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May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Usually they give about a week heads up, so probably not.


May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Mira just feels so ineffectual. Which dealing with so many powerful people in King's Landing as a handmaiden to the future... consort to the king? Queen? I guess is about right.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride

AdjectiveNoun posted:

Honestly, I get the opposite impression. She's wheeling and dealing with the people that control the whole country, just by association - making deals with Tyrion matters so much more than any action you take at Ironrath.

Yeah but it feels like nothing she has done so far has changed her family's situation, I guess. Sure she is hanging with Tyrion but just because maybe he finds her amusing and can use her to his own ends.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride

Ekusukariba posted:

of course, i wish that they could have variety in things like that but it never really happens with telltale games, like how i still got yelled at for fighting Finn, even though all i did was block punches

I can see getting scolded for fighting regardless in an organization like the watch.

It does annoy me to know that the outcome is the same whether you kick the dude over the ledge, though.

"Oh hey buddy! I was just out for a stroll. Where is that other guy? No idea!"

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Or as it's known, halfway through any telltale game series

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
The Telltale store version was released last night already apparently

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
He's just a depraved maniac without any real limitations set on him

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride

Georgia Peach posted:

Do I need to know anything about Borderlands to enjoy the TellTale game?

No, and it's super fun. What you need to know is more than covered in the intro.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Re: Life Is Strange, I have a feeling we will come back from what happened at the end of the last ep- that it'll be a bit of a side trip.

Yeah I'm really not enjoying the GoT game as much but Tales From The Borderlands gives me hope that Telltale can continue to be relevant.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
I was real worried about playing through the ep with what people were saying but I feel like everything has worked out except for the whole Ramsay fuckin Snow showing up at the end. Maybe I just naturally follow the course the game wants to force you on. Has anyone played along with Gwyn? I did on my first save but I lost it after having to reinstall the game somehow, I'd be curious if it makes a difference at all.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
You get blamed no matter what unless there is some way in which the dude lives that I don't know about.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
I just felt sorry for Gryff, I didn't want to smash his face in, although I did feel like he could stand to be knocked on his rear end so that's where I started. I feel like with Mira going for broke was the best thing to do and that's what the game was really pushing you to do. I'm not sure what her story would've been like if you didn't this ep.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Probably good at this point since its release cycle has taken a backseat to GoTs. I'd rather have more Borderlands, but I guess they probably have a contract with HBO and also probably it sold better...

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Did it accidentally go up on XBL early?

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
And I assume the choice at the end of the episode will have no real effect on the next episode or the end of the series!

For the record I picked Rodrik to live because he seems to have a good future with the Elaena and it seemed like a nice end to Asher's storyline, and more in line with his character but who gives a poo poo because it's all meaningless

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
I agree, and in the case of Tales From The Borderlands also would add the tone of the relationship between the Hyperion dudes and con women I feel like is within player control, and also how Rhyszzz treats Vaughn and how Fiona deals with Felix. It's closer to the level of choice in Walking Dead.

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Just a reminder that Borderlands is still awesome and a new episode is about to come out Tuesday.


May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
I think a lot of it also has to do with how free the licensors are with their IP. HBO seems pretty "touch nothing" whereas gearbox let Telltale play with main characters in the series.

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