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Jan 28, 2009
I'm pretty surprised at how negative people are at the appearance of the major characters. I feel exactly the opposite, the whole thing would feel very cheap and knock-off-ish if you never see ANYONE that matters. Like a comic book where the company lost the rights to a character so they have to obliquely reference them and never have them show up, even if it would make sense. If you have a character at court in King's Landing, it's going to feel fake if they never EVER see Varys or Littlefinger or Tyrion or Bron or Loras or Cersei or Jamie... (point being there's a LOT of named characters, the chances of someone involved in politics, even in a small way, never meeting one is absurd).

I do agree that they pushed a bit hard with Natalie Dormer's likeness and had her come out like a Disney princess, as opposed to the other only slightly caricatured actors.

I also tried to have characters act without my foreknowledge, Gared running obviously makes sense because the weapons plus 'The Rains of Castamere' are pretty obvious. But Mira might be wary of Tyrion, but he's being his usual charming, kind and scheming self, so using that connection is an obvious choice, unless she knows what happens at Joffrey's wedding. And the coalboy worries me. Sure, he could be working for Varys, and probably is one of his little birds, but it's King's Landing. Everyone has spies everywhere. I half expect him to work for Cersei herself.


Jan 28, 2009

SatansBestBuddy posted:

Walking Dead is pretty much their best one, the quality can vary quite a bit beyond that. Like, the Sam and Max seasons are all pretty good, but nobody in their right mind would defend Jurassic Park. Walking Dead also notes a divide in the style of games they make, before that it was mostly adventure games but now they're closer to really well produced VN's.

The closest I'd come to defending JP is that it's pretty clearly a precursor to their current output. Like it's a HUGE shift between BTTF and TWD S1, but not so huge if you realise JP was in between. The focus on quick-time style action scenes and dialogue over puzzles is pretty much the Telltale house style now.

Jan 28, 2009
I assume Gared's arc will be choosing between supporting Jon's crew in the conflict at the Wall and risking being sent to Craster's and being unable to help Duncan, or staying quiet and sacrificing your own honour. Probably followed by dying during the wildling assault on Castle Black.

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