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  • Locked thread
Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.
self-control is for the weak.


Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.
gently caress you guys I am going to eat pizza buffet for lunch.
$4.99 which includes a soda.

Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.

Booblord Zagats posted:

I like to imagine that as being some kind of reverse Master Blaster arrangement

Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.
jacket weather is the best weather.

To cool for shorts, but good for jeans and a T-shirt. Not cold enough for a coat or hat.

Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.

holocaust bloopers posted:

Civ life status: Civ life owns.

Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.

Vasudus posted:

If you're that dead set on fighting IU just pay for community college out of your pell grants. Then when your IU gets lifted you can use your bennies on a 4 year.

Kinda odd that they rescinded your GI Bill. Just what in the gently caress did you say to them?

Well, he's not locked up, so it wasn't his post history.


Apr 30, 2013

Select the items of interest in the scene.

Returned with Honor.

MurderBot posted:

I don't plan to ever have kids.

My BDU'S/ACU's/Class A uniform will ultimately end up on a homeless person.

I didn't know you were foreclosing.

Cute Reservist Students are the worst. All the fun with none of the commitment.

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