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Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

ChaosArgate posted:

If Awakening is any consideration, characters can tone down how much power they use. :v:

Who knows, maybe it's like FE5 where you can capture a KO'd unit?

As an aside, I really wish a new FE game would bring back capturing. It's just offensive rescuing, really. It might run thieves out of their stealing niche a little bit, I guess.


Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

Nihilarian posted:

A legit defend the castle walls map could be interesting, but you'd probably have to rework ballista stats. Have a wall lined with reworked ballista, magic circles (basically magic ballista), rocks to drop on the enemies, have them come at you with ladders (your melee units have to chop them up to stop enemies from coming up) and try to ram the gates. You'd probably have to get creative with the scripting though.

There's a Radiant Dawn chapter sort of like that. 3-13. Doesn't have all the things on your list, but it has ballistae and ledges to defend, and the objective is to prevent the enemy from entering a certain area.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)
Sort of late to the party, but re: all the CON chat, if you don't like it, wouldn't tying it to weapon ranks be a better idea? Weapon ranks increase steadily over the course of the game, represent a character's mastery of their weapon of choice, and would make a logical choice. Get rid of rank requirements to use weapons, allow anyone to use any weapon of their class, but each weapon has a "target" rank instead, and using the weapon while below the recommended rank gives you a hit to your AS because you're clumsy and not experienced enough to utilise it properly. So if you have a D in Thunder magic, and attempt to use the B-rank Thoron, you take a hit of 6 AS or so for using something above your pay grade. Maybe even if you use something below your current rank, you could give it an accuracy or crit bonus. Might have to slow weapon EXP gain to compensate for this, or cap weapon levels at various character levels or something.

Something like that, anyway.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

Dr Pepper posted:

Those two bandits are basically a running gag throughout the series.

You see the joke is that they're strongly implied to be gay lovers.


I always sort of took the main joke of them to be like the Ugly Sisters in Cinderella. Ugly, obsessed with themselves and thinking they're beautiful, and completely divorced from reality.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

weso12 posted:

Actually now that I think about it I wouldn't be surprised if not only they did know about, but expected players to use it, after all what other reason is there for Stone giving weapon EXP, and giving 5 weapon exp for that matter.

I'd be more inclined to say that Stone was Dark Magic at some previous point in development. There's been an instance of a dark magic petrification spell before, in FE5, so it's not unheard of. Gorgons could have been supposed to be magic users at some previous point, like skeletons can use normal weapons.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

FoolyCharged posted:

I'm trying to decide whats more fun sounding, that rescue staffs only work on blue units or a world in which rescue staffs can move any unit regardless of army. Those could be interesting to play with if someone could ever figure out a good rescue staff ai.

I just want Rewarp staffs brought back. Or give Warp staffs Rewarp functionality too.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)
Awakening is a decent game. But it's a bad Fire Emblem game.

Fire Emblem games have always been about managing limited resources. Limited cash, limited experience, limited amounts of level ups to gain stats with. FE8 and Awakening fail at being Fire Emblem games because you can piss about endlessly, max all your characters, and steamroll the game. I know people have tried to paint that as a good thing by saying it can allow you to customise your difficulty level, but I don't think that's worth its price. Fire Emblem games have, to me, always been about carefully managing who to use and who not to use, when to break out the powerful weapons and when to make do with less, and planning strategies in a way that plays to characters' strengths. None of that matters when you can steamroll the early game with Frederick (who you'd normally be discouraged from using because he's taking exp from other units), because oh, you can just level everyone else up in the Outworld. You can fling his Silver Lance around with reckless abandon because oh, you can just grind money in Outworld and buy seven more by calling in Bonus Teams to buy from. Second Seals mean there are no characters with bad classes or growth rates, or any bad characters end of, other than from a writing standpoint. And I mean yes, you can impose restrictions on yourself, no Outworld, no Bonus Box, no Second Seals etc, but when has having to use self-imposed challenges to make a game fun ever been a hallmark of good game design? Even the Arenas in previous games had an element of danger to them, cheap though they were, the real chance of dying was always present. Outworld EXP grinding is completely challenge-less. Might as well beat up pinatas.

Awakening is Fire Emblem, minus everything that made it Fire Emblem. That doesn't make it entirely un-fun, I like making up ridiculous skill combinations, but FE10 had that and it was still a "proper" Fire Emblem game. Stick a bunch of optional chapters in FE10, lock some skills to classes and get rid of the costs on Shove and Canto, and we're golden. FE10 was great. It's second after FE4 as far as I'm concerned.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

Dr Pepper posted:

Why on earth did you include this in your list of criticisms. There not being bad characters is a good thing.

'Cos it's not Fire Emblem if there are no Jeigans or Ests, nor a spectrum for the other characters to be on between them. In Awakening your growths don't matter, your bases barely do (certainly not after the first five chapters), so why even have those things? If there are no good or bad characters, what does it matter who you use? And if it doesn't matter who you use, why even have all these characters? Fire Emblem game discussions have always been punctuated by war stories about which normally bad unit turned out great this time, or who destroyed their average stats against all odds, and whatnot. You don't have that when everyone can max everything via grinding. Nobody says "Oh, I got a really great Virion last playthrough" because everyone can have a fantastic Virion if they want to. Similarly, nobody goes "oh my Chrom didn't gain a point of Def in 25 levels" because there are infinite levels so that doesn't matter.

Its just bland.

Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

Dr Pepper posted:

This game would be greatly improved if Karla* was usable on her own merits outside of a gimmick run.
*Replace Karla with [BAD FE7 CHARACTER] if desired

Saying that each character being good and usable makes them samey is dumb.

I have this same argument over Final Fantasy games.

I like a character's stats and abilities to reflect their characterisation. Dorcas is passed over a lot because of his piddling Speed growth. But, I mean look at him. Would it really fit him if he was fast enough to be competitive? I mean, let's be honest. The game's not exactly hard as it is, you could probably beat it with all the Z listers if you wanted. You couldn't max rank it like Melth with Z listers, but the crap units are more than enough to see you through the game. I like characters to be recognisably and relevantly different, and yes, that means good and bad.

The same comes in Final Fantasy. I love 9 because the characters' abilities reflect their characterisation. The black mage uses black magic, the thief steals. I hate 12 because everyone can do everything. The noble princess can steal as well as the lifelong thief, the urchin girl can use firearms just as well as the trained sky pirate. It doesn't matter a jot who you use, since all that actually changes is the face next to the HP/MP meters. I feel the same about Awakening. It doesn't matter at all who I use, because nobody has any strengths or weaknesses.


Jan 6, 2013

vriska (vriska)

Cake Attack posted:

that isn't mutually exclusive. characters can be mechanically distinct without some of them being bad.

To use the FF9 example you posted, none of the character are bad in FF9 in the same way someone like Karla is bad.

I dunno. I'd argue maybe Amarant is worse than the rest of the cast, lacking a guaranteed-9999 ability like Quina/Zidane/Freya/Steiner, or huge multi-nukes like Garnet, Eiko and Vivi.

I'm not saying Karla couldn't use being bumped a couple notches, or given a niche as an unusually-defensive Swordmaster or something, but she doesn't need to be Guy mk2.

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