slightly different food culture but yeah still pretty terrible. The only two foods that the Brits invented that are good is fish and chips, and bacon and eggs. And if you don't believe me on the bacon and eggs thing go look up the history of it.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 18:53 on Oct 12, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Compendium posted:

There's also tea time.

Which wasn't introduced until sometime in the 1700's which is way past the medieval ages. So Saber being a tea drinking Brit is actually historically wrong.

I always found that kinda funny when Saber was shown drinking tea as if tea and being british go together. When that is in fact only been going on for about 200-300 years.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 19:00 on Oct 12, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Clarste posted:

That actually seems like the easiest part of the adaption? Just show the dream, and make it clear it's Rin's by showing her sleeping or whatever.

Honestly I think the Archer/Shirou battle is a nightmare to adapt since it takes place entirely inside his head, but for some reason people are looking forward to that one being animated.

What I really want to see animated is Nine Bullet Revolver in Heavens Feel. That and Sparks Liner High blows every other fight scene out of the water.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag


The best one doesn't have "BAD END" or "DEAD END." It's just "END." :colbert:

e: I actually forgot the most stupidly :black101: thing about HF (and hoo boy there's a lot): the fact that Shirou is literally made of swords by the end. They don't really do a great job showing that in the VN but holy god drat it's going to be insane animated.

Actually in the play asia and vita version they do a better job of this actually showing his body having swords sticking out of it emanating from his left arm.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag


I played it years ago with the Realta Nua patch that added most of the extra stuff and didn't really see anything like that (with the exception of that bit in the Kirei fight), but maybe it's been added since or my memory's foggy.

I was talking about a completely different version that is not the realta nua patch version that is separate from the original CD and DVD versions.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Fangz posted:

Yeah... watching this again, it occurs to me that things would be very different if Shirou just confirmed everything with Saber right now.

Saber: "Hmm, that's not quite how I remember it..."

Rin: "Well, that's what Kotomine has always said, and I think he'll know the rules a bit better than..."

Saber: "You mean, Kotomine Kirei, the guy who was Kiritsugu's greatest enemy during the last war, and the guy who murdered Tohsaka Tokiomi and stole his Servant?"

Rin&Shirou: "What"

Unfortunately Fate/Zero was written after FS/N so stupidly she doesn't know all those details.

Which makes me wonder why they didn't just retroactively add in those details.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Naerasa posted:

This is something I've never really understood. Saber, Rider and Gilagemsh all have their arcs that end with them staying around after the war is over. I'm pretty sure I get the situation with Gilgamesh but I'm unclear on why Saber and Rider are able to stick around, other than 'their masters are soooooo great'.

Gilgamesh (Fate route spoilers) was essentially eating people to stay in the world as was found out near the end of the Fate route.

Saber (UBW route spoilers) Yeah Rin just has a poo poo ton of mana or something apparently

Rider (Heavens Feel route spoilers) Sakura is a loving holy grail herself so of course she'd have a near inexhaustible mana supply to keep Rider around

Myurton fucked around with this message at 04:34 on Oct 20, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
I finally got around to watching the last two movies of Kara no Kyoukai, Mirai Fukuin and Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus

I thought that it was rather appropriate that Ryougi Shiki in the future becomes a freaking mafia boss, that made my evening.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
They will probably remove and replace the h-scenes as well which is fine by me, though admittedly I could have it either way. Though I am wondering what they would put in their place, hopefully nothing really dumb. Also I hope he writes in more Zelretch.


It will also probably be available on Play Asia much like Fate/Stay Night is.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 00:17 on Oct 21, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Silver2195 posted:

To express their love for each other, Arcueid and Shiki will perform a magical ritual, symbolically represented by Shiki being eaten by a giant cat. :v:

Suddenly I had the image of a giant Neco Arc having Shiki in her mouth like some anime piece of fish, with the other Neco versions watching smoking cigarettes.

Also to those that don't know there is already three different versions of the Tsukihime soundtrack. The original visual novel, the Ever After remix CD, and the Tsukibako version of the game which has slightly different music from the original.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 01:10 on Oct 21, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

MonsieurChoc posted:

I'm playing (reading) through the french fanslation of Mahoyo, and it's amazing how beautiful the game is. It makes Fate look like the original release of Tsukihime.

