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the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Nihonniboku posted:

So, I'm watching the episode again for a second time after work, and wow. Jasmine is definitely strong competition for the most unpolished queen to ever be on the show. It's great that she has such a positive attitude, because wow, everything else about her is just a mess.

Dita Ritz 2.0


the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

it'd be rad if she is; it's weird how bisexuality is completely downplayed everywhere lately.
or maybe it's just a Portland thing...

Katya is the best in every way no matter what, though. I'm kind of seeing her, Violet, and Trixie as the strongest so far.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

I wish they'd do an Alaska or Bianca or really any former queen commentary for each episode.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

angerbeet posted:

They did for the first episode, was it just a one-off?

so far as I know, yeah. if someone hears otherwise, post it here! not seeing anything on the WOWpresents youtube channel or on logo online.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Max would be so much cooler if she didn't have such an awful fake accent. I think it was the last untucked where someone pointedly asked "so, where in Wisconsin are you from?" and someone compared her to Madonna.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

anyone else bugged by Ginger's wig choices? she seems to do the same thing Alexis did where everything is a hairpiece simply attached to hair she already has. not sure why, but that just really grates on me.
well, that and her shady "compliments" to the other girls and bluntly (in a non-funny way) saying that she wants the girls to head home. it's just weird.

Pearl is slooooowly coming out of her shell and it's about drat time. Max is rad as heck when it comes to dealing with these girls and making them feel better or liven up a bit.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Legislacerator posted:

Kennedy, honey. You straight up metamorphosed into a fuckin' bedazzled chicken wing, girl. I don't wanna hear poo poo about anybody else's look from you.

ahem she was crystalized into a glamazon

would've much rather had her go than Kandy. Kandy's clueless and kind of adorable. Kennedy was just being a giant jerk and had the same issue as Coco- ALWAYS WEARING BLUE CONTACTS IN CONFESSIONALS. NO THANK YOU. that poo poo is too creepy for words.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

this is a gift

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Fresh Like Zafo posted:

I need a gif of that lip curl Pearl does right at the end of the episode when RuPaul mentions bringing back a queen. I laughed so hard at that.

Also, watch Alyssa Edwards get her life watching Violet portray her:

"I know she didn't cinch her waist for that gig, honey" Alyssa is too great.

untucked this week was rad, it was SO NICE to see more of Violet just chatting and being personable! her and Pearl are adorable together.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

gays fashion posted:

I'm honestly kinda glad Max went. Her affected character was irritating and not over-the-top enough to cross over to endearing (see Laganja).

also her "I need to loosen this corset" ummmm we all saw Violet last week. not impressed.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

there's currently an absurd rumour going around that Katya is going home tonight and, should that be the case, I fuckin' quit.

Fame would make a pretty great Miss Congeniality; she's a total sweetie to other queens now that she's kinda gotten her sea legs in this competition. I think the younger queens were just freaked out by how bizarre filming is.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

gandlethorpe posted:

Yeah, that episode was probably the best this season, and a refreshing take on a staple challenge. On top of the correct queen being brought back, we finally get a decent amount of workroom footage and plenty of queen backstories.

I think it was pretty funny how Kandy's workroom storytime got overshadowed by Tempest's and Trixie's.

she didn't even get a confessional quote from untucked! just a sort of "wtf?" face at a comment Fame made. poor Kandy Who? :(

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

caligulamprey posted:

Holy poo poo, I'm gonna need this shir-THIRTYFIVEDOLLARS?!

I just want this as a giant back patch for my vest because :allears:

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

that was a poor lip sync from Kennedy and goddamnit, doing the splits twice shouldn't count as an automatic win button if you'll just flail around the rest of the time also stay on the staaaage ugh legit disgusted at this poo poo.

Violet or Pearl are who I'm hoping for; and I'm astonished that Ginger didn't get read more for her hideous dress. why Ginger and Kennedy are getting away with mediocre work is completely beyond me, though I did appreciate Ginger going non-feline for the BFF bit of the challenge.

sour grapes. I've got plenty.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

this season was hosed the moment Ru pronounced .gif like it was goddamn PEENA-PEENA-PEANUT BUTTAH

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Ginger's become a total rear end in a top hat and it's a bummer they couldn't eliminate her AND Kennedy before bringing back Katya to round out the top 3.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

still impossibly crabby about what a waste last night's episode was. I simply can't condone myself right now.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Yodzilla posted:

Kennedy deserved to go home just for that.

she said it like, 12 times! I'm astonished nobody bothered to comment on that but it was so oddly infuriating.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

maybe Willam was just exhausted by the end of signing a million of these things?
or is it a reference I'm totally missing... either way, I've got a drag shroud of turin so I'm hyped.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Toast Museum posted:

Season 8 prediction:

She's contoured with wood stain, which feels appropriate.

this is great!

and yes, that was Milk!

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

"...did I just somehow attempt to justify a rape joke? I think I did. BEATDOWN'S BACK!"

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

15/20 for me as well and I've worked for Cher. I'd never realized how uncanny Chad's illusion was until I saw them side by side :stare:

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

love how they just went in on some of those looks. was kind of expecting some soft hilarity but yaaaaass! Trixie is so quick on her feet and I've gotta see her live as soon as possible :allears:

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

starting a rewatch of season 2; in the first workroom scene it's shown that Mystique wasn't given a dress form large enough for her :( that seems super shady of the producers!

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

they've had two filmed seasons in the bag for months and are holding them for far too long :mad: why not just air 'em already?!

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

finally had a chance to watch all the MTQ videos and daaaaamnit. Bob is :perfect: and I'm worried that I'll be just as bummed as I was when Katya didn't go all the way.

gandlethorpe posted:

Ugh, this is gonna be a long month.

...sigh. yep.


the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

her constant "well, I thought you were poo poo but today you were kiiiiinda cool" is obnoxious AF, especially as she only had one hairstyle throughout the competition...

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