Easily the most mind-blowing television show I've ever seen. I nearly made a thread about it yesterday but I was too lazy. Also, small correction with Bob and his wife. I believe SHE had filed for divorce and HE had declined the settlement.
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 23:49 |
Josh Lyman posted:There's going to be some fallout from how, in episode 6, they made it seem like Bob's violation of Doug's restraining order in summer 2013 is what compelled him to do the second interview when, in fact, the second interview took place in spring 2012. The narrative reason for this is clear: they wanted the second interview, including his bathroom confession, to be the final scene of the series. This is a pretty good interview, but yeah the interviewer confronts them directly on the timeline and they play dumb on it. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/16/the-jinx-ending-robert-durst-andrew-jarecki/
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TheRationalRedditor posted:As delightful as that would be it's exceedingly unlikely because the wheels of justice (the arraignment hearings and court schedulings alone, before a jury trial proper) move at a universally glacial pace and these short 6 chapters are a culmination of over 4 years of evidence + interview collection. 'All Good Things' was completed in 2010 and Andrew Jarecki has said the first interview happened around then. It's a long, slow burn. It takes a lot of time and effort to put together such an excellent compact mini-series, especially with such a small crew. That would be really cool though. Also Durst could still like, die at any moment. Likely from belching-based asphyxiation! According to the interview I just posted, they've continued filming since the final interview and will continue to film. They said a bunch of people have come forward since the show premiered with stuff they've seen or heard or whatever. I doubt we get a whole season, but we will almost assuredly get a follow up episode or two.
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The Bunk posted:I'm going to have to go back and rewatch the last scene for multiple reasons, but the main one is I assumed he was vomiting instead of making GBS threads. I assumed the same. It seemed to me that being confronted with the evidence caused him to become ill, hence the burping. Did anyone else find Bob Durst oddly charming? Like it's obvious that deep down he's a very sick man, but I found him very warm and likeable through most of it even though I knew he was lying.
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Before the final 2 episodes I was convinced in my mind that he didn't kill Susan Berman. At that point they hadn't revealed that he was in California at the time of the murder. But the bigger thing for me was that she totally could've pissed off mob types and they killed her. It didn't seem in the least bit outlandish to me. But then those episodes aired and HOLY gently caress.
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The funniest part about Bob's lawyers trying to argue that he did write the cadaver note but he didn't kill Susan Berman (if that is indeed what they'll do), is that Bob himself says in episode 3 that only the killer could have written the note. Whoops.
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tk posted:There was some pretty bad facial hair going on in this. Berman's son, yikes. I didn't have a problem with that. The show was just as much about this weird relationship that developed between Jarecki and Durst as it was about anything. I think that once they became part of the investigation with the letter, they were just as much a part of the story.
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Yeah like the loving Gawker article that said "Robert Durst blinks every time he tells a lie" which isn't exactly wrong, but entirely misleading. Bob Durst blinks every time he says anything. Watching it through the second time, he says plenty of poo poo that is indisputable fact and blinks after it.
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I just can't imagine that a guy who openly admitted to dismembering a body and dumping it in the bay and still was found not-guilty of murder is going to get convicted of Susan Berman's murder. Absent some of of literal smoking gun, I can't imagine the LAPD has much else. Maybe if they try to get him for some lesser crime and then hope he gets the maximum sentence......but no way he gets convicted of murder.
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Let's talk about how hosed up it is that his mother was up on a roof getting ready to jump and his father gets him up out of bed to watch his mother die.
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C2C - 2.0 posted:Unless things have changed, I just posted what the LA Times reported last night. Granted, I don't know what the bar is to meet "lying in wait". Maybe Sareb is going to testify that Bob Durst was at Susan Berman's house when he left her and he had never told police because he thought Bob was innocent.
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I love the attention to detail in this series. I was convinced of this when I noticed the Annie and Amadeus posters at the train station, both very appropriate to the time of Kathie's
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xcore posted:It's been confirmed that it was 1. by Bob's brother. I don't know. Why should we take his word for it? The best answer is "because he's not the liar and the sociopath, Bob is" but Doug Durst has absolutely every reason in the world to say "Bob is full of poo poo, it didn't happen like that." 1) Because it makes Bob look worse 2) It protects the reputation of his dead father But lets not forget that Doug would have been like 4 or 5 years old when his mother died, with probably absolutely no memory of it. So unless he actually remembers what happened and that it didn't happen the way that Bob described it, I doubt we could take his word for it. Because I'm sure Doug was TOLD "it didn't happen that way" and so he believes it. I realize I'm playing devil's advocate and am being a bit ![]()
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Just wanna say that the moment that endeared me to Robert Durst the most was when they were playing that old tape of testimony and it went something like this:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Ummmm, Douglas Durst is Jon Lovitz. Sorry you guys didn't realize it sooner.
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Watched All Good Things last night. Terrible movie but may be worth watching if you loved The Jinx. It's at the very most a decent companion piece to The Jinx. The shameless name changes are some of the best things in the movie. Kathleen "Kathy" McCormick > Katherine "Katie" McCarthy Jeanine Pirro > Janet Rizzo Susan Berman > Deborah Lehrman And the oddest one: Morris Black > Malvern Bump
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He was just going to return some video tapes.
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Dear Sergio posted:Yeah it was pretty disgusting when ol Dougie got that award and the presenter praised his family values. The presenter specifically said that the family is known throughout New York AND NATIONWIDE as family values. Funny that the bolded part is what pissed me off the most. As if more than a handful people outside New York City ever heard of the Durst family NOT in the context of your serial killer brother.
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King Vidiot posted:Has anybody seen Jarecki's All Good Things? I'm curious about it since it was made before Jarecki had his "smoking gun", and I was wanting to see how he portrayed the facts and conjecture about the murders. Also Ryan Gosling. It's a bad bad bad movie. But still an interesting companion piece to The Jinx. There's a pretty wild theory that Jarecki threw in there that will probably throw you for a loop. It will fill in a few gaps for you though, but it is a very bad movie.
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 23:49 |
Basically, the movie says Morris Black killed Susan Berman and Bob Durst killed Morris Black to cover up that crime
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