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Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

you need to one-round him, you fail instantly after you attack him


Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

how are you getting your screens/writing up your updates?

you can probably shave some time off depending on how you do that

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

would uhai have killed sain with a crit? i think enemies prioritize a potential kill even over not getting counterattacked.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

you can't use luna with anima magic though

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

mani katti is free, the guy's weapons are the ones that cost money

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

i think this is it

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

the substitutes really aren't interesting, they have the same personalities and nearly identical backstories to the characters they replace. some have better character designs and that's about it

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

the only way to do a you're supposed-to-lose-map would be as an escape map, and that's not entirely the same thing

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

no thracia 776 every man left behind

nothing like losing every character going into 4x

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

i played a GBA lord of the rings game but im not sure which

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Fatcat214 posted:

I played the PS2 version a long time ago, but i remember liking it. For some reason the battle system reminded me of FFX

I'm not sure if the GBA version is different from it, though

the reason is because they pretty much copied it wholesale, as i recall

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Melth posted:

That's exactly it. That's what all the pre-promotes are for really. Except usually for solid Res (but isadora even sucks in that stat) they're way worse than just about any non-pre-promote of their class, but they're juuust good enough that you can still complete the game with them if you lost your better troops.

i've always felt this logic is somewhat suspect since if you've gotten enough people killed to the point where isadora is a viable prospect, you're probably not good enough to finish the game with her.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

rd flat out gave tier 3 snipers 3 range

that said, 3 range isn't really the important thing, although it's nice to have

archers should more or less have the ability to eviscerate basically any given unit in their range on the player phase. basically jamka in a game less horse centric

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

yeah it was

RD is probably the best implementation of the archer design, or maybe 11/12 on the high difficulties

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

i don't want to deal with that on the player phase

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

There should just be siege bows

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

"Despite what you may think, I shoot much better than I dance or sing.”

which raises the question of just how bad she is at singing and dancing

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

effiency requires you get everything - recruit everyone, get all the treasure, etc. basically how normal people play, just with the added goal of doing it as quick as possible

LTC is just get through the game as fast as possible

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

do you get the 30000 if you don't do the chapter because that would be a make or break type affair

also 29x has a turn limit of 5 so it only costs 1 turn if i understand the way things work right. during which time you can use the arena for xp and funds

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

yeah same

also i never recruited raven because it took me way too long to ever recruit priscilla (i think i thought the village being destroyed was inevitable?!) and so i always thought raven and lucius were weird dead ends

other things i didn't find out until i bought the nintendo power guide:

-there's a second four fanged offense (i never used the lords, not even hector)

-there's a chapter 16x and canas exists

-that you could recruit jaffar and go to night of farewells

in short i thought the game had a lot of characters that were introduced and then went nowhere

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

yeah i know you can get either but i only ever tripped the karel conditions on the other pale flower

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

The good Fire Emblem villains are:

The Black Knight, but only in Path of Radiance

that's all, excluding some fun minor antagonists

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Manatee Cannon posted:

I liked the guy with the mustache in Awakening. Cervantes or something.

yeah he was why i added the fun minor antagonists part, he owned but he wasn't a major villain or anything

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

David Corbett posted:

Take note that both Alvis and Trabant are from FE4.

Yeah, FE4 for lyfe.

also ishtar, not writing wise but mechanically because loving ishtar man

charging you down the thorhammer like every other map

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

lyon is more interesting as ephraim but he's not great either way

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

MightyPretenders posted:

Yep, tragic irony. Though Zephiel being good isn't really a twist. Guinevere told us he used to be like this, it just seemed unbelievable then.

One theory is that a future assassination attempt gave him slight brain damage, changing his personality. It's a known effect, but I really don't think the writers were deliberately going for that.

this theory also helps explain how stupid zephiel's motives in 6 are

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Its the same deal. If you can do it in less turns than that levels turn limit, you gain time. If you can do it in less, you lose time

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Melth posted:

Kinda like silhouette Eliwood, I'm pretty sure the scrolling text was not deliberate.

silhouette eliwood is an emulator bug, it's not something that normally happens

scrolling text always happens, here and after you beat the last boss. it's supposed to be for dramatic effect

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

The slow text happens in PoR too, after the final boss, so I'm inclined to believe it's intentional

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

shanna is a name for people, which is more than can be said about thany

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Yeah what he said

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Onmi posted:

That's cause he's on a throne and thrones heal status effects. This has been true since FE5

thrones give immunity to status effects in thracia, but yeah

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

a question, if you don't mind me asking:

how do you feel about the other fire emblem games specifically? I've already gathered you don't like awakening and 6, but i'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the other games

no need to write an essay each or anything, just a brief opinion works fine for me

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

The art is good, although some of the class designs bad (incidentally, kozaki didn't have control over some of the class designs)

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

that isn't mutually exclusive. characters can be mechanically distinct without some of them being bad.

To use the FF9 example you posted, none of the character are bad in FF9 in the same way someone like Karla is bad.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010 can open those doors early?


Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Onmi posted:

Canonical parentage is a weird thing, mostly because FE never really pushes any pairings as canonical except by making them mandatory I.E. Sigurd and Diedre or Cuan and Ethlin.

Well there's Levin/Fury, and Lachesis/Finwolf which become canon in thracia

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