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Suicide Sam E.
Jun 30, 2013

by XyloJW
If Jesus was the son of Jehovah and not Joseph there are basically two options:

1. Jehovah impregnated Mary through conventional means (Zeus-bull method).

2. Jehovah impregnated Mary through supernatural means (Zeus-rain method).

More detailed descriptions of god fertilizing mortal woman are sadly lacking from the King James Bible. (If the Christian world is lucky, more may be revealed through the study of apocrypha. But both of these methods are not as divine as once thought. If Jehovah did get Mary knocked up and have viable offspring (Jesus) as a result, then Jesus' DNA would be half comprised of the supposed divine DNA of Jehovah or Jehovah's earthly avatar.

There is a third option, however. Once again I would like to propose science is behind a miracle. If Mary's pregnancy were truly without fault of original sin, or an immaculate conception, then she would have to had Jesus through parthenogenesis.

This is exceptionally rare and by that at least as much of a miracle as deities knocking some person up (refer to mythology for rates of frequency). Also, it would indicate that Jesus lacked a complete set of chromosomes. Jesus could not be male and would be closer to being female (like his sole genetic parent).


Jan 3, 2011
actually, jesus was conceived in this manner:

Mar 3, 2005

lot of effort in that op when you don't even know what the immaculate conception was

Aug 7, 2004

Iseeyouseemeseeyou posted:

actually, jesus was conceived in this manner:

I saw that icon in real life when I was at a monastery in Poland. It was pretty moving to see the "Our Asslick of Częstochowa" in person.

Suicide Sam E.
Jun 30, 2013

by XyloJW


Scientists have confirmed the second-ever case of a “virgin birth” in a shark, indicating once again that female sharks can reproduce without mating and raising the possibility that many female sharks have this incredible capacity.

Dragon virgin births startle zoo keepers

Of course, no series of scientific articles would be complete without an example of man playing god.


In the same way that the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1997 shattered the dogma that an adult cell could never be reprogrammed to make a new individual, the fact that Kaguya lives challenges another one of long-held rule: that two mammals of the same sex cannot combine their genomes to give rise to viable offspring.

(note: This discredits my earlier "Suck it, lesbians" thread.)

Otto von Ruthless
Oct 1, 2014
immaculate conception is about Mary's birth OP, not Jesus. :smug:

Cthulu Carl
Apr 16, 2006

How firm thy friendship...

Look, all I know it, the ball touched by the ground and should have been ruled incomplete.

Was Mary one of the cheerleaders or something?

Suicide Sam E.
Jun 30, 2013

by XyloJW

Otto von Ruthless posted:

immaculate conception is about Mary's birth OP, not Jesus. :smug:

Yeah, if you are going to pursue that route her mystical attribute was from mistranslated Hebrew, and then underwent further re-definition once "virgin" went from meaning she had never had a child to meaning she had never had sex, and then jumping the shark to meaning that Mary herself was the immaculate conception.

Learn your mythology from start to present day interpretation, goons.

Dec 23, 2004

by FactsAreUseless
«Hear hear, for I bring the Good News. Joseph, your wife who you've never slept with, is with child.»

That must have gone over like a lead balloon.

Windows 98
Nov 13, 2005

HTTP 400: Bad post
I'm pretty sure it went like this...

-Mary fucks guy other than her husband
-Mary gets pregnant from loving
-Mary is confronted on how why she is starting to show signs of pregnancy
-Mary in a state of panic claims it must have been the work of god

Jun 18, 2007

If Mary were a virgin, does that mean Jesus broke his mother's hymen?

Oct 9, 2012

by Azathoth

Windows 98 posted:

I'm pretty sure it went like this...

-Mary fucks guy other than her husband
-Mary gets pregnant from loving
-Mary is confronted on how why she is starting to show signs of pregnancy
-Mary in a state of panic claims it must have been the work of god

There's a theory going around that Jesus really did look the same way he does in all those european paintings because Mary didn't have sex with another guy so much as she was raped by a roman, which would explain why christians are so hosed up since their savior was a rape baby

Mar 3, 2005

Yaldabaoth posted:

their savior was a feltch baby

they never mention if mary was a butt virgin...

Jul 1, 2007

One day nearer spring
The immaculate conception was Mary and her womb not Jesus, sorry OP :shrug:

les fleurs du mall
Jun 30, 2014

by LadyAmbien
OP immaculate conception is the get-out clause that explains how jesus could be born to a human woman if all humans are tained by original sin. Mary was given invulnerability to original sioh loving god this religion is retarded

Jul 1, 2007

One day nearer spring
I mean it's even right there in wikipedia

wikipedia posted:

The Immaculate Conception, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, was the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her mother's womb free from original sin.

