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Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax

Deadpool posted:

What's even weirder is that he described it like it was his dad coming in there and going "Hey son, wake up and come look at your mom being crazy on the roof? Cool huh? Alright go on back to bed now" and that's just odd as hell.

Robert Durst pushed his mother off the roof.


Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax

doomisland posted:

What happened to his head?

It's called a goatee.

Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax
Did Durst not rise when the judge entered?

Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax

ruddiger posted:

The reveal of the letter is so powerful it almost makes you miss the loving dorky archer's bow and ninja sais mounted on Sareb's wall.

Oh thank god I'm not the only one who thought that.

Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax

eshock posted:

This isnt mentionned in the series at all, but Durst was suspected in at least two other cases of disappeared young women. The second was a strong enough case that Durst himself thought he was going to be indicted. Strangely all 3 women, if you count his first wife and her maiden name, had the initials KM.

Also, I have no evidence for this at all, but did anyone else think it was strange that according to Doug Durst, Seymour Durst died the morning after Robert went to the hospital to reconcile with him?

Oh god. Bob killed both his parents!

Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax

Mahoning posted:

It's a bad bad bad movie. But still an interesting companion piece to The Jinx. There's a pretty wild theory that Jarecki threw in there that will probably throw you for a loop. It will fill in a few gaps for you though, but it is a very bad movie.

Since it's such a bad movie, would you care to spoil it since I don't really want to watch it?


Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax
Did he make the beer blowjob commercial?

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