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Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones


Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones


(Im just here for the violence and booze)

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones


DST is loving retarded

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

Master Bateman posted:

DOD is loving retarded

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

Mike-o posted:

i refuse to be called a loving millenial. that's my nephew's generation. i grew up in the 80's god drat it :bahgawd:


Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

Genocide Tendency posted:

Just go by Presidents.

Obama - kid
Juynar - dear god they are teenagers now.
Clinton - Some of them can legally drink.
Bush Sr - Currently enlisted.
:clint: - old.
Carter - REAL OLD. :smith:
Pre Carter - 50 Foot Ant.

I remember from Ford on. Hated Carter because he interrupted one of the shows I liked.

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

Vasudus posted:

the dead man profile and the navy performance evaluation were the best and need to be in the op forever

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones


ya but the earth is terrible and should have stayed buried

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
^ Holy gently caress are you me?

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

HClChicken posted:

Idk man, are you worried your wife is going to spring an attorney on you one week and loving your brains out the next. Do you have 2 tests, 2 papers due this week, and do you have a three year old who likes to tell you that she wants to play kitties and that anything I say is a great idea.

Yes to the first, no to the second, and third. Trying to get financial aid lined up for my daughter who starts college this fall.

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
Civ Life Status: Probably getting a divorce


Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
High velocity .22 is nigh impossible to find out by me, and 9 mm is now finally starting to comedown in price.

loving pos P22 and gently caress the ammo hoarders.

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