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Sep 9, 2014

Other than the obvious technical issues (This game never ran especially well on PS3, but Episode 6 was especially bad), am I the only that generally liked this episode and series? I've only played one other Telltale game, but I thought the continued fuckups of the Forrester family were fun to follow.


Sep 9, 2014

hawaiian_robot posted:

I enjoyed it, just seeing how hosed a person is when they're in this world was fun, to me. Can absolutely see how and why it'd be frustrating, though, but I guess I also haven't had the benefit of seeing Telltale at their best to make a comparison of how relatively poor this is, as well.

Also the slideshow on the PS3 was pretty grating as well.

The only other Telltale game I've played is Back to the Future, which I enjoyed a lot, though I recall it feeling way more linear than Game of Thrones. Was fun though.

I'm wondering if I should check out the The Walking Dead. I've heard a lot of people say it's the high mark for this type of game, though after hearing bad things about the original AMC show for years I've just kind of stayed away from that entire property.

Nope, not surprising at all. I do look forward to it though.

Raxivace fucked around with this message at 12:12 on Nov 21, 2015

Sep 9, 2014

Roman Reigns posted:

It has nothing to do with the show other than one or two minor elements. You'll actually enjoy it more if you go in knowing nothing about The Walking Dead. Season 1 is critically acclaimed for a reason, 2 not so much. Play the first season at the very least.

Oh really? Cool, I think I will check out at Season 1 at some point then.

Sep 9, 2014

I don't think it's a irredeemably bad story really, though I do think it's a bit conflicted with what it even wants to be about. Like I get the idea that it sort of wants to call games like BioShock 1 out that pretend moral choices are these huge deals in games when they don't really matter too much to how you actually play the game. Like I found Telltale's Game of Thrones' nihilism kind of refreshing and a little more honest in some ways than some other stuff I've played, by giving you a billion ways to interact with the world even though most of these characters are probably going to just get maimed one way or another.

I guess my own core complaint of the game though, and this is from the perspective of someone that did enjoy it, is that it doesn't fully commit to this idea. Like the ideal Raxivace version of this game would have Mira on death row no matter what with no option of getting away, Gared wouldn't even find the North Grove and would turn into some kind of Aguirre type character that goes mad trying to find something that probably doesn't exist, everything to do with Asher's adventures in Essos wouldn't be a boring waste of time, the Whitehills would still crush the Forresters etc. Like it's cool to see how different choices could lead to the Forresters failing slightly differently, though the game shouldn't be about winning as much as how we react or fight back against certain, hopeless doom even if it is impossible to avert IMO. The story also probably should have been contained to this single season, though I still personally look forward to season 2.

Also Hodor should have been in it.

Sep 9, 2014

Is there a Telltale general thread or anything? I just finished Walking Dead Season 1 (Not the 400 Days DLC though) and would love to talk about what I liked and disliked about it, though I don't want to derail the Game of Thrones thread or anything.


Sep 9, 2014

I kept trying to get Cotter killed because gently caress him.

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