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Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

What happens in the beginning if I don't kill the dude who murdered my family? After I did that, I thought I hosed up hard, but reading this thread, it seems as if it probably didn't matter and that Ramsay would come and stab me anyway.


Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Finished ep 2 in 1h45m, up from the hour or so it took me to finish ep 1. I was glad to see it was longer. While it was a good episode, the Mira stuff bores me to death. In hindsight, I should have just tried to gently caress her over. Murdering everyone with Asher and being a dick to the Whitehills with Roderick was pretty awesome though.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Wow, that was quick.

Although I must say, I'm enjoying the Borderlands game much more for some reason, most likely the humor. I find Mira's scenes to be boring as hell. Hopefully with Asher coming back, it'll pick up a bit.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Gotta say I'm enjoying Tales from the Borderlands so much more than this one. I think I'm just going to pick the crazy choices and kill as many people as possible.

Mira is dumb. I want to do as much as I can to get her killed.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Georgia Peach posted:

Do I need to know anything about Borderlands to enjoy the TellTale game?

I wouldn't say so. There's a couple characters from the real game, but you don't need to have played them before. There's a lot of good humor in it and you're not just getting curb stomped by the Whitehills the whole time.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Yeah that was a much better episode. Of course Asher's storyline will probably make him sit in Mereen for the next 18 episodes and he'll never make it home.

So if you choose to murder the poo poo out of Lord Whitehill at the dinner, you get a game over? Such a shame.

Beating the absolute piss out of Gryff was fun as gently caress and I didn't stop even when my lame mom wanted me too. Ended up knocking him out. No regrets, gently caress Gryff.

Does it end differently if you leave the Glenmore soldiers at Ironwrath? I assume the answer is no because lol at choices actually making a difference.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Just finished it. What the gently caress was that ending? I expected like another hour to actually wrap poo poo up instead of... just ending?

And gently caress off to anyone who didn't tear Cotter's goddamn heart out.

This was basically Game of Thrones: get poo poo on repeatedly, the game. Meh.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Max posted:

I knew Cotter was hosed the moment we got to the camp. I decided "gently caress it" when they presented me with that choice because I still had no idea what the point of the grove was as they were asking me to rip his heart out of his chest and I figured I'd just do the most ridiculous poo poo the game allowed from that point forward.

I think after I realized that this was Get poo poo on Repeatedly: The Game after episode 2. I was trying to be all diplomatic in the first couple, but after that, I said gently caress it and tried to kill anyone and pick the most ridiculously choices as well. It made it way more fun.

gently caress you, Coal Boy, you get your head taken off for me.


Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Yeah the Mira thing was win-win. Either you frame someone and hilariously get their head chopped off, or else Mira dies. The literal worst and most boring character in the game.

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