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Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"
Playing through this now, I just wanted to chime in on some thoughts. TellTale hasnt innovated a whole lot, but what I want from them is content more than anything. As such, I can forgive a game that's essentially $30 but delivers on the story side.

I pay more for games that are graphical wonders if I want too. That said Walking Dead season 1 and 2 I loved. Some were mentioning here that 2 wasn't as good and I disagree in that it was in any way a disappointment. The lead character you play in 2 is just much harder to relate to than the adult you play in 1. However I did enjoy think the villain was well done, and the final ending while completely anticlimactic in an Empire Strikes Back sort of way- I still think it completely fits TWD series and style of story telling. And left me eager for more.

I'm enjoying this game so far I think the combat mechanics are a little clunky. I'm playing on PC this time not iPad so I'm fumbling between mouse and keyboard presses. This game hits the ground running and is completely unforgiving to people who don't follow Game of Thrones. So I sort of expect this game to not do as well as TWD who brought people to the comic/TV series who never had seen it before it was that good.

It's hard to say if this game is going to be as good or is as good as TWD season 1 without taking it to the conclusion. Especially if they are leading and building to a dramatic finish (and hearin also could lie the lack of higher reviews for post TwD season 1 games, you know the dramatic finish is coming and almost have painted it for yourself before it happens, expecting it).

I would rather they complicate the story paths and choices you make and its impact way more than any graphical or animation improvements. That has always been the genius of these games. But they truly need to have 3-4 distinct paths and endings to do so. Yeah it would be like writing 2-3 games at once. So be it. That's probably the best leap they need to make.


Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"

Neif posted:

It's my first telltale experience too couldn't help but liken it too a digital age version of "Choose your adventure" books that I'd read as a kid.

Pretty much my feeling playing as the young Forrestor squire dude for the first hour or so of the game.

I love those books so much...

That said I think telltale needs to make these games take distinct paths with distinct endings.

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"
Holy crap I just didn't quite expect Ethan to die l, stupid me for not expecting GoT style plot changes at any moment

Good stuff. Can't wait for February now :agesilaus:

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"

etalian posted:

It also loses points for not having any natalie dorner duckface scenes.

They are trying to be more original. Hence the rat faces instead.

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"

timp posted:

I saw something that said 6 weeks between the release of ep 1 and ep 2. Not sure if it'll be 6 weeks every time or not though

What I read out of TellTale was they were aiming for 5-8 weeks between each episode. Episode 2 was rumored to have an early February release.

Steam only offers the whole game for $30 it is also my first time buying on Steam as previous telltale games I played on my iPad. Didn't care though I know I'll play the whole thing through to the end.

I also enjoy the character options that develop and are remembered through the games. It's true that it would be great to have a major fork in the road so to speak, in storytelling. Not many games can honestly do that. Even big budget games like Mass Effect only offered changes in dialog perhaps different mission options based on choices but essentially key plot points remain constant. That could change with TWD Season 3 and this game however.

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"
I really enjoyed this episode, I'm honestly pleased (ok greatly pleased) that the show's actors are doing such a good job in their roles.

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"

1st AD posted:

Eleana knows full well that the Ironwood is basically controlled by Bolton/the Whitehills.

They make it seem as if with the Forresters they can topple the Whitehills but the Boltons are unknown.

This will all play out by episode 4 or 5 I think.

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"
Welcome to episode 3 where everything blows up in your face.


Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"

Dogen posted:

Or as it's known, halfway through any telltale game series

Are you on Steam?

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