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King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!

the great deceiver posted:

Just binged through all six episodes; Bob didn't strike me as charming at all. Maybe in a superficial sociopath way but I really did not have a whole lot of sympathy for him.

I don't think anybody has any sympathy for him, and maybe the only person in the world who did (the Mafia daughter) he killed. The guy's a creepy slimeball, but I couldn't help but laugh at some parts of the interview. Just the way he was casually talking about cutting up Morris as if he were telling some fishing story made me laugh out of discomfort and disbelief. And he seemed to lack all self-awareness, like he had no idea how hosed-up he was coming across.


King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!
If literally all you cared about in a spouse was having a ton of money, and if you were able to keep all of your opinions to yourself to avoid setting off your murderous spouse's broken lizard brain, then I guess Bob Durst would make a good husband.

King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!

Stare-Out posted:

Durst did refer to himself as a "jinx" in the first interview I think.

Yeah, it's funny that he thinks of himself as this thing that just "happened" to Kathie, like some force of nature that came into her life and made it worse. It's like the closest he really comes to remorse.

King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!
Oh my god, watching that second interview now.... getting chills :ohdear:

King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!
Has anybody seen Jarecki's All Good Things? I'm curious about it since it was made before Jarecki had his "smoking gun", and I was wanting to see how he portrayed the facts and conjecture about the murders. Also Ryan Gosling.

King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!

Mahoning posted:

Basically, the movie says Morris Black killed Susan Berman and Bob Durst killed Morris Black to cover up that crime

Alright that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard :psyduck:

King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!

AwkwardKnob posted:

Just finished this after 3 nights of binging hard, and gently caress. I knew something was up from watching Real Time with Bill Maher a week or two ago and him being like "these guys actually caught him with their show, go HBO!" but man.... that final hot mic scene was really disturbing. It was like listening to the demon riding around on his soul bubble up from within and growling about what an idiot he'd been. That was loving dark.

He was literally having a conversation back and forth with himself and responding to himself, the guy is nuts. And that burping thing when Jarecki first brings out that irrefutable evidence. Durst is trying to make excuses and he's choking up and burping into the mic... that was probably the most uncomfortable 20-ish minutes I've ever seen.


King Vidiot
Feb 17, 2007

You think you can take me at Satan's Hollow? Go 'head on!
"What would even be the point of going somewhere for just two days? Murdering someone? Pfffft..."

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