Sub Rosa posted:To be clear you're just taking issue with her telling her partner that she had an abortion, not that she had an abortion without her partner's permission? Guildencrantz posted:It's not a matter of permission so much as basic communication, timing and the way she told him. You can be pro-choice and at the same time not treat abortion like a trip to the grocery store. This. Plus if Adam wasn't mistreating her and probably wasn't going to actually object to her having an abortion anyway, she really ought to have told him beforehand. Even if he objected, it would fully be her right to have it anyway, but communicating openly with him would have been the right thing to do. It seems like there are some major trust issues in their relationship already.
# ? Feb 27, 2015 21:07 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 20:22 |
The best attitude to have toward abortion is the one Jessa was having in the first season. You rmeember, where she was late to the appointment banging some guy in the bathroom, only to have it throw up some bleed all over him? This is one classy show.
# ? Feb 27, 2015 21:10 |
I feel like Adam was really struggling with his own feelings on this. I assume he's very much pro-choice, but he was uneasy with this because of the communication and intimacy issues, and he was having trouble expressing one without betraying the other.
# ? Feb 27, 2015 21:18 |
Also, this season is incredible and is the first since the first one that I've felt really connected to what's happening and remember all the people and what they're trying to do. Outside of that one time Ray tried to get a poo poo-headed dog back to its unwanted home in Staten Island, this is the best it's been for me. Also, Mimi-Rose is a great character to show how adult everyone else needs to be. And are seemingly becoming, with that montage at the end. Also: MARON!!!
# ? Feb 27, 2015 21:41 |
Apoplexy posted:Also: MARON!!! I know, isn't that a great cameo? I hope he shows up again.
# ? Feb 27, 2015 22:07 |
Fran's slow realization was pretty funny. Also, I now hate Mimi-Rose.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 08:07 |
Ace constantly brushing his teeth was hilarious to me. Also Jessa is so pathetic and evil it's just fun at this point. I loved Adam's reaction to her explaining the motivations behind her dumb plans... just a kind of "oh, oh..." with an implied "holy poo poo you are literally the villain of this story."
# ? Mar 2, 2015 08:24 |
That was a good episode, but it was a little cruel to get my hopes up by putting that Ray bit in the Previously On when he was never even mentioned once
# ? Mar 2, 2015 10:44 |
Hopefully its because he and Mamet were so busy filming the Ray centric episode coming later in the season, not that such a thing exists. Despite bristling in the same way as the show always does this was another strong episode I thought. I'm somewhat surprised by the hate people seem to have already for Mimi-Rose, am I the odd one out in finding her no more despicable than anyone else on the show? Maybe its just my love for Gilly coming through (sorry) but I found her character here one of the most interesting that the show has had since, hell, Ben Mendehlson's. Trying to figure out whether we should take her at face value, or believe Ace about her being manipulative made the Laundromat scene really interesting. How much is she really revealing and how much is she just playing Hannah? Is she simply shallow and vapid like the other girls or is she actually a sociopath? I don't expect the show to give this story and time or depth going forward, not when we're overdue a Marnie musical montage, nor do I know how much of this was even intended, but I find her interesting and hope she sticks around.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 12:00 |
A beautifully crazy episode. Shoshanna wasn't in it = good Shoshanna episode. Hannah does something crazy to provoke a reaction from Adam, with poor Fran as collateral damage, but it slowly dawns on her that she is completely out of her depth as Mimi Rose outcrazies her on a completely different level. Jessa wasn't even half joking about her crazy plan, this is actually what she believes will happen. Marnie was in this episode. Ray wasn't.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 17:28 |
I absolutely loved Quinto as the Gotta-Take-Molly-Chew-Toothbrushes-And-Get-My-Ex-Back man of insanity. Definitely the strongest episode in a while. Adam is very angry spergy but I just felt so bad for him trying to deal with Ace's manipulation, Mimi-Rose's ambiguity and then Hannah's apparently love confession and acceptance of Mimi. Great episode.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 18:41 |
Hilarious episode. The only place Hannah isn't outclassed is in a room full of middleschoolers.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 19:49 |
Viginti posted:I'm somewhat surprised by the hate people seem to have already for Mimi-Rose, am I the odd one out in finding her no more despicable than anyone else on the show? I haven't seen the latest episode yet, but at least up to where I am, I don't hate her. She seems like an okay person who sometimes makes boneheaded mistakes, just like the rest of them. I'm not sure how necessary of a character she is at this point - she's felt kind of extraneous so far. But then again, I've been wishing they'd jettison Adam for a while now too. Adam Driver's a very good actor and does a great job with what's written; I just fuuuuucking hate his character.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 20:34 |
I'm in a similar place with Adam in that I dislike him but he's inexplicably a lot of people's favourite, doubly so circa the end of season two. I couldn't understand why anyone thought that relationship was a good idea or at all romantic; shipping that pair seemed like a more socially acceptable 50 Shades situation. Then they basically re-wrote the character completely in order to fan the fire of that fandom and tried to normalize him and give him some charm - which Driver can definitely do - and it just felt awkward; they clearly learnt nothing from Spike. This season he's moved further in that normalized direction, spurred on by getting into Star Wars shape and shaving, and he seems more like Ted Moseby or the lead of a generic sitcom than the character he started as which could be attributed to character growth if I had more faith in the writers. I'm hoping that this is him fading out of the show completely so that he can be shot of into space by Mr.Kennedy.