The english fanslation that Commiesubs is working on is completely translated, the problem they are having is that their editor is currently looking for work meaning he/she can't do very much if any editing.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Irony Be My Shield posted:

Actually that reminds me of a question I've had for a while: why does Gilgamesh not care about Saber at all in UBW? He was really obsessed with her in Fate.

He was probably interested in her in Heavens Feel but then the black grail ate him.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

BlitzBlast posted:

RN's changes to HF kind of ruin a lot of things about Sakura's personality and motivations, but to be honest "was molested 24/7 for most of her life" is a pretty lovely backstory.

Yeah but it fully explains why she is so screwed up. Also the scene where Shinji tries to rape her "again" and then ends up dead is one of my favorite scenes since I highly dislike that slimy bastard.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
I was talking about the original none RN version, with all the H scenes still in.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Nate RFB posted:

Réalta Nua was ported to the PC in 2012 as three separate games/installs, one for each route (they share the same save file directory). A translation patch for this version was released relatively recently:

This patch is better, it has the same translation as the one you posted but also adds all sorts of extra's that were PSVita only.

Including the vita soundtrack, the vita openings, and a bunch of other stuff.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Yeah but how many people would think to actually read the faq?

I know I wouldn't.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Kubla Khan posted:

Finished Pt. 5 of Kara no Kyokai and wow, just wow. 10/10

The way various symbols were weaved into the story was simply perfect. Thinking about the whole thing, the way characters acted and how the visual/story puzzle pieces fit together actually made the whole thing so emotionally rewarding as if the viewer's introspective process was intended from the start. Not sure if the remaining 2 episodes can live up to my glowing adoration and I'm actually a bit scared to find out.

Actually dude there is 4 more episodes after that, the last 2 movies, the epilogue and the extra OVA called Mirai Fuken.


You know I was thinking that the characters I would love to see in a future Nasu work are Altrouge Brunstud along with Primate Murder and Type Mercury. Both would have absolutely insane fights, that and the fight against Crimson Moon.

Primate Murder and Altrouge makes the thing that was being created in Heavens Feel, Angra Mainyu to be weak in comparison, and Type Mercury is just really freaking weird and horrifying and very OP.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 20:13 on Nov 8, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

point of return posted:

Isn't the point of Type-Mercury/ORT that any fight involving it would be a curbstomp without ORT even necessarily knowing?

Yeah but I think it would interesting if someone with actual true magic came and put up an actual fight. Cause in notes the only ones who can actually do poo poo against the Types is essentially the sorcerer sisters, and the black barrel.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Because no one seems to want to bring a translated version of Fate/Extra CCC to north america or europe.

Also you should never pick Gil in that game as your first servant cause he kinda spoils the entire plot of the game, since he seems to have knowledge of what is actually going on and will mention stuff all the time to ruin the story.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 17:15 on Nov 17, 2014

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Oh I agree Gil is great, but I just don't want the story ruined the first time through. Also this scene with Gil is pure gold.

Gil: "Behold my greatness!!!"

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Um yeah I should remind you guys that in Heavens Feel Zouken states that the grail is not choosing people to be masters. He never exclusively states who or what is, but it is heavily hinted at that the guys who setup the grail war have a say in who gets to be a master and who doesn't. So it wouldn't really surprise me if the Einsberns choose Shiro to be a master cause they wanted Illya to murder the poo poo out of him cause his dad betrayed them.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
I could be simply that Ciel gets the cloth for it, and that Rin tailors it into a cloak. Cause it was apparently originally a holy shroud.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

HellCopter posted:

I appreciate the info. It's interesting seeing how Nasu interprets legends.

When does this start airing again? The only show I'm watching this season is Jojo's.

Unlimited Blade Works starts airing again in the first or second week or April, so not too long now.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
For those of you that are wondering when the second season of Unlimited Blade Works will air, it'll start airing again on Sunday April the 5th. As for the time of day it'll air, don't know yet.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Raenir Salazar posted:

Shinji's personality in the latest episode really reminds me of both Araragi and Shirou. Personally I feel like its kinda easy to see how and why Shirou and Tohsoka would be reluctant to ever kill Shinji.

