Captain Pike posted:The macbook trackpad is far less sensitive than any PC laptop trackpad. I think it sucks actually. Ha! It's the only one of a size that makes trackpads actually useable imo. I prefer thinkpad trackpoints, but even those have been ruined now. cowofwar posted:Seriously? Apple does a huge amount of cutting edge hardware design. They push the envelopes in a lot of areas and have their hands in many pies. Specifically the cameras in their phones are clear leaders in the market, despite the fact that they don't make the sensors. Its a mix of balanced component selection, good image processing and QA that makes the difference. Brian Klug is all about this, that's the appeal for him. If you read recent Anandtech reviews of apple products, they're all rather glowing, specifically in the area of battery life, GPU, camera etc. Professor Science posted:There's exactly one journalist with any serious technical competence left that doesn't work for a tech company (David Kanter at Real World Tech). It's not really surprising; the money (not to mention being the person that designs things instead of the one always writing about other people's work) is too good. Hey, Jon Stokes at Ars is great with CPU stuff last I checked.
# ¿ Dec 29, 2014 13:58 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 13:46 |
Nintendo Kid posted:It takes a long rear end time doing that for Apple. Especially if what you're doing isn't even in the mobile arena. What does Anand specialise in then, nothing that can have mobile applications.? I know Klug is a camera / optics guy.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2015 17:03 |