Telltale games is on my short list of developers to trust before the game is out, unless of course the game doesn't look like it will interest me. I plan to pick this season up, but not Borderlands. So we'll see if we can get a good Game of Thrones game outside of the Crusader Kings 2 mod.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 06:05 |
Huge Liability posted:Which Telltale story game would people recommend playing to get a sense of whether I'd enjoy this genre? I'd rather test out a Telltale story game when one comes on sale before I decide to preorder this. I'm kind of excited at the prospect of an Ice and Fire game that isn't garbage, but I haven't played a story-based game in ages and I have never played a visual novel. The Walking Dead Season 1 to see them at their very best for story telling and A Wolf Among Us to see how they can capture the feel of a particular IP.
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I beat it last night, loved the ending. I also like playing multiple characters and actually trying to act different for each one. If I get to play Asher, oh man he's going to be such a murdering psycho if given the option. Also I really dig the art style in this one. I knew they said they were going for an oil painting effect, but I had no idea the backgrounds would look like they did. It was different and interesting. Good on Telltale for not making every game they make look the same.
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When in doubt, assume that choices in Telltale games don't change actual outcomes, but rather change the context of a character. Like certain things will always happen, but you can change the reason they happened or the situation surrounding the event.
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Is it safe to say that this has been a loving good year for Telltale? They had 3 new IPs come out along with a sequel to one of their other ones. And they have all ranged between alright to excellent for most people. I can't think of many other developers who have released as much in a single year.
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Are the Whitehills and Forresters in the books?
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Would a guy like Ramsay Snow be able to get away with knifing a lord in his house, especially a child? Would there be no consequences? I know this is a lovely setting run by lovely people, but that seems like a lot for people to get over.
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It seems like this discussion comes up for every Telltale game. But have they ever stated that your decisions would have long term consequences, or the games would have a lot of branching paths? Also, are there any games with a lot of branching paths with the story ending up very different depending on what you do? The only ones I can think of are The Witcher 2 and the Way of the Samurai games.
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Rabid Snake posted:I cannot wait for them to flesh out Asher's roll in this game. He's by far the most interesting character in this game even though he hasn't played a role yet. His background is intriguing. In my first playthrough I was all about bringing him back home, but then his mom made him sound like a murder machine who won't know when to think. So I changed my mind. In retrospect, I think I need a murder machine to deal with Snow and the Whitehills.
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I watched my friend play again last night, and he chose to meet Ramsay at the gate, and then only let him and Whitehill in. But then Ramsay still had 20 soldiers walk through the door. How did they get in? I'm pretty sure the gate closed after only those two came in.
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I can't wait to play Asher as a complete murder machine. I hope they give you the options that make him a character that deserved to be exiled but whom is still better than the Whitehills.
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That was a fine episode. It felt like an actual Game of Thrones episode, engaging the whole way through. And that loving song at the end. So far my characters are Asher: Murder machine, Roderick: We're getting this house back on solid ground Mira: DTA
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I clicked on the IGN review and heard all of about 30 seconds of it before I disagreed with the thesis. The guy says it's straight forward and that there isn't a lot of back stabbing. You know what would have made this episode great? If Lady Forester decided to stab her kids while they slept. What a twist that would have been.
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This is a crazy week between this, pillars of eternity and the dragon age dlc
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That was a tense episode. I really wanted to keep my vows but apparently gently caress it.
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I decided to give that fucker on the Wall what he had coming . You don't get to give the bad guys exactly what they deserve too often in Game of Thrones. Take it when offered.
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NESguerilla posted:Apparently I'm in the extreme minority in making Britt suffer I hate to take out my hate for QTE's on someone though. *HIGH FIVE*. I did it too. Because, this is Game of Thrones. And you don't pass up an opportunity to make a bad guy pay. They don't come along often.
