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Jump King
Aug 10, 2011


Mafia is a party game that can be played in a group or online. The premise is that a group of townsfolk (the good guys) try to discover and root out the Mafia menace hiding amongst them. The game has day and night phases: During the day everyone attempts to discover who the Mafia are, and vote to eliminate them (execution). During the night discussion is halted and the Mafia choose someone to kill. The game ends when either the Mafia have control of the town or every Mafia member is dead.

For this game we will be playing a Matrix6 set up. I will roll a genuine six sided die and based on the result we will use one of the following set ups:

Each one has an equal chance of happening. There will not be any roles that are not listed here. If you're unfamiliar with the roles, I've included links to the relevant articles explaining each role.

Action Resolution
Roleblocks completely stop the target's role from happening. If recipient had an action, they will be informed that it was not successful. If the Town BP is roleblocked, they aren't considered BP that night but they will not be informed. The Roleblocker can also perform the night kill.

The Jailor adheres to all applicable rules above but the person they use their action on will be protected for the night. The Jailor can't Jail themselves. If the Jailor and the RoleBlocker target each other then the Jailor will be Roleblocked and the Roleblocker will not. This only matters if the Roleblocker is also submitting the scum kill.

Regarding all other actions, no target will be informed the actions were used on them, although the scum kill target can probably guess.

The Doctor cannot self protect or target the same player on consecutive nights.

The only reason priority matters is if the Jailor and the Roleblocker target each other the Roleblocker wins.


There will be a little posting bot called votefinder who counts your votes. Don't mind him, he's just here to help. To make sure it reads your votes properly use the bold tags (control-b will get them to pop up) and put two pound signs, then write vote and who you're voting for. It will look like this:


##vote MMM


  • No editing your posts.
  • No talking OOT unless you are able to do so.
  • Don't post your role PM.
  • Don't spectator-post.
  • Don't post after hammers.
  • Don't post after dying.
  • Don't encrypt your posts, make Toxx clauses, or play Truth or Dare.
  • Don't lurk. I will tell you if I don't think you're posting enough.
  • Don't go against the spirit of the game. The spirit of the game is inviting and fun.
  • :sun: Be nice! :sun:
  • :chillpill: Remember it's just a game :chillpill:

Player List:
  1. 100YrsofAttitude
  2. goodness
  3. Kitiara
  4. Lampsacus
  5. Mr. Maltose
  6. Pinterest Machine
  7. Poison Mushroom
  8. soscannonballs
  9. tithin

The Mafia Wiki Info about mafia on Something Awful
The Mafia Discussion Thread The central hub of our great community
The New Game Announcement Thread The place to be if you want to hear about upcoming games without reading a lot of bullshit

Older Games:
Bread Mafia 1 - Where it all began
Bread Mafia 2B - The sister game to this one
Bread Mafia 3 - lovely veterans that tried to ruin your fun

Beard Mafia - A pale imitation of the real thing imo

Game Updates:


Jump King fucked around with this message at 19:42 on Oct 16, 2014


Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Role PMs:

Vanilla Town posted:

You are BLAND and BREAD ALIGNED. You're on the good side but you have no special powers

Cop posted:

You are a BREAD ALIGNED COP. You're on the good side and you have a special power. Every NIGHT you can INVESTIGATE a player and you will find out if they are BREAD or BUTTER

Doctor posted:

You are a BREAD ALIGNED DOCTOR. You're on the good side and you have a special power. Every NIGHT you can PROTECT a player and they cannot be KILLED that night.

Tracker posted:

You are a BREAD ALIGNED TRACKER. You're on the good side and you have a special power. Every NIGHT you can TRACK a player and you will find out WHO THEY VISITED if they visited anybody.

Jailor posted:

You are a BREAD ALIGNED JAILOR. You're on the good side and you have a special power. Every NIGHT you can JAIL a player and they cannot be KILLED that night but they will also not be able to perform their ACTION

BP posted:

You are a BREAD ALIGNED ONESHOT BULLET PROOF. You're on the good side and you have a special power. The FIRST time somebody tries to KILL you, their action fails and you do not die.

Mafia Goon posted:

You are BLAND and BUTTER ALIGNED. You're on the bad side but you have no special powers. Your BUTTER BUD is _______ and every NIGHT the TWO of you can pick one player to KILL.

Mafia Roleblocker posted:

You are a BUTTER ALIGNED ROLEBLOCKER. You're on the bad side and you have a special power. Every NIGHT you can BLOCK one player and they will be unable to do their regular action. You BUTTER BUD is _______ and every NIGHT the TWO of you can pick one player to KILL.

Jump King fucked around with this message at 00:01 on Oct 15, 2014

Apr 29, 2013

Je suis là! Double confirmed.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

I'll send out PMs in a bit don't worry about checking in or anything.

Apr 29, 2013

MildManeredManikin posted:

I'll send out PMs in a bit don't worry about checking in or anything.

I just wanted to write something in French. A folie came over me.

Oct 21, 2008

folie - (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness

girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?
A Foley came over me. Wrestling. :v:

Dec 6, 2007

Requesting that the mod rewrite all the flavor so this is now a wrestling mafia game.

Mr. Maltose
Feb 16, 2011

The Guffless Girlverine
A WWE Mafia where the scum are NXT talent looking to thin the herd to get at the big time would be pretty good flavor.

Dec 6, 2007

NWO invades WCW with a second scum group as the Wolfpac.

Apr 21, 2009
I'm so disappointed I don't get to lynch.. er play, play! with fast luck.

Mr. Maltose
Feb 16, 2011

The Guffless Girlverine
I would have policy lynched FL day one because there is no way in hell would I risk a repeat of Battleship Mafia.

Oct 21, 2008

Looking forward to getting my PM and cackling.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Sorry peeps, I've been busy and also my internet browser keep crashing or freezing every few minutes. Role PMs should be out soon.

girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?
Confirming that I am bread.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

soscannonballs posted:

Requesting that the mod rewrite all the flavor so this is now a wrestling mafia game.

UNFORTUNATELY I saw this request too late to do anything without adding in more delays so it's still going to be BREAD flavoured but now every time a player is removed, either by the vote or by a nightkill I will write up a flavour post about the ongoing struggle of a local bread themed wrestling circuit.

Dec 6, 2007

Bah god here comes the Underbaker!

Mr. Maltose
Feb 16, 2011

The Guffless Girlverine
Confirming both my PM and my joy at the flavor shift.

Oct 21, 2008

*playfully wrestles himself to the ground*

Jan 3, 2012

just keep swimming

Apr 21, 2009
Well it looks like I'm bland yet again :(. So unlike rl me! I guess let the lynching of butter begin!

Nov 14, 2003

[Grandmaster Tactician]

Good evening fellow crumblings.

Apr 29, 2013

tithin posted:

Good evening fellow crumblings.

Good morning.

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

confirming that i am vt

girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?

Pinterest Mom posted:

confirming that i am vt
But are you bread?

##vote PMom

girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?
Playing mafia on mobile is hard! :downs:

##vote pmom

Dec 6, 2007

Confirming that I got my role. Also I am going to share one of my deepest, darkest secrets here. My favorite thing to put on a biscuit or piece of cornbread is cottage cheese. Because of this, I have been called a monster and a freak.

Jan 3, 2012

just keep swimming

soscannonballs posted:

Confirming that I got my role. Also I am going to share one of my deepest, darkest secrets here. My favorite thing to put on a biscuit or piece of cornbread is cottage cheese. Because of this, I have been called a monster and a freak.

##vote balls

Cottage Cheese eating freak

Dec 6, 2007

Oh can we get a votefinder in the OP?

Apr 29, 2013

Has the game actually started? Have we all confirmed?

soscannonballs posted:

Confirming that I got my role. Also I am going to share one of my deepest, darkest secrets here. My favorite thing to put on a biscuit or piece of cornbread is cottage cheese. Because of this, I have been called a monster and a freak.

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and be open-minded. Sell me on cottage cheese, what's the point, how is it good?

Dec 6, 2007

I don't really like cottage cheese unless its used as a topping for biscuits or cornbread. That's the only time I eat it.

Apr 29, 2013

I get that. But what is it about that combination that you find so irresistible? Just making conversation mind you, don't want you to feel badgered.

Dec 6, 2007

I can't explain it.

girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?
My dad has been crazy about cottage cheese ever since he started getting back into health and fitness and things a few years back. I tried to get into it with him (both the cottage cheese and the fitness), but failed on both counts.

Nov 14, 2003

[Grandmaster Tactician]

I'm a fan of smooth peanut butter or jam on bread

Apr 29, 2013

soscannonballs posted:

I can't explain it.

Fair enough.

I'm really fond of freshly toasted baguette with plenty of air pockets in which the butter melts and creates tiny pools. It's probably horrible for me but delicious with or without cream cheese. Why is it that butter tastes better melted? That's something I've never understood.

Dec 6, 2007

Poison Mushroom posted:

My dad has been crazy about cottage cheese ever since he started getting back into health and fitness and things a few years back. I tried to get into it with him (both the cottage cheese and the fitness), but failed on both counts.

I think the trick to cottage cheese is to take really small bites of it because while I don't mind the taste, the texture is kind of gross. Maybe that's why I like it on biscuits?

Jan 3, 2012

just keep swimming

100YrsofAttitude posted:

Fair enough.

I'm really fond of freshly toasted baguette with plenty of air pockets in which the butter melts and creates tiny pools. It's probably horrible for me but delicious with or without cream cheese. Why is it that butter tastes better melted? That's something I've never understood.

When butter melts, the molecules have more freedom of movement to cover your taste buds. When cold, they are bound together and so have less surface area to meet with the taste buds.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

soscannonballs posted:

Oh can we get a votefinder in the OP?


In mean time the game has started, assume your deadline is Friday 10pm est and that day two will start at 2am est Saturday. That's a four hour night, if you have an action but won't be available for the night phase you can send it in early.


girl dick energy
Sep 30, 2009

You think you have the wherewithal to figure out my puzzle vagina?
Is "get toasted/jobbed" a valid VT night action?

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