I have a feeling they wouldn't be so reluctant if they found out what he's been doing to Sakura for years, and I'm not talking about the beatings. Sadly Realta Nua removed that part of their relationship, since I feel it helps explain a lot about Sakura's character.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
The Heaven's Feel route has to be one of the few visual novels I've read where the H scenes actually make some sense. Seeing as Shirou and Sakura end up in a commited relationship.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Beef Waifu posted:

They were also awful and probably some of the worst because there were so many of them and had Sakura being a sex vampire.

Not disagreeing that they were awful, but they still make sense within the context of the story, and their relationship.

LORD OF BUTT posted:

My beef is just with replacing it in the first place. Just cut to black before clothes come off like the all-ages patch for Tsukihime does, way the gently caress less clunky than mana dragons and worm vampires and whatever the hell. It's not like people are going to have a heart attack at the suggestion that two characters boned at one point.

This is exactly what I wanted to happen. This whole ham fisted way of trying to rewrite the story and turn her into some kind of mana vampire thing made no sense to me. Just cut to black and have him wake up in the same bed....

Now the rewriting of the Saber and the Tosaka sex scenes to be something else entirely, now that I'm on board for, seeing as those scenes actually make no sense to exist in the first place.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 19:24 on Apr 14, 2015

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Silver2195 posted:

I thought there was a line about Archer having a lover somewhere. Many people seem to assume it was Ilya (ick!), but my pet theory is that Archer hooked up with Ciel, since she's the one who gave him his shroud.

Actually there was originally suppose to be an Ilya route as well but it was eventually scrapped. Perhaps that route led to Shirou becoming Archer, though we will probably never know.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Dr Pepper posted:

Don't forget that one Shinji outfit that I think appears in only one bad end.

I don't think I remember this outfit. Was it any good?

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Twiddy posted:

Yeah the actual problem is that she shouldn't be able to make an Excalibur copy as strong as the original, let alone stronger, let alone stronger than one with Saber Alter mana behind it (if that's supposed to be similar to the real Saber Alter). Then again, wonky doujin mechanics I guess Ilya is just better than all the servants.

Ok having never really watched that show, beyond that fight and a couple other scenes, but I think I can still give a Nasuverse answer.

Ilya much like saber has a gigantic magic circuit, but she has the added bonus of being a holy grail. Now I'm assuming that the heroic spirits (or what was left of them) that she defeats during the series get pulled into her, thus turning her into a perpetual motion machine for mana generation. Also because the heroic spirits are but shadows of their former selves, the part where she eventually breaks down and dies is probably avoided.

So basically with the crazy big magic circuit she has and the added bonus of being able to access holy grail levels of mana, she can basically pull off OP as all hell attacks if she were to transform into a heroic spirit.

TL;DR Ilya is a magical girl and friendship wins in this type of show.

Now lets talk about something other then Prisma Ilya, please.

Myurton fucked around with this message at 17:02 on Jul 28, 2015

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Are we ever going to see an english translation to Witch on the Holy Night? Also what ever happened to that Fate/Hollow Ataraxia voice patch that some crazy person was working on?

Also still waiting on that Heavens Feel movie or movie series, I really hope it'll be a series of movies, like Kara no Kyoukai.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

Namtab posted:

Two movies would be ok, seven is too far imo

Well they need more then one movie what with all the content in Heavens Feel. I'd prefer three movies to be honest, though I don't know how that would work, like how they would split the story up.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Some crazy people on youtube actually went and made a working Excalibur replica, meaning it can actually be used as a real sword and isn't just a prop.

Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag

DamnGlitch posted:

Sunny Day was kinda disappointing. I mean sure it was relatively true to the VN but it felt a lot like "orrrr this could happen!"

Are we forgetting that the nasuverse is a multiverse? Cause Sunny Day literally is a case of "orrrr this could happen!"

Which reminds about one of the reasons why I want to see Heavens Feel animated, cause it'll be really neat when Zelretch pops in from an alternate universe and goes "Hey I see you actually successfully made a copy of my mystic code."

Myurton fucked around with this message at 03:25 on Nov 2, 2015


Jan 2, 2004

I <3 Asuka,
omg anime fag
Even though Unlimited Blade Works isn't my favorite arc of the story, I do feel they did a pretty decent job of animating it. Now we just have to wait for some Heaven's Feel movies (crossing fingers for more then one since the plot is so long.), and perhaps someone will be nice and actually finish translating Witch on the Holy Night.

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