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Nov 4, 2009

Accordion Man posted:

Yeah, TWD Season 2 and Wolf Among Us were still good, but they were a big step down from TWD Season 1 writing and gameplay-wise. Hopefully they can get back on track, though I have a sneaking suspicion that this will end up being a repeat of TWD Season 2 where Telltale had way too many characters than they knew what to do with so they were just shallow characters that they just offed for cheap and hollow drama.

I think a lot of the problems with Walking Dead season 2 were mainly because they were working with such a similar story in the exact same setting, and so they couldn't really recreate the magic. I personally loving loved Wolf Among Us and will put it up there with TWD S1.

With Game of Thrones it's presumably going to be about family politics, which I think opens up a lot of interesting possibilites, and potentially a much stronger cast than the dumb bunch of survivors you were stuck with in TWD S2.

Either way I'm looking forward to it. And I don't really expect any of the TV show characters to play much of a role beyond the first episode; they're clearly primarily there for the trailer sting. Like what major role could Ramsay Snow possibly fill in this game?


Nov 4, 2009

Yeah they've gone away from puzzles in a big way, and it's probably best to just not expect them to ever pop up again.

Nov 4, 2009

It probably won't be! They tend follow a very similar structure.

Nov 4, 2009

SatansBestBuddy posted:

Maybe if they did a prequel series, set before the first book, they'd have more freedom to tell a fresh story. Because including too many characters from the show will ultimately make the main cast of this series sidekicks in their own story.

I disagree in this case. I thought the show characters were exceedingly well handled. They took a small role, but a very crucial one that made them important to the game characters and the plot without making the episode feel like a companion piece. The focus is not on them, but they are at the center of the turmoil in the realm, so it makes sense they're agents in whatever is going on with house Forrester. And I personally think it's a pretty interesting dynamic to go in knowing more about what's going on than the the game cast does.

The only one I'm maybe a bit iffy on is Ramsay, since they're setting him up as an antagonist, but it's clear you'll never be able to retaliate. It's really just a foil for having to deal with the rival lord, though, so I'd be very surprised if he's going to pop up again.

I mean ultimately it is probably a marketing move, but they handled it about as well as anyone could have, I think, aside from them looking really weird. The Cersei scene was probably my favourite in the whole episode.

Nov 4, 2009

It looks like they tried to capture Cersei's constant scowl but I thought her mouth just made her look like a weird muppet. Much like the rest of the animation, it looks really good when it's not moving.

Nov 4, 2009

I'll be honest, I played Jurassic Park and thought it was fine. The first episode was even pretty good! Nothing I look back on super fondly, but I don't think it's that bad.

Nov 4, 2009

Spikeguy posted:

Would a guy like Ramsay Snow be able to get away with knifing a lord in his house, especially a child? Would there be no consequences? I know this is a lovely setting run by lovely people, but that seems like a lot for people to get over.

Yes. They have no allies left and the crown doesn't give a gently caress as long as they get their ironwood. The North is now run by Ramsay's daddy and is basically lawless at this point. If you've seen the last season of the show recall that everything outside of King's Landing or the other keeps is basically on fire and everyone with even the smallest amount of power is plundering and pillaging everything they can. The Boltons burned down Winterfell, why would anyone care about an even lesser lord getting iced? The fact that the Red Wedding happened without any retaliation from anyone should be proof enough that there's no help to be found.

Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 00:06 on Dec 6, 2014

Nov 4, 2009

Spikeguy posted:

It seems like this discussion comes up for every Telltale game. But have they ever stated that your decisions would have long term consequences, or the games would have a lot of branching paths?

Also, are there any games with a lot of branching paths with the story ending up very different depending on what you do? The only ones I can think of are The Witcher 2 and the Way of the Samurai games.

No, not really. People put way too much stock in that, and granted, the little dumb disclaimer that pops up in every episode doesn't help, but it's a bit much to expect drastic narrative changes in what are essentially small independent episodic games. You don't necessarily change the story, but your choices do matter because they reflect how you view the characters and how they view you - I would like to see them take it a step further, but I think the context is important enough to make it a worthwhile addition.

To me the only game that really did branching paths in a super interesting and complex manner is probably Alpha Protocol. Even The Witcher 2 is very binary when it comes to the overall progression, and while I love Way of the Samurai, that's more of an experiment in non-linearity and only deals with actual narrative in very basic terms.

Nov 4, 2009

precision posted:

Previous games have had things like this. Wolf Among Us especially. People are being hyperbolic about how there are "no choices" when in some of their games you literally choose whether characters live or die or whether they are seriously wounded etc.

Also those characters might die later anyway, but that doesn't mean your choices don't matter since you still made them for a reason. I'm not sure what people actually want out of these games when it comes to branching narratives. Walking Dead season 2 had a number of drastically different endings.

Nov 4, 2009

So it'll probably be out next week?

Nov 4, 2009

I liked the first episode, but this was much, much stronger. I'd go so far as to say it's one of Telltale's best episodes. Everything about it was super well-done.

Beskha was awesome. Frostfinger was awesome. Lord Whitehill was awesome. Mira was awesome. Even that stereotypical bully was awesome, and my one regret was that you couldn't just stand aside and let him own that idiot thief. In hindsight I wish I had ratted him out.

I think they really nailed the atmosphere this time, and I don't know if I'm imagining this, but I thought graphically looked a lot better too; there was a lot of really neat cinematography on display. That song was awesome. Man, good poo poo, Telltale.

Nov 4, 2009

Generation Internet posted:

I'm pretty sure that's just a default photoshop 'oil painting' filter, it stuck out to me, too. I think it was some kind of response to people saying the game looked bad. Telltale is trying to say, 'No no no, it's a stylistic choice!'

It is a stylistic choice, though, even if it looks bad. It was in the first episode too. I guess they're trying to go for some kind of Skyward Sword-esque aesthetic, but the engine isn't equipped to handle it. I think it looks fine for the most part, but when it stands out it really stands out.

Nov 4, 2009

Aishan posted:

My only real qualm with this episode was the (show trademark) playing ridiculously loose and fast with the geography. I get that they want Asher to be over in Slaver's Bay so they can tie in some stuff with Daenerys' story from the books/show, but there is no way that Malcom should have been able to get over there in any reasonable time-frame. Storywise, he could have easily been over in one of the Free Cities (Braavos, Pentos, etc.) instead, plenty of room for sell-swords there and much more reasonable for Malcom to get to in a way that wouldn't involve months long journeys in both directions.

Yeah, and Rodrik being on the corpse cart still alive surely could not have been more than a day or two from the beginning of episode 1, so unless the timelines are wildly disparate nothing makes any sense. Not that it matters a whole lot, but it is weird that no one seems to have considered it.


Nov 4, 2009

So if you kick Britt over the edge does Finn still walk in on you?

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