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Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Welp, I'm convinced Ru has early onset Alzheimer's now. She gave Kennedy the win, she didn't put Kandy Ho in the bottom, and Trixie got kicked out. SERIOUSLY?! Between that and the anger bomb apparently unleashed for a good long while to the drag queens off camera, I'm kind of wary of her judgment. Really, REALLY annoyed. Still, going to see Trixie perform this Wednesday. Hope she hints at something.

Edit: First time seeing Untucked in this format, but seeing it, drat, Ginger Minj is a bitter bitch. You win because you're more talented, whether you help or not, like Bianca or Raja. If you weren't enough to both mentor AND stand off, shut up and do better next time.

That being said, her Cowardly Lion is spot on. I about bust a gut laughing.

Pan Dulce fucked around with this message at 19:15 on Mar 24, 2015


Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Why. Why is the giant, ugly, reject from the ghetto crack den of Sesame Street Big Blue Bird, Kandy Ho, still here? She's so... unpolished. She's like a season 2 queen. Every other Puerto Rican queen has been leagues ahead of her; this season she's just outclassed. WRONG CALL AGAIN RU.

My front-runners are Katya and Max. Still kind of keeping my fingers crossed Trixie will come back, but bah. I also like Violet, Miss Fame, and Pearl.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Right now, Adult Swim is airing Fish Center for April Fools and Trixie Matell is being interviewed. It's hilarious.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Okay, so in the podcast, RuPaul denounces the whole "bitch on the show/off the show" bullshit. It's been complained about by other queens in practically every season. There is no such thing. They tape, they edit, if you're generally a bitch, they only have so much they can do. They work with what they have to make you as interesting and vote-able to the viewers later on. Ginger and Kennedy are just bitter assholes.

As for the lipsync, I was SO happy to finally see what I consider the bottom of the barrel queens finally be in the bottom two, but it burned me up to see the one who actually seemed better at the song leave. Jaiddyn looked like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man terrorizing a city in barbed wire and lame moves. Kandy actually danced to the beat. As for the three strikes rule, that can't apply after Coco "Doritos" Montrese broke that.

I'm so happy Violet was safe. Because if she had to lipsync, in that corset, I think she would have ACTUALLY died.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

I'm such a bitter betty this season, all my calls for who should have been called to the bottom and who should have sashay-ed away RuPaul has shot down, so I'm just saying she's setting it up for a funny, plus-size queen to win, even if I find her really acerbic and unpolished compared to others before her (Ex: Delta). It's just how the story is being played out, in my opinion, kind of like how you saw it coming with Sharon, Bianca, and Raja.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Flyinglemur posted:

I also saw on Bianca's FB page that she will be the one giving the SheHeHeyTheymmmmwwwwaaa" mail challenge this week for snatch game. Makes sense.

Can someone please explain to me the joke behind the mail title? I know the debacle behind changing "She got SheMail," from the last seasons, but with this one, I don't even know what Ru's saying, much less what it means. Enlighten me?

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Flyinglemur posted:

On yet off topic, the other night at work two women I work with were getting into a play tiff and I yelled "Oh No She Bettah Don't!" and no one got it because I work in a pseudo-factory environment but man, in my head I was in hysterics.

Huh. That happens in other environments too. In my past life as a medical student, sometimes I let, "That gives me life," or, "That is sickenin'," and got baffling looks. Very scandalized, textbook answers to these remarks. "What's sick? Is that bad?" "That gives you life? Are you okay?" Totally not sarcastic at all. These people were as lively as saltine crackers.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Max would have done a Julie Andrews, Doris Day, Ginger Rogers, or Grace Kelly and just gone ALL OUT on how scandalized and confused some questions made her. Blush, make references to old actors, old songs, interact with the others more and POOF, no need to lipsync. Hell, Max could have been a chaste Disney princess or a Tim Burton creation and done the same pure schtick, saved the hassle too.

Stick to what you know, make it work. I'm just annoyed another bottom of the barrel queen is STILL in the coop. Jaidyyn is hilarious, but her costumes are so cheap and she has excuses for everything; can't sew, can't act, can't sing, and can't memorize choreography. It's annoying. At least Kennedy pulls it out when needed.

Max, Kennedy, and Jaiddyn were going to leave eventually. Just a matter of when.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Just saw it. UGH, the red dwarf stayed. Damnit. I enjoy the show and the queens, but I'm not enjoying RuPaul and her poo poo calls anymore.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Saying it again, worst season ever. Ru making wrong calls. Totally a set up for Ginger to win. I don't even try anymore. I look at the screen, see the drag queen I think deserves to stay, say, "Nope, Ru's sending her home," and time and TIME again, I'm right this season.

I don't think there's a limited pool of queens; maybe I'm spoiled for choice, but hell, I'm in Texas and wander around the big cities and I've seen a ton of queens audition and be charming, funny, and glamorous, and NOT make it every year. That's just one state and a pretty conservative one. It's no excuse for the crapbag we got this season.