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I have decided to stop trying to make the "right" or "safe" decisions and just go with the fun ones. Popped Gryff in the face 3 times and stopped at the Cane while my fiance cheered me on. The thirst is real here folks. I also liked that I could take him out by myself and then call in my troops. As for Asher, he's still onboard the Beshka train so cheering her on and getting in the face of anyone who gets in our way is always fun. Can't stop this dream team. I didn't touch that loving dragon because I'm not an idiot. It's a dragon. I had a lot of fun with the king's landing portion because I played Mira as a person who has just got no more fucks to give. Yo, fat rear end in a top hat working with the Whitehills, your an idiot. Whatcha gonna do. Hey dude, thanks for telling me that secret, and if you didn't want me to tell it to anyone, you shouldn't have told. Hey Lannister shitburg, you drink a lot of drugs and that fat guy told everyone you did. Haha that fat guy's face turned red because I told him I was going to destroy you. Drop the loving mike. What was strange is when I finished the episode I didn't really feel like I enjoyed it but if I was being honest it's because I'm elbow deep in monster guts in Witcher 3 and this was a break from that. The more I've thought about the more I enjoyed this episode. If you played with the safe options in this one, trust me do it again going for broke. It's awesome. Also, I like that they played with my expectations and I was able to take Finn with me. Oh and getting to say the Brother's betrayed me was great. Because you guys are idiots. Don't kill a brother even if he tries to kill you or we'll kill you...even when we're facing an army of god drat giants.
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I'd like to see Telltale either get the permission to make their game a separate universe from the source material so no one was safe or make an original IP where they have all creative control over the plot.
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From everything I've heard so far is that Borderlands is really good. I'm going to wait until it's complete to pick it up but it sounds like it's worth a look.
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Accordion Man posted:Walking Dead Season 1 was the lightning in a bottle that Telltale will never get back, especially because Jake Rodkin and Sean Vanaman left right after it finished. Where did they go?
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So It Goes posted:Tales from the Borderlands is really, really good and its too bad people aren't more interested in Telltale series that aren't grimdark. I plan to pick that series up when the final episode comes out. It looks more interesting than the Game of Thrones has turned out to be. They should try to make their own IP next. Hell I'm a little interested in the Minecraft one solely because they won't have their hands tied when it comes to storylines and who can and can't die.
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bobjr posted:I almost think it's just going to be a "Everyone dies hopelessly regardless of what you do" ending, but I don't they could do that without losing a lot of fan goodwill. Gared and Mira's plots stalling to a halt the past 2 episodes really make it feel that way. To be fair, I think the books and show proper are going to end in a snow-zombie Armageddon. The game might end up being close to the source material in that sense.
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So after this what do you want more of, TT taking licenses that allow for more freedom and being less chained to established cannon, or developing their own IP where they can do whatever they want.
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This has felt like the first true stumble for me from TellTale. WD season 1 hooked me, probably for life. I'll have to check out Firewatch as well because of it's connection to the production. I was really into Wolf Among Us and didn't have any of the problems with Season 2 of WD that others had. I'm generally easy to please because these types of games scratch an itch. But this game just isn't doing for me. If I had to guess it's because of too many storylines stalling and not sticking with the ones that are actually interesting.
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If you want to see 2 different perceptions of Kenny play out naturally, watch the let's plays of Geek Remix and Two Best Friends Play. They each go in different directions and you can see why each would come to their conclusions. Game of Thrones is honestly the first Telltale game since WDSe1 that I haven't really enjoyed. I'm looking forward to trying Tales of Borderlands since I've heard good things.
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Hallowed posted:So when is Episode 6 releasing? We usually find out a week before it comes out.
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This series has cemented my decision to just wait until all the episodes are out before buying a season from now on. I'm looking forward to getting to play all of Borderlands at the same time since by all accounts it's a much better series than GoT turned out to be.
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Hard to say opinion being what it is. I liked Season 2 and I paid for the season when Game of Thrones came out and I haven't even bothered playing episode 5 yet. Take that for what you will.
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One thing I've heard about the Minecraft one from a friend of mine is that his kids LOVE it. And it's probably for the same reason that Tycho said on Penny Arcade, that these kids who play Minecraft might not be used to storylines in their favorite game so getting one was just so different that it made a big impact. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the game is a big hit for younger players.
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I haven't even finished Chapter 5 yet, and I don't see myself finishing this right now while I have Fallout 4 and Swtor to occupy me.
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I picked up Tales of Borderlands on the last sale and MAN, the difference between that and this game is night and day. I would have never picked that when they were both announced. So much more style and fun in Borderlands.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 06:05 |
I will say this, when you play the game without any diplomacy or hope of your choices matter and go for the most crazy options, it makes it more enjoyable. Kill everyone. On purpose.
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