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May 21, 2003

You'll hit your head and say: 'Boy, how stupid could I have been. A moron could've figured this out. I must be a real dimwit. A pathetic nimnal. A wretched idiotic excuse for a human being for not having figured these simple puzzles out in the first place...As usual, you've been a real pantload!
Disappointed we didn't get to see the resolution of the murder storyline as that was the big thing they were leading up to. I guess maybe they figured they'd get a second season and will resolve it there. The Affair itself was pretty conclusive though and that was good. I wonder if the next season will be called the Murder or something and focus on that, or if there will be another Affair that the show forms the narrative around. I thought it was odd that their versions of events were so drastically different there at the end but then I guess by that point they weren't necessarily telling their story to the detective anymore and they were more of a possible version of events that led to the present.

Pretty good acting. I didn't find the show slow at all, I thought it was paced pretty well and accelerated quite quickly.

Professor Shark posted:

Same, I'm on Team Helen and have a Celeb Crush on her. She's going to be 50 in a few days :psyduck:

She looks almost the same as she did on Newsradio almost 20 years ago. Which is to say she's still looking great.


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