Someone said it earlier in this thread and it bears repeating: RuPaul doesn't particularly care about the show anymore and is calling it in. Now I'm just pulling for a Violet or Pearl win to salvage something of this shitfest. :smith:

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Awww, Chad Michaels came out on the season finale of Jane the Virgin. He was portraying his drag Cher, officiating a Vegas wedding.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Ding dong, the bitch is DEAD. Kennedy is finally gone and although I know it's not going to the queen who really deserved the crown (we all know that's Katya), you all know it's going to Pearl if fan's have ultimate decision. It seems the Flasaydah Queen is a fan favorite. I think Violet deserves it, as the more serious, well-rounded, more evolved throughout the competition, and overall loving fabulous queen should take it, but this season has been overly hosed, so I'm assuming the red troll under the bridge is going to take it because Ru's been chewing at the bit for a big girl to win and she always warns that the last decision is always her's to make, fan opinion or no.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

It's sad I was more entertained by this episode than by most in this season. That and I tuned out when they all lauded that Kennedy Hello Kitty lipsync. No. Just no. No ma'am Pam. "Who the gently caress is Pam?" Adore, never loving change, I love you.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Nihonniboku posted:

This one didn't even last seven apparently, haha.

Hopefully Ru will be inspired by being a judge on the UK version of Drag Race that is filming this year (my info is correct, right?).

Yup. 10pm Monday June 1st it airs.

I don't know it this means they see RPDR or RPDR UK Ambassador.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

FINALLY, I got to see the finale. And yay! I was all for Violet after Katya left and she won. This whole "Violet winning is going to make her an even MORE terrible person," makes me laugh because, seriously, did you not take a gander at the glamor toad all throughout Untucked? All her rude comments about younger queens and she's only 29? About how only pageant queens are worth it? And excusing shade because she's from the south and everyone's like that (which is a stupid excuse and that late in the game is bullshit)? Having GINGER win would have created a monster.

Pearl would have been okay.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Combed Thunderclap posted:

Hey I'm putting this here because Katya appreciation station

I started cackling somewhere around "Porkchop" and didn't stop for the next five minutes.

Only if Violet as a Horse could shout out her stupid, "COME THROUGH," catchphrase, urging BDLC to get the gently caress out of the breast-shaped cocoon fast.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

E: Ru and Michelle also have a podcast called What's The Tee, which is kinda hit or miss. Michelle is very into a lot of woooo crystal poo poo I think, which can bring it down, but they have great guests like Latrice and TS Madison.

Ugh, Michelle's opinions on juicing and mental health bugs the poo poo out of me. Mostly because Ru, as usual, has a very neutral response, but Michelle is very... stupid. And dangerous stupid too. Like, "You can totally survive on celery and green peppers in lemon juice in the morning. It just HAS to be organic. Otherwise, your body's (insert made up hormone) won't digest it in your esophagus at the right moment in the morning." That's unhealthy. That's just one of many of her schticky things I just fast forward through.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

So a friend of mine stopped RPDR at Sharon's crowning. He's never seen any of the other seasons. Should he start from the top with Jinxks, or just head to the amazing Bianca's? Maybe go to the most recent Violet?

He's binge-watching Downton Abbey, so I'm highly tempted to push him towards season 6.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Bina posted:

I was thinking Laganja was insufferable enough.

Laganja quite possibly overshadows my hatred of Phi Phi. Then I watch Phi Phi's season and I don't know who's worse again.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Tendai posted:

Goddamn, I wish it were possible for Willam to be on All Stars 2 :allears:

He was on DragU because someone's contract couldn't go through completely. He wouldn't say whose, but I'm thinking Phi Phi after the whole "sunglasses in Texas stolen and given a warrant" was still up in the air. So it could happen again; we can all hope. But I have no clue. I didn't watch DragU. Is it any good?

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Double posted, but to make this actually useful, RuPaul production vets the audition tapes now for good Snatch Game, right? So why do people still suck? For that matter, why do they let them stuff trunks with poo poo they won't be able to wear? Like Sharon Needles' Confederate Flag dress or Trixie's Anne Frank Snatch Game outfit.

Pan Dulce fucked around with this message at 21:50 on Oct 11, 2015

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Illuen posted:

I think I may be in love with Bob. It takes a lot to hold your own against Bianca Del Rio.

Holy poo poo, she really does! I loved her interview, so NOW she's my front-runner. I just hope they don't pull a "we can't have TWO funny queens win the show" bullshit.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Gross. I was starting to like her again, but eww.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

This is so loving epic. Bob, please don't be one of tose drag queens that's awesome, but leaves episode 1 or 2.


Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

RuPaul came out in the Muppet Show this week. It was awesome. Y'all should take a peek.

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