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Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer
I predict Shangela will win it. Never count that bitch out.


Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Nihonniboku posted:

I'm fine with the change on the judge's panel, but I never really got the hate for him.

Yeah mostly I just didn't give a poo poo about Santino.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer
I wasn't feeling Trixie's dollface schtick too much at first, but it's really grown on me. I think mostly because I've seen that she can simultaneously stick with it and be versatile, so it's not a one-trick thing so much as a weird lens that she does other stuff through. If that makes sense. I'm also all about Ginger and Katya at this point.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Yodzilla posted:

Do some of these girls just expect to show up, throw on a dress, and smile and they think that's good enough?

They do, and it astonishes me. I can see that for the first season or two, maybe, but how can anyone who's seen a single season of Drag Race still entertain the notion that looking good is going to be enough to win? Every season starts with three or four queens who seem to think they look so good that they don't have to actually do anything well, and they just drop like flies.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer
Yep, that was some bulllllllshit. Neither of them should have been in the bottom two, and then the elimination was even further off base. Dammit.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Fresh Like Zafo posted:

That elimination was some bullshit. Neither one should have been in the bottom.

Totally agree.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Eight Dollars posted:

At the Atlanta watching party Violet called her "Kandy Who?" and said "I forgot she was even on the show for a minute."

So I guess we can assume that Kandy doesn't win it all this year. :laugh:

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer
Finally got our power back after the big cyclone so I just saw the episode last night. Yay Trixie's back!

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Xibanya posted:

I know she's not too popular here but I love Ginger Minj right down to her bitter catty attitude. I want Katya to win (because she's the fuckin' best) but I want Ginger in the top three. Nobody else is screaming top three material to me yet, but I'll be keeping an eye out.

I like Ginger a lot as a performer, and she's fun in conversations in the workroom too. My only complaint about Ginger is that she clearly has a sense of entitlement, like she's supposed to win every challenge and if she doesn't there was something unfair about the process. She reminds me of a pouty kid whose parents have given her everything she wants. It ain't cute, but then when she performs she really does turn it out and all is forgiven.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
Finally saw the episode.

gently caress.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Nihonniboku posted:

What a lackluster season.

Yeah. It's still been entertaining, but last season set the bar incredibly high and this is one of the least interesting of the recent seasons, so the contrast is all the more stark.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer
Glad to be rid of Kennedy, but god drat Katya ought to be there. Honestly the best of the three remaining queens is worse than the worst of the top three last season. I'm still enjoying the show but god drat what a dip in quality.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

vaginadeathgrip posted:

Also I made her this horrible thing and she has to come back to LA so I can give it to her

Oh my goodness.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Yeah just take the current top twelve and run with it afaic.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Nihonniboku posted:

I'd knock Milk and Ivy Winters out of there, and give the duo of Raven and Jujubee a third shot. They're just too awesome together.

Oh wait, yeah. Even better.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

spite house posted:

Bob should just win.

Agreed. Give Bob the crown, let's move on to All Stars.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Pan Dulce posted:

This is so loving epic. Bob, please don't be one of tose drag queens that's awesome, but leaves episode 1 or 2.

Yeah that's pretty amazing.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

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Grimey Drawer

Darkoni posted:

I'm really excited for Naomi Smalls. We're from the same town so I kinda have to root for her.

Yeah I thought that about Courtney but then there was Bianca and Adore.


Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Watrick posted:

I liked Ginger until I watched Untucked. After that I couldn't stand her. A buddy of mine loves her, but hasn't watched Untucked. I wonder if his perception would change if he watched it.

I was pretty much the same. Started off really liking Ginger but her personality kinda wrecked it for me. My wife, to her credit, thought Ginger was a shady bitch from day 1. No idea how she knew, but there you go.

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