# ? Mar 2, 2015 23:20 |
It seems more like a natural progression for him to me. At first he was single and just banging Hannah who craved his cock all the time, so he could act however he liked. After they got in a relationship he realized that actions have consequences (something absolutely no other character in the show has realized) and affect other people, so he toned it down. He then got his acting job and saw that hey, he doesn't need to hang around with this crazy chubby chick that's now in another state, he can be with a real artistic girl that he can relate to on a different level than just a carnal one. Too bad that she turned out to be ten times crazier than Hannah and that she has teethbrushing stalkergroupies.
# ? Mar 3, 2015 05:18 |
evobatman posted:It seems more like a natural progression for him to me. At first he was single and just banging Hannah who craved his cock all the time, so he could act however he liked. After they got in a relationship he realized that actions have consequences (something absolutely no other character in the show has realized) and affect other people, so he toned it down. He then got his acting job and saw that hey, he doesn't need to hang around with this crazy chubby chick that's now in another state, he can be with a real artistic girl that he can relate to on a different level than just a carnal one. Too bad that she turned out to be ten times crazier than Hannah and that she has teethbrushing stalkergroupies. I think the thing that annoys me most about Adam is how he absolutely embodies the worst excesses that you see in actors' personalities. What a whiiiiiiny loving bitch he is, I mean good Lord. Was it the first episode of the season where he was furiously crawling up his own rear end over the lame depression drug commercial he was in? In-loving-sufferable.
# ? Mar 3, 2015 05:21 |
I'm now actually intrigued whether Mimi-Rose is a genuine-yet-misguided bohemian weirdo or a manipulative sociopath. You can look at her interactions with Hannah through both lenses and it's completely different, the former makes her look like a more competent version of the main idiots and the latter like a complete monster who's possibly worse than Jessa. It's a cool narrative device. DIsappointed about no Ray, but this is still the best season of this show yet.
# ? Mar 3, 2015 15:07 |
He's a serious man you can't refuse him
# ? Mar 9, 2015 01:27 |
At this point I can't loving tell if they're making this show the worst it could possibly be intentionally or by accident.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 02:11 |
I heard a pretty long interview with Lena Dunham on a podcast a few months back and although she is no doubt a spoiled rich kid I think she's too self aware not to realize that almost every character on the show is pretty reprehensible.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 02:52 |
hepscat posted:Dad: you'll know when it's right or wrong, you'll just feel it Well loving done. Good catch.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 04:03 |
This episode had some insanely cringey moments. The frenulum-piercing, Shoshanna's attempt at dirty talk, Hannah's mom in general... my god it was painful. Best line was definitely her dad saying "I'm sure because this is the hardest thing I've ever done and I'm doing it....... and also I've been watching a lot of gay pornography."
# ? Mar 9, 2015 05:35 |
This whole season has been poo poo but this particular episode crossed the event horizon. There was a time where this show could get away with focusing on terrible people because it was making a genuine effort to earn moments where the characters changed/grew and the comedy was generally a notch higher, but they're really phoning it in at this point and it's become a caricature of itself. Gillian Jacobs deserves better.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 05:59 |
It's interesting that there were at least three conversations this episode where a woman accused someone of misogyny and were, presented by the show to be, wrong. I don't know what it's a sign of, but it had to be intentional. Maybe its a bucking expectations thing, we'd all sort of understand if Lena and her writers wanted to hit back after all the crap thrown at them, but having women lecture actual misogynists would have been too on the nose? Either way, I thought this was a really solid episode in what's been one of the better seasons, albeit it hasn't actually been a season at all since none of the good moments have had anything to do with anything else that has happened. It's a really ADD show this year. As for the people complaining that the characters are unlikable, you're like four years behind. That's not a fault, that's the entire premise.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 10:46 |
Literally every sitcom is about annoying flawed people that don't get along and do stupid things. It's the most empty criticism of Girls there is, and there's plenty of legit reasons to dislike the show.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 14:09 |
The AV Club reviewer praised the episode and the whole side-plot about Hannah's parents as a "refreshing change of pace at a time when Hannah and her friends are behaving in especially grating ways." OK, fine, whatever, but I don't loving care about Hannah's parents. They've been in, what, five episodes in the series' run? When the host of the dinner party cornered Loreen and confessed his love for her... Don't care, Lena. Don't care.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 14:39 |
Hannah's mom reacted 100% like Hannah would have, which is cemented by the phonecall to Hannah as payoff. It wasn't that huge of a derail.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 16:52 |
Real Name Grover posted:The AV Club reviewer praised the episode and the whole side-plot about Hannah's parents as a "refreshing change of pace at a time when Hannah and her friends are behaving in especially grating ways." I agree, Hannah's dad admitting he's gay is really only important as it will set Hannah off on a Poor Me arc. The dinner party was just so boring, with dumb artificial drama laid on top of it. Oh Loreen, remember last summer...that was a mistake, George. Yawn. Capntastic posted:Hannah's mom reacted 100% like Hannah would have, which is cemented by the phonecall to Hannah as payoff. It wasn't that huge of a derail. Hannah is now BFFs with a high school girl?!? This show has really dipped into stupid. Never mind that in real life you'd be fired for even mentioning porn with your students but the line about being an older woman knowing it's okay to change your mind was a line straight out of a network sitcom. Last week's episode was interesting and weird and edgy. How can they go in such a weird direction so fast?
# ? Mar 9, 2015 17:24 |
I actually liked her parents , but the issue of her dad coming out as gay to her mom and her reaction was pretty amazing on a acting level. The artificial drama of the affair etc.. was a bit to much and also the whole issue of a man coming out as gay late in life was handled about as well as you'd think they'd be able to write.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 17:33 |
On the other hand, this totally sets it up for Elijah/Hannah's dad bro dates
# ? Mar 9, 2015 17:43 |
I think I started to appreciate the show a little bit when I stopped expecting it to build up to anything.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 18:31 |
Hollismason posted:I actually liked her parents , but the issue of her dad coming out as gay to her mom and her reaction was pretty amazing on a acting level. The artificial drama of the affair etc.. was a bit to much and also the whole issue of a man coming out as gay late in life was handled about as well as you'd think they'd be able to write. I agree with you about the dad coming out, but at the same time this is the show that has been playing his sexuality for laughs since season 1 so I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. (Also, holy poo poo dude. What did you do to earn that title?)
# ? Mar 9, 2015 19:04 |
People who play with tiny dolls are very sensitive snowflakes , also I kind of find it crazy that they had one of the most well known gay artists John Cameron Mitchell as her editor and then just murder him. It was really weird. I dunno it just seems that her dad coming out is just like this artificial thing that's happening and there's no gravity to the situation although seriously her mom was AWESOME and when she's reacting it's like "Yep, that's Hannah".
# ? Mar 9, 2015 20:04 |
That was a painful episode to watch. I loving HATE Hannah now and used to just dismiss her stupid poo poo as it was entertaining to watch. Now its just aggravating and shes full on retarded.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 23:08 |
Worst episode of the season. Part of the appeal of girls is that you can recognize the characters and their actions in real people you know, and when someone does something stupid or crazy on the show, you could totally see someone doing that in real life. This episode was just a plain sitcom on Two and a Half Men or Big Bang Theory level.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 10:29 |
evobatman posted:Worst episode of the season. Part of the appeal of girls is that you can recognize the characters and their actions in real people you know, and when someone does something stupid or crazy on the show, you could totally see someone doing that in real life. This episode was just a plain sitcom on Two and a Half Men or Big Bang Theory level. You need some new friends
# ? Mar 12, 2015 01:54 |
Elijah owns "Full-on anal" is possibly the funniest line in all of Girls because of Andrew Rannell's delivery.
# ? Mar 16, 2015 23:56 |
I would watch a spin-off of Elijah and Hannah's Dad hanging out.
# ? Mar 17, 2015 00:27 |
Thought Elijah was gonna bang Hannah's dad for a second there.
# ? Mar 17, 2015 01:13 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 20:22 |
PostNouveau posted:Thought Elijah was gonna bang Hannah's dad for a second there. I'm not sure he didn't.
# ? Mar 17, 2015 02:40 |