The show actors really knocked it out of the park, especially Rheon. I was nervous during the whole conversation with Ramsay, and I whimpered with fear when he asked Talia if she liked hunting. Partly because the show established what hunting with Ramsay Snow is like.
# ¿ Dec 4, 2014 17:56 |
# ¿ Sep 8, 2024 07:02 |
TL posted:That said, Ramsay is such a fun guy to hate, and Iwan Rheon's VO was great. Too bad the game can't really capture his great facials.. I think the uncanny valley effect actually makes Ramsay more unsettling, not less.
# ¿ Dec 5, 2014 10:31 |
paint dry posted:the guy who plays Tyrion (I forgot his name ) You'll never forget it after you listen to this.
# ¿ Dec 6, 2014 18:13 |
Steve2911 posted:Talia's song at the end was just loving awful. Ear splittingly bad and some of the worst lyrics imaginable. Hey, she's fourteen and this is the first song she ever wrote without Ethan helping, you can't expect quality. I am amazed nobody remarked on the yellow things they put in Lord Forrester's and Ethan's hands before they cremated them. I'm pretty sure those are ironwood seeds and that the secret to growing Forrester ironwood is burning the seeds in a blue flame (at least 1,300° C or 2372° F) and fertilizing them with corpse ashes
# ¿ Feb 7, 2015 17:17 |
Kawalimus posted:I was really confused in the song why she would put the part in about cannibals eating the wardens of the north. She misses her brother so badly that she would be willing to see the Westerosi people and culture destroyed if it meant she could bring him back. (FYI to other players: that part is from the full version of the song, which plays over the end credits for the episode.)
# ¿ Feb 10, 2015 17:25 |
Well now I'm thinking that Elissa is the traitor, but I'm still going to play it as if the maester were my number one suspect. Rodrick loves his family more than anything, so he will trust his mommy 100%.
# ¿ Mar 25, 2015 08:36 |
I didn't even notice the choice, I was just "welp, there's the dragon, I see he's about to eat Beshka, better save her from what must be certain death!" Malcolm was in the middle of the mass of fighty mans, so he didn't register.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2015 04:09 |
Kawalimus posted:I think Sera is so clearly some sort of spy. You just know she's gonna gently caress you over big time. It is pretty obvious. I hate that she knows stuff about Mira, even though I'm trying my best to keep things from her and not let her get her hooks into me.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2015 05:01 |
Hipster Occultist posted:Are all these Whitehill soldiers fathered by Snidely Whiplash? *jokes about a kid being killed in cold-blood like its the funniest joke ever told, twirls mustache* Because life in the ASoIaF universe is Brutal and Harsh, pretty everyone who isn't a wide-eyed innocent or hung up on honor is into gallows humor. The Whitehills are par for the course.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2015 06:40 |
So who else threw Sera under the I was so sure she was a spy for Queen Cersei, but after overhearing Sera's conversation with Margery I'm not so certain.
# ¿ May 27, 2015 00:37 |
Blazing Ownager posted:Also I dig the Ramsey parts, because while I know I can't hurt him - I know he can hurt other characters, and that some actions may impact how bad he hurts said characters. That's why I find it even more tense to be honest. Yeah, it's like being told "Here's a huge mountain range, your MacGuffin is on the other side." What you try to do is get across the mountains without dying. You don't expect to blow up the mountains, no matter how cool and satisfying that would be. Ramsey is an obstacle to be survived, not a target to destroy.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2015 04:42 |
If you choose to show mercy to that guy, he's all "Thank you, I owe you and your family!" and then walks off - I haven't seen him since. I bet he's gonna come back to do the Forresters a good turn Also, I still don't know what's gonna happen with Margery's key from Episode One.
# ¿ Jun 15, 2015 16:58 |
I saved Rodrick, but Beshka's reaction made me want to cry Also I promised Talia I'd kill the traitor then spared him anyway. Sorry, sister, but a chance to save our littlest brother is more important than your fee fees.
# ¿ Jul 22, 2015 04:09 |
Lagomorphic posted:Honestly the most appropriate thing for the source material would be if this story goes on for multiple seasons and they drag the North Grove plot on for years without explaining why it's important or what it has to do with everything else. If you spare the traitor, Rodrick just has him put in the dungeon before going off to meet Asher and the fighters. I expect he will appear next episode. Don't get me wrong, I would have killed him if he hadn't offered to help with Ryon. A servant who won't obey is useless to a lord
# ¿ Jul 22, 2015 04:25 |
Irish Joe posted:Not going to lie, the Chinese guy out of nowhere got a big laugh out of me. He's from Yi Ti! Yi Ti and YiTish people have been mentioned in passing a few times in ASoIaF, but the country seems to be far away and isolated from Westeros, just as the real China was relatively isolated from the rest of the world until fairly recently.
# ¿ Jul 22, 2015 18:48 |
# ¿ Sep 8, 2024 07:02 |
So It Goes posted:The trailer for the telltale minecraft thing looks absolutely awful. Like, that art style is just hideous. The art style not only doesn't bother me, but I also can't understand why someone wouldn't expect the Minecraft art style from a Minecraft game. What should the style be, if not "a complex arrangement of blocks?" Please understand, I'm not trying to be rude, but I just don't get the objection.
# ¿ Jul 23, 2015 00:17 |