The Immaculate Conception is commonly confused with the doctrine of the Incarnation and the virgin birth of Jesus, though the two deal with separate subjects. The Catholic Church teaches Mary was conceived by normal biological means, but her soul was acted upon by God (kept "immaculate") at the time of her conception.

Mar 9, 2011

emasculate conception

Jan 28, 2009
Pick a number, any number
I'm legit surprised anyone actually took them seriously. How did they convince anyone that they didn't just oops baby like every other couple ever of the time period.

May 29, 2011

In in artwork they usually show the holy spirit as a glowy bird flying in Mary's ear because something something the word of god

Stick Figure Mafia
Dec 11, 2004

it's immaculate confection they meant cookies

Mar 9, 2011

also ya idiot


1. Jehovah impregnated Mary through conventional means (Zeus-bull method).

if you recall mary rode a donkey all the way to bethlehem, where she gave birth to a baby

rode a donkey

all the way to bethlehem

rode a donkey

a donkey


Mar 3, 2005

ArbitraryC posted:

I'm legit surprised anyone actually took them seriously. How did they convince anyone that they didn't just oops baby like every other couple ever of the time period.

it wasn't so much convincing as it was post hoc fulfillment of ancient prophecy

Jun 9, 2001

by Smythe

Windows 98 posted:

I'm pretty sure it went like this...

-Mary fucks guy other than her husband
-Mary gets pregnant from loving
-Mary is confronted on how why she is starting to show signs of pregnancy
-Mary in a state of panic claims it must have been the work of god

idk man that seems a little farfetched

Izumi Konata
May 4, 2012

by Ralp

Mar 9, 2011



If Jehovah did get Mary knocked up and have viable offspring (Jesus) as a result, then Jesus' DNA would be half comprised of the supposed divine DNA of Jehovah or Jehovah's earthly avatar.

in europe god-children are half-god

in mesopotamia they were 2/3 god

how does THTA work?

Oct 9, 2012

by Azathoth

Quickscope420dad posted:

OP immaculate conception is the get-out clause that explains how jesus could be born to a human woman if all humans are tained by original sin. Mary was given invulnerability to original sioh loving god this religion is retarded

Seriously, did no one speak up and say "Um, if God can remove sin from a human being then why doesn't he just do this directly to Jesus instead of giving a poo poo about his mother?"

Mar 3, 2005

the "immaculate" just refers to there being no post-coital clean-up needed after joseph nutted in mary, hth

Mar 9, 2011

bro god can't squeeze one out through a dirty hymen

Sep 25, 2008

by Ralp

naem posted:

In in artwork they usually show the holy spirit as a glowy bird flying in Mary's ear because something something the word of god

There's also one of Gabriel holding a lily and blowing the pollen into Mary's ear.

Jan 28, 2009
Pick a number, any number

LifeSizePotato posted:

it wasn't so much convincing as it was post hoc fulfillment of ancient prophecy

So no one at the time thought she was a virgin it was just sorta when jesus got popular they came up with weird justifications?

Mar 9, 2011


old beast lunatic
Nov 2, 2004

by Hand Knit
Joseph got cucked by god, not even the internet can beat that.

Mar 9, 2011

christianity is a religion founded on cuck so it's rather a surprise gbs isn't populated primarily by christians

Suicide Sam E.
Jun 30, 2013

by XyloJW

Luvcow posted:

I mean it's even right there in wikipedia

Fantasy authors refer to this as a "retcon" short for "retroactive convention".

Suicide Sam E.
Jun 30, 2013

by XyloJW

LifeSizePotato posted:

the "immaculate" just refers to there being no post-coital clean-up needed after joseph nutted in mary, hth

Not sure I believe it, but some things you have to accept on faith. :shrug:

Hell Yeah
Dec 25, 2012

invisible jizz bullet from heaven straight in the poosay

les fleurs du mall
Jun 30, 2014

by LadyAmbien

nomadologique posted:

in europe god-children are half-god

in mesopotamia they were 2/3 god

how does THTA work?

Well cause in europe god just makes a cum but in mesopotamia it's like, you can't not be very very god if you are parented by at least one god

Mar 9, 2011

do u think

n im just "spitballin" here but

do u think maybe

one god put it in the vag

THE OTHER GOD put it in the butt

so is like half baby half butt baby, 2/3 god??



Jun 5, 2014

by Shine
You loving morons you don't even know about divine interception

ugh swear all you heathens are going to hell and